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Labour leadership

I'm not prominent, but I use it. However, 'working people' means the same. Why are you bothered?

As I've explained in a previous post, it's symbolic of the Labour leadership's fear of the word class. They're so scared of being portrayed as champions of the working class, that they can't use the word, and have to find a more anodyne substitute.

Once the party of the Labour movement has a policy of not using the word class, it's in all kinds of identity crisis.
'working people' means the same

It really doesn't. The working class is talking about, well, the class of people who must work in order to survive. It includes the unemployed, for example. Whereas the implication of "working people" in all instances of its use in modern times is that the people being spoken about are in work, and usually that they are in full-time work supporting themselves without state aid.

Never voted Tory. Never will.

Why? Avoid opinining about how vile they are please, and instead name actual practical differences that drive you to Labour rather than the Tories.
That's probably because you cannot see the humour in the absurdity of your position.

OK. This is ridiculous.
It appears that someone with my views is not welcome round here and few people want to debate.
I'll disappear with enough likes (how many do you think is reasonable?).
To be fair, it's been all one sided since I revealed my Labour bias.
OK. This is ridiculous.
It appears that someone with my views is not welcome round here and few people want to debate.
I'll disappear with enough likes (how many do you think is reasonable?).
To be fair, it's been all one sided since I revealed my Labour bias.

Off you go then. Here, have a like for the journey.
OK. This is ridiculous.
It appears that someone with my views is not welcome round here and few people want to debate.
I'll disappear with enough likes (how many do you think is reasonable?).
To be fair, it's been all one sided since I revealed my Labour bias.

I've agreed with everything you've said and I hope you don't leave.
Maybe you can answer some of the questions that he has failed to in that case.

I'm happy to explain why I admire Blair's legacy and why - although I'm leaning to Cooper - I don't think it's weird for Kendall to be in the Labour party, whch is a broadly social democratic collective. Can't speak for AC though. Why has he or she attracted such opprobrium?
I'm happy to explain why I admire Blair's legacy and why - although I'm leaning to Cooper - I don't think it's weird for Kendall to be in the Labour party, whch is a broadly social democratic collective. Can't speak for AC though. Why has he or she attracted such opprobrium?
so why do you admire isis?
isis is part of blair's legacy.

Go on, then, give us a counterfactual account of 21st century middle eastern history where Saddam ensured peace and stability, Sunnis and Shias led the way in ecumenical harmony and Wahabism was utterly discredited, all because Blair chose not to add a small amount of extra capability to the US war machine.
I see that Maurice Picarda, like AC14, is incapable of telling me what distinguishes Liz Kendall from your average Tory minister. I couldn't either but then again I would not have made the claims that they have made. What a party.

Calling themelves socialists, but denouncing anti-capitalism and championing neoliberalism. It's all a bit post-modern really. The sooner this party dies the better.
Go on, then, give us a counterfactual account of 21st century middle eastern history where Saddam ensured peace and stability, Sunnis and Shias led the way in ecumenical harmony and Wahabism was utterly discredited, all because Blair chose not to add a small amount of extra capability to the US war machine.
like e h carr i don't play parlour games with history. but you're, apparently, a mealy mouthed twat who lauds blair's legacy while sweeping the war crimes under the carpet and denying the consequences, the foreseeable consequences, of those actions.
I see that Maurice Picarda, like AC14, is incapable of telling me what distinguishes Liz Kendall from your average Tory minister. I couldn't either but then again I would not have made the claims that they have made. What a party.

Calling themelves socialists, but denouncing anti-capitalism and championing neoliberalism. It's all a bit post-modern really. The sooner this party dies the better.

I missed your post - which was less than an hour ago - and I had children to wrangle.

Kendall's consistent championing of early years intervention is eminently social democratic. I'm not a fan of what she says on subsidiarity and localism, and I think that accepting free schools is taking outcomes-based neutrality too far, but it's clear that she has far more in common with Burnham or Cooper than she does with Cameron or Osborne.

Thinking hard about public service delivery and long-term deficit reduction isn't just about pleasing the electorate, or appeasing stove-hatted capitalist monsters, it's what the job should be for pragmatic progressives.
Note the new lie - it's no longer, yes it was right, saddam was a tyrant and had to go - it's now, well our part wasn't hat bad. My role in all that stuff was tiny. In fact, it's pretty much over.

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