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Lambeth Housing In Meltdown - Massive Rent Rises On The Way

my mate got a call about the Head of Housing Finance job @ Lambeth.

he likes a challenge, which if he gets the job sounds like a good thing.

another contractor though (but one with years of HRA/ALMO/PFI experience)

It's slightly depressing that with a £22m hole and the head housing guy arrested for fraud that Steve Reed (the Labour leader) blames it all on the Lib Dems - who lost power in May 2006.

and he becomes lead officer for Housing at London Councils. unreal.
South London Press today

FRAUD squad detectives have arrested the chairwoman of a controversial firm that manages council housing.

Plain clothes detectives swooped on the home of Lambeth Living Limited chairwoman Asuman Ozkan on Tuesday morning.

The 39-year-old was arrested on suspicion of obtaining property by deception along with a 45-year-old man and taken to Kennington Police Station for questioning.

Officers from the Met’s Serious Crime Directorate Six Public Sector Fraud Team searched her flat on the Angell Town Estate in Brixton and seized a computer and documents.

Full story in the SLP doesn't say a huge amount more.
You'll feel better after a day on the river and a couple of pints!

The latest in the story from the Council....

Dear councillor

You may be aware that Asuman Ozkan, Chair of Lambeth Living, was arrested earlier today. The allegations against Ms Ozkan are to do with fraud.

We are not in a position to comment on the details of the case but wanted to let you know that she has been written to today by Lambeth Council asking her to step down as Chair of Lambeth Living. We do not wish to prejudge the case but in light of the arrest we believe that it is not appropriate for her to stay in post. If she does not step down we reserve our right under the management agreement to remove her from the role.

I would also like to make it clear that the issues involved do not relate to her role as Chair of Lambeth Living.


Derrick Anderson
Chief Executive

That's a bit sharp! Don't we give the poor woman a chance to put her case - I mean a trial, or anything?

You would have to be a real wally to volunteer for this board! What's the point anyway when the officers make all the decisions. Give them a rubber stamp, I say, and stop the farce.
Well it is fraud which is a fairly major allegation and its fairly standard procedure in my experience to require people to stand down from public office whilst Police investigations are carried out.

I guess you put yourself forward to this role if you feel you have something to add and think you can improve the service - very much like any public role I guess. i presume you also get an allowance to compensate you for the time it takes
Well it is fraud which is a fairly major allegation and its fairly standard procedure in my experience to require people to stand down from public office whilst Police investigations are carried out.

I guess you put yourself forward to this role if you feel you have something to add and think you can improve the service - very much like any public role I guess. i presume you also get an allowance to compensate you for the time it takes

I don't think that it is 'usual' at all.

To ask someone to stand down suggests that fellow board members have no confidence in the integrity of the person accused. Even if the council for political reasons wanted this person to stand down, one would have expected her fellow board members to have objected. From what I hear, they were not even consulted, and have raised no objection.

I agree with John the Fish. It sounds like a kangaroo court!

I would be very hesitant indeed about getting involved with Lambeth Living in any way. It is quite clear that its board members are puppets. One wonders how they would feel if they were accused. Shame on them!
And, by the way, I understand that ALMO board members are not paid anything other than put of pocket expenses, although, when the £250 million comes through, this may change.
Couple of things on this that are are new.

There's a report on the fraud issue in this week's Private Eye - not a huge amount new apart from saying that the relevant person has previously been in trouble in some way with Lambeth housing.

And the South London Press has details of teh service charges / rent increases this year. They're not online but they're huge. Rents up £12 a week and all of the service charges up a lot. Some combinations of service charge increases (e.g. heating plus concierge) might hit something like £30 a week.
I'm interested in standing as an independent candidate I think. How would I go about it and when's the next round of elections?

I would definitely be interested in voting for an Independent. How about independent candidates in all the wards in the 2010 local elections?
independents would be unlikely to win any council seats I fear (but am willing to be proved wrong!) because of the strength of the local party organisations that backup and promote their candidates.

If you are thinking of standing as an independent you have to start organising now - put yourself around the council ward, make yourself known locally so that there is something to build on when the election campaign gears up in advance of the May 2010 elections
Of course there are limitations on the number of independent votes but considering how disaffected so many people are there is lots of potential too.

A network of independents standing in consecutive wards in 2010 could be quite attractive, couldn't it? I myself would finally have somebody to actually vote for. Those candidates could obviously then collaborate together.

A lot of people here seem very clued-up on what the problems are at local level and how they could be solved.

Wouldn't it be good to have them in charge?

As well as getting known locally, how about organising a network of independents on social networking sites and bulletin boards like this?

