Bring back hanging
Higher consciousness. Suck it up.why are you always telling people what to do?
Higher consciousness. Suck it up.why are you always telling people what to do?
The expansion of capitalist relations across the whole territory of society leads to the factory being extended across society - that in conditions of the world market surplus value production takes place in circulation or reproduction - across the whole circuit of capital. It's a perspective that is based on the centrality and necessity of class struggle not its rejection - if anything it is more central than in these 30s/70s derived dreams. And it's what has left workerist clowns floundering, pretending this the idea means that there is no working class, or that everyone is working class or related nonsenses.
First off, to the recognition that class struggle doesn't taker place by accredited people saying we're going to do some class struggle - that there are unrecognised forms of self-organisation (at work, at home, in the community) by groups of people classically seen as powerless or secondary in the class struggle that can have as large an impact on the total circulation of capital in current conditions and so concentrating on this work is not to abandon the class struggle but to expand it.OK, so where does this lead us in terms of the way or ways in which we carry out class struggle?
I'm trying to find a good, short, text about this, but am struggling...
First off, to the recognition that class struggle doesn't taker place by accredited people saying we're going to do some class struggle - that there are unrecognised forms of self-organisation (at work, at home, in the community) by groups of people classically seen as powerless or secondary in the class struggle that can have as large an impact on the total circulation of capital in current conditions and so concentrating on this work is not to abandon the class struggle but to expand it.
First off, to the recognition that class struggle doesn't taker place by accredited people saying we're going to do some class struggle - that there are unrecognised forms of self-organisation (at work, at home, in the community) by groups of people classically seen as powerless or secondary in the class struggle that can have as large an impact on the total circulation of capital in current conditions and so concentrating on this work is not to abandon the class struggle but to expand it.
Secondly, it might get the dregs of 1917 into the late 20th century.
Surely, at the very least, our ambition now should be leaving the 20th Century?
Dont read capital volume 2 - its about the whole circuit of capital thing, but its not short, and its like repeatedly sticking pins in ones eyes at 100 rpm
Struggles around health, housing and education in 70s italy
Ours might be, they lag along a bit at the back. Don't rush them.
Would need to finish Vol. 1 first.
(Okay, okay. Would need to START Vol. 1 first!)
If only i had had enough money to keep my site going
OK, please tell me more about you involvement in the UNITE Community thing. I see you're in Sheffield, I'm in London.
In return, I promise I'll shut up about how I don't like football
Struggles around health, housing and education in 70s italy
Ours might be, they lag along a bit at the back. Don't rush them.
If only i had had enough money to keep my site going
Got the situ quote, was suggesting that this was where the 1917 left are left. The working class was forced to move into the 21st century.Pardon my ignorance - could you expand on these and on whether/how they are relevant to us in Britain today.
"The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom. Ours is the best effort so far towards leaving the 20th century"
Pardon my ignorance - could you expand on these and on whether/how they are relevant to us in Britain today.
"The road to excess leads to the palace of wisdom. Ours is the best effort so far towards leaving the 20th century"
There is now to be honest. I should do that.There no way you could do it via Wordpress or some kinda free hosting like weebly or wix?
and?The london riots.... that prevented the conversion of commodity capital into money capital
means don't leave it all to the "advanced layers" who may not be all that advanced ...
There is now to be honest. I should do that.
Send us a PM if you like mate.
Cheers, still so many texts to do. I think most of them that were on line have been taken up elsewhere now - but most of them places just collect stuff, they don't put new stuff on-line.Yes. You should. As always, give us a shout if you want a hand.
Have a look thru' the ones on the link I posted.
Speak for yourself mate, I'm advanced to fuck!
Did volume 2 in a reading group and it was a nightmare trying to do it the pace that the group had kinda set it at. Got about 3/4 the way though it, but i know for a fact ill never give it a go again.
Is that through the "Profile Posts" bit in your profile? Still a new boy checking how this stuff works...
[\rmp3 thread]No.
You have to be in a relationship, not a political one.
"These people"? You know how that sounds?
..and we're already in struggle. What are you waiting for?