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Labour leadership

I'm really enjoying the way that the Labour right-wingers are obviously shitting themselves at this. I don't think that the Corbyn project is at all viable even if he does get elected but the fact that he seems to be getting the war criminals to come out of the woodwork to slag him off is enough for me, I'm going to sign up as a union affiliate and encourage my OH and friends to do the same in the hope that it will at least give Blairites a few nights lost sleep.
Wonder how bad it would get if Corbyn wins? If the ones whining defect, who'd have them? Most of them only exist because of the party name anyway. Just undermining and backstabbing? Wouldn't look good but they clearly don't give a fuck about what most people think anyway. Vague support? That'd be fun, watching them have to choke down some even vaguely Socialist ideas with a rictus grin on their faces. Unlikely though. A split would do too, they could start a new centre right party and marvel as it turns out that neither Labour nor Tory voters will give them the time of day.
[He appeals to] young people who haven’t thought about it, I don’t want to patronise them, but they have not gone through the difficulties that we have gone through in the last 30, 40 years. He is a lively candidate, he seems to be offering an easy prescription, and he is not facing the reality or the difficulties that a new Labour government would have to face.

Now Hattersley. These old-timers haven't lost their touch, have they?
Mhairi Black sticks it to the war criminal

"Tony Blair must still be smarting from Labour losing the Scottish Parliament election to the SNP in 2007 when he was Prime Minister, and had dragged Labour so far to the right that it was barely recognisable.

"And Tony Blair's legacy still haunts and damages Labour today, and led them into the sorry position of not even voting against the Tories' welfare cuts and budget bills this week - leaving the SNP as the real and effective opposition to the Tory government.

"On any reading of his record, Tony Blair was the one with the primitive policy - dragging the country into an illegal war in Iraq, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of lives and causing massive instability to the region, the ramifications of which we continue to live with.
Wonder how bad it would get if Corbyn wins? If the ones whining defect, who'd have them? Most of them only exist because of the party name anyway. Just undermining and backstabbing? Wouldn't look good but they clearly don't give a fuck about what most people think anyway. Vague support? That'd be fun, watching them have to choke down some even vaguely Socialist ideas with a rictus grin on their faces. Unlikely though. A split would do too, they could start a new centre right party and marvel as it turns out that neither Labour nor Tory voters will give them the time of day.
And if Corbyn loses is there enough of a frenzy in the left to try persuade him to lead some alternative.
I don't think for a minute that Corbyn will win and I haven't got much time for his politics. He has after all remained in and supported the party of the Irag war and neo-liberalism, atos and the like. However if he did it would produce a pretty strange (and amusing) situation - a party leader with drastically different views to most mps and pretty much every centre of power in his party.
...back in my day we never had all these great traineeships where we were forced to work for free for six months and then got paid the princely sum of under half the minimum wage in order to work as an apprentice cashier in a cinema... young people these days truly are blessed.
Now Mary (I'm so shit I couldn't even get on the ballot paper) Creagh....

Labour is not yet in the place where we can say with confidence: “The only way is up.” Early findings from the “lessons learned” report commissioned by Harriet suggest that voters think that Labour simply does not understand their lives. We are in danger of becoming the political equivalent of Millwall Football Club. Their chant? “No one likes us, we don’t care.

Ironically, the ones who might slightly worry about Corbyn being elected are the snp. Probably too late for Labour in Scotland, but he'd have more of a chance than the kendalburhnamcooper creature.
Now Mary (I'm so shit I couldn't even get on the ballot paper) Creagh....

Labour is not yet in the place where we can say with confidence: “The only way is up.” Early findings from the “lessons learned” report commissioned by Harriet suggest that voters think that Labour simply does not understand their lives. We are in danger of becoming the political equivalent of Millwall Football Club. Their chant? “No one likes us, we don’t care.


Won't be like Millwall though will it? At least Millwall fans like them, even Labour members seem to think they're a shower of cunts at the moment.
May God have mercy on my soul, I'm sure portions of Urban won't. I've just become a registered member. I have no faith in anything here but under the barrage of cunts telling me how stupid, pointless, misled and deluded I am for being even vaguely left of centre I've decided to vote for Corbyn to piss them off. Add it to the files of my shame.
May God have mercy on my soul, I'm sure portions of Urban won't. I've just become a registered member. I have no faith in anything here but under the barrage of cunts telling me how stupid, pointless, misled and deluded I am for being even vaguely left of centre I've decided to vote for Corbyn to piss them off. Add it to the files of my shame.
If the £3 went to charity... and I could do it anonymously..... and they provided a false beard and specs, just to be sure....
Given that there are a lot more workers than bosses, it stands to reason that a party for the workers should always win in a general election. If Labour truly were a party for the workers, well could they be, perhaps with someone like Corbyn?
May God have mercy on my soul, I'm sure portions of Urban won't. I've just become a registered member. I have no faith in anything here but under the barrage of cunts telling me how stupid, pointless, misled and deluded I am for being even vaguely left of centre I've decided to vote for Corbyn to piss them off. Add it to the files of my shame.
Member or Supporter? You only need to be a supporter. https://supporters.labour.org.uk/leadership/1
Who do NuLabour types want to win then? Andy Burnham, Mr probably very nice but unfortunately had a charisma bypass!
And Yvette Cooper, similar I am sure she is a nice person but I don't see her as leader material and certainly don't see her as prime minster material. Mind you, what did people think of Thatcher when she was starting out?
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