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Let's go foraging

Found our first ceps/boletus/penny buns of the season, plus a handful of chanterelles. Will go out again in the next few days, if the wind eases a bit, to our favourite haunts to check some more. We always find ceps are very unpredictable as to where, when and if they appear, and how plentiful they are, more so than some other fungi.
I got 6kg of blackberries in no time from a place I found over lockdown. The brambles are sitting on the edge of a pond so they are massive too. Still visiting my other two favoured spots for some extra, because I cannot resist picking them. There's so many! Have already made 8 jars of bramble jelly, two crumbles, and got another 8 jars of jelly to make yet.

Got enough elderberries to do a litre of vodka with. Am not bothering making syrup this year, cos we've been taking Sambucol daily since the start of lockdown, so might as well continue with that.

The sloes are ripening ridiculously fast in the local park, so this weekend's mission is to get as many as poss for sloe gin.
That's a pretty good idea tbh, and not just for robbery - loads of inaccessible branches laden with fruit that could be pulled within your grasp. Think I'll see if I can find something similar for my next foraging trip...
I use one of those 'grabbers' - useful for pulling high ones down, and hooking gnarly thick bramble branches aside.
Supposedly sloes are better after the first frost of autumn.

Yes but...
True, but things are ripening early this year. If the sloes look ripe, pick them now and bung them in a freezer to soften the skins.
This ^

I left it too late last year, just assumed September would be fine, and they were all gone! So I've been keeping a close eye on all the blackthorn in our local park, and there they are!
Picked 3 shopping bags worth of cooking apples from a neighbours house yesterday.
Have also got my eye on his pear tree, a little hard yet. He moved out because of ill health some weeks ago.The house is now sold.
Elderberries are starting to ripen in Leeds so will be checking fave spots over the next week. Already getting offers of apples so time to dust down the cider press and get into the “Squeezin’ Season”. Went a bit mad last year with the cider (800 pints..) so perhaps will rein it in a bit this autumn (Good intentions and all that..). Just sampling a glass of this year’s blackberry and wild strawberry wine and it’s showing a lot of promise.F2A371DF-5B94-488B-8BB9-F7E20AA16147.jpeg
True, but things are ripening early this year. If the sloes look ripe, pick them now and bung them in a freezer to soften the skins.
But don’t make the mistake Mrs K made recently. She made a cheesecake and topped it with jostaberries (a cross between blackberries and gooseberries) from the freezer, after cooking them with lotsa sugar. Or so she thought. In fact they were left-over sloes from last year. The cheesecake tasted lovely, but the downside was the huge number of stones on the topping. It proved to be a very tasty but painstaking experience.
We don't get to do foraging much here but tomorrow we're going to a beach near which is an avocado tree in an abandoned derelict house. I'm having a few if at all possible.
There's a lot of rosehips in the carpark at work, which I'm planning on harvesting today - what's rosehip syrup good for? Any other recipes anyone can recommend?
I got some sloes while I was on holiday but I've just read that you're supposed to wait until they're soft before picking them :(
I've got a mix of very hard ones and softer ones in my sloe gin. You should be reet.

There's a lot of rosehips in the carpark at work, which I'm planning on harvesting today - what's rosehip syrup good for? Any other recipes anyone can recommend?
Yeh, don't bother, they're an absolute arse ache to work with. Billions of tiny scratchy hairs that need filtering to within an inch of your life.
I've got a mix of very hard ones and softer ones in my sloe gin. You should be reet.

Yeh, don't bother, they're an absolute arse ache to work with. Billions of tiny scratchy hairs that need filtering to within an inch of your life.
I saw loads of rose hips on my previous foraging expeditions, and was wondering about going back for them. You have now spared me the task :)
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