Given the disillusionment out there, anything's possible
I would DEFINITELY vote for an independent candidate whose campaign is based on opposition to the privatisation of our public services. In fact, after all these years watching it go in the other direction, I'd actually be very excited to do so.
An officer! - has just sent me a link to an interesting article in the on-line housing magazine for council employees - http://www.insidehousing.co.uk/hub.aspx?navCode=5
Shame that South London Press can't write articles like that. I suppose that they are frightened of losing all that lovely council advertising money - still, if there was more stuff like that in it, most tenants would not mind paying 50p a week for the Friday issue!
Article in Inside Housing Mag

An officer! - has just sent me a link to an interesting article in the on-line housing magazine for council employees - http://www.insidehousing.co.uk/hub.aspx?navCode=5
Shame that South London Press can't write articles like that. I suppose that they are frightened of losing all that lovely council advertising money - still, if there was more stuff like that in it, most tenants would not mind paying 50p a week for the Friday issue!

I am sorry, the correct link for this article is - http://www.insidehousing.co.uk/story.aspx?storycode=6502904
That's pretty comprehensive. There are some gems in here:
The defunct Holland Town TMO is also under investigation after a suspicious cheque passed through its bank account. The cheque, originally for £52, appeared to have been copied and the amount changed to £42,000.

An officer! - has just sent me a link to an interesting article in the on-line housing magazine for council employees - http://www.insidehousing.co.uk/hub.aspx?navCode=5
Shame that South London Press can't write articles like that. I suppose that they are frightened of losing all that lovely council advertising money - still, if there was more stuff like that in it, most tenants would not mind paying 50p a week for the Friday issue!

I saw this earlier this week and copied it to all the editorial staff at the South London Press and Kate Hoey - not one response!
I saw this earlier this week and copied it to all the editorial staff at the South London Press and Kate Hoey - not one response!

To be fair the SLP usually does cover this sort of thing.

The outrage is Lambeth Life. We're paying a fortune for Lambeth to tell us every month how wonderful the council is.
I saw this earlier this week and copied it to all the editorial staff at the South London Press and Kate Hoey - not one response!

There is nothing new in the inside housing piece that we haven't broken previously (in most cases months ago).

Greg, SLP
The fucking huge rent rises are happening. Our rent has just soared up nearly 20 fucking per cent.

I've still no idea what this ALMO was supposed to do, but it sure feels foisted on us.
I've just got home and opened my letter.

A massive rent increase of £16 per week!!!!!

I have been re reading the letter over and over because it is so much, I kept thinking I must have got it wrong....

Which of course, I haven't.

This is unbelievable and outrageous. :mad:
Yes, I was chatting to a friend this morning who's rent has been increased by 25%. Presumably, that's how they can afford to freeze the council tax for 2 years by whacking up the rents instead
swamp them with complaints and take it all the way to the local housing ombudsman. seriously, if hundreds of people make formal complaints they have to answer them all, if you all take it to the ombudsman via the normal process the ombudsman may decide that it was unreasonable - especially if you point out that they didn't raise council tax so in effect the council tenants are subsidising the homeowners.
Yes, I was chatting to a friend this morning who's rent has been increased by 25%. Presumably, that's how they can afford to freeze the council tax for 2 years by whacking up the rents instead

Far be it for me to defend Lambeth but I think legally its not possible for them to do that - the housing revenue account has to be totally separate from any of the other council finances and cant be used for cross subsidy either for housing to council tax or council tac to housing.

The freezing of council tax is a fairly standard thing done by politicians of all parties if they can - its because the bills come in just a few weeks before the election and so they think that it will win them votes.
especially if you point out that they didn't raise council tax so in effect the council tenants are subsidising the homeowners.

That argument wouldn't wash with anybody I'm afraid.

First of all, just because I don't live in council property does not make me a homeowner. Many of us do not even get a look in despite being on the register for over a decade!

Secondly, if council tenants are paying £1 rent £1 council tax and private tenants and homeowners are paying £2 rent and £2 council tax
asking the council tenants to pay £1.25 rent (An increase of 25%) to the council is not a subsidy to the person who still has to pay £4.

Besides as SE5 rightly says, the housing budget is very much separate from council tax revenue.

The council tenants are paying for an increase in rent to their landlords.
Just as I have had to pay to my landlords on occasion.
Those of us struggling with rent and mortgages should not have to stump up extra to an incompetent council to pay for homes they don't even live in and that are already subsidised!!

The officials have cocked up and the innocent will have to pay for it as usual.
Mind, the argument probably won't wash but the Housing Ombudsman certainly has the power to force a rethink over rent rises. I was under the impression that there was a very complicated formulae that governed LA and HA rent rises that couldn't be overwritten.
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