yes I take that on the chin. I deliberately think, there is more that unites us, than divides us. I truly do consider all the left revolutionaries, and EVEN the reformists my comrades.
Having said that, I am aware of fundamental differences. Differences that mean we will never see things in exactly the same way.
Someone above said, we essentially see the things the same way, just different emphasis. I actually believe that if people could be a little bit more open minded , it would not be happy chappy all work together, but we could learn to accept different approaches at coming at the same problem as good thing, not a bad thing.
But, that is a laudable aim. Perhaps we can't even achieve that. But what's the point in not having honest conversations? what is this place, just talking shop. It's not important, it's just chit chat, so why not be honest?
there is nothing wrong with discussing what divides us, but why is it wrong to discuss the 99% that unites?
I love FW's post. It captures so much 'truth'. And if you could just see it from my point of view , it might be interesting. no more no less.
Ground hog day I know.