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Labour Party split watch

would it be wrong to post


in response



It showed when I posted it.


(for anyone who was wondering, it was a lolcat with caption along the lines of 'ha ha - you so funny')
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Farron won't be so welcoming when he's battling an angry Eagle for the hearts and souls of both lib dem supporters.
See, that's the problem with inviting Labour folk over. You don't know when they're going to turn, or which one of them. Look at it this way: the Lib Dems are the American Antarctic research station, and Labour are the Norwegians. Tim Farron can look around the wreckage of the Norwegian station and say "what the Hell happened here?", but if he brings anything back in his helicopter, it'll end up just him and Angela Eagle sitting staring at each other in the cold, while the ruins of the US research station burn in the background, each of them wondering whether the other is the Thing.

(In this version Farron is McReady, but he wouldn't be played by Kurt Russell).
I've been considering starting a new thread on something, bit I'm not sure if it is worth it, so will stick it here for now. Unless people think a new thread would be better.

There are lot of people on here, including me, who would never join the Labour Party as it is. I'm wondering if this would change if the Labour Party was to split. Obviously we can't know exactly what form a split would take. But I assume that if there was a split then a large number of middle ground 'moderate' types would stick with whoever gets the name. Meaning that a left wing split from the Labour Party would be a very different beast than the Labour Party following a right wing split.

For me the answer would still be no, I think it's pretty much a dead end. However I don't think I could completely rule it out at some point the the future. Depending on how things develop politically, there might come a time when I feel signing up would be worthwhile. Especially if it was to engage in more than just parliamentary politics and actually start doing stuff.

I've also been wondering how the various trot groups would react? How likely would it be for the SP or the SWP to enter on mass*? Although I suspect they simply might not be allowed to do so?

*mass really doesn't seem the right word. :)
I've been considering starting a new thread on something, bit I'm not sure if it is worth it, so will stick it here for now. Unless people think a new thread would be better.

There are lot of people on here, including me, who would never join the Labour Party as it is. I'm wondering if this would change if the Labour Party was to split. Obviously we can't know exactly what form a split would take. But I assume that if there was a split then a large number of middle ground 'moderate' types would stick with whoever gets the name. Meaning that a left wing split from the Labour Party would be a very different beast than the Labour Party following a right wing split.

For me the answer would still be no, I think it's pretty much a dead end. However I don't think I could completely rule it out at some point the the future. Depending on how things develop politically, there might come a time when I feel signing up would be worthwhile. Especially if it was to engage in more than just parliamentary politics and actually start doing stuff.

I've also been wondering how the various trot groups would react? How likely would it be for the SP or the SWP to enter on mass*? Although I suspect they simply might not be allowed to do so?

*mass really doesn't seem the right word. :)

Guy who taught me at college was a Swappie, I swear, if he shows up in Labour I'm jacking up the membership fees to £30,000 and blocking his voting rights. Anyway.
I've been considering starting a new thread on something, bit I'm not sure if it is worth it, so will stick it here for now. Unless people think a new thread would be better.

There are lot of people on here, including me, who would never join the Labour Party as it is. I'm wondering if this would change if the Labour Party was to split. Obviously we can't know exactly what form a split would take. But I assume that if there was a split then a large number of middle ground 'moderate' types would stick with whoever gets the name. Meaning that a left wing split from the Labour Party would be a very different beast than the Labour Party following a right wing split.

For me the answer would still be no, I think it's pretty much a dead end. However I don't think I could completely rule it out at some point the the future. Depending on how things develop politically, there might come a time when I feel signing up would be worthwhile. Especially if it was to engage in more than just parliamentary politics and actually start doing stuff.

I've also been wondering how the various trot groups would react? How likely would it be for the SP or the SWP to enter on mass*? Although I suspect they simply might not be allowed to do so?

*mass really doesn't seem the right word. :)
Could be a good thread.
Idley wondering similar things.

I don't think the Labour Party will split. If Corbyn prevails you might get s few defections and few more premature retirements. If he doesn't you'll get, well nothing much frankly.

But, in the unprecedented event that I'm wrong :D, you'll either get a right wing split, a sort of SDP II who'll likely quickly follow the same trajectory and a left(er) Labour Party that'll toy with social democracy for a few years before drifting right. In which case a tiresome deja vu takes hold.

On the other hand, if the right hang on to Labour and Momentum breaks away? Then yeah, it'll appeal. Just as the SLP did, just as SU did, just as "Real Labour" did etc etc etc.

Just with a few more MPs.
Idley wondering similar things.

I don't think the Labour Party will split. If Corbyn prevails you might get s few defections and few more premature retirements. If he doesn't you'll get, well nothing much frankly.

But, in the unprecedented event that I'm wrong :D, you'll either get a right wing split, a sort of SDP II who'll likely quickly follow the same trajectory and a left(er) Labour Party that'll toy with social democracy for a few years before drifting right. In which case a tiresome deja vu takes hold.

On the other hand, if the right hang on to Labour and Momentum breaks away? Then yeah, it'll appeal. Just as the SLP did, just as SU did, just as "Real Labour" did etc etc etc.

Just with a few more MPs.
Pretty much exactly where I'm at as well.
FPTP can't support more than 2-3 parties. A split would mean certain death for one of the resulting parties. Defections to the yellow and blue teams are more likely than a true split.
In Germany, under PR, Die Linke vacillate between 10 & 15%.
This whole thread kind of misses the point that a split is absolutely the last resort for the Corbyn-haters and Progressites, as it would de-legitimate their claims to be "real Labour".
What claims? They are just neo Tories using the WC vote to get into a club they would never have had a sniff at if they had treated their electorates with even a tiny show of honesty, red shirts and blue underpants the lot of em.
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