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Labour leadership

The guardian was reporting a poll by Policy Exchange(yes them), that C1, C2's, think the L/P is 'for welfare and the unions'

if correct, quite disturbing, is there this sort of hostility in other parts of the EU?
Disturbing indeed. Clearly the Labour Party need to work on their message if people think they're still pro-union/welfare
Lots of friend actually seem genuinely excited about Corbyn being on the ballot, that he might actually win. I'm not sure if I can be bothered to piss on their chips (and TBH after the recent election I'm giving up making definitive predictions about the outcome of upcoming polls), but even if he did by some minor miracle win what then? There's no significant group of energetic left wing MPs for him to lead against the Tories - it'd be a disaster.
Well, perhaps discussed above (I haven't read the thread), but Labour seem to have set up a leadership election system that can be rigged by online campaigns. Seems loads of people are signing up as supporter members (£3) to vote for Jeremy. Meanwhile there are rumours that Tories are encouraging each other to sign up and vote Jeremy cos they know it would tear the Labour Party apart. Were the party really thick enough to set up a one person one vote system where you could get a vote online for £3? Or am I missing something?
The guardian was reporting a poll by Policy Exchange(yes them), that C1, C2's, think the L/P is 'for welfare and the unions'

if correct, quite disturbing, is there this sort of hostility in other parts of the EU?
Policy Exchange doesn't conduct research as we know it: they throw shit together and claim it's been researched by their 'scholars'.

I seriously doubt the validity of their poll.
Well, perhaps discussed above (I haven't read the thread), but Labour seem to have set up a leadership election system that can be rigged by online campaigns. Seems loads of people are signing up as supporter members (£3) to vote for Jeremy. Meanwhile there are rumours that Tories are encouraging each other to sign up and vote Jeremy cos they know it would tear the Labour Party apart. Were the party really thick enough to set up a one person one vote system where you could get a vote online for £3? Or am I missing something?
I've been trying to sus that out as well.

Might be worth £3 to find out, being as I already get bombarded with labour supporters emails anyway for some reason.
For what it's worth, I want Kendall to win. She'll win the next General Election, particularly if Creasy is her foil.

I know this will stick in some people's throats, but so did Blair - and as I said earlier he did a lot of good despite his horrific failings.
For what it's worth, I want Kendall to win. She'll win the next General Election, particularly if Creasy is her foil.

I know this will stick in some people's throats, but so did Blair - and as I said earlier he did a lot of good despite his horrific failings.

There's no point Kendall winning the next election if you're on the left. It's more or less the same as The Tories winning if she's going to demonise benefits claimants, cut spending on services and suck up to business.

You forget that a leader to the left of Blair would have won in 1997, as the public were utterly sick and tired of 18 years of Tory rule. Moving that far to the right was unecessary and paranoid and has ultimately started to destroy Labour. Once they abandoned the last vestiges of their principles, they couldn't go back to them without hysterical press screaming and accusations of Marxism.

Blair gave Labour short-term government in exchange for long-term decline. They don't mean anything anymore and they never will again. They have maneouvered themselves into a corner. UKIP have taken many of their core voters in England, the SNP has wiped them out in Scotland. A socially democratic Labour Party could have kept them and won the last election if Blairism's subservience to Thatcherism hadn't given us the poisonous political narrative that has dominated Westminster and the media for 20 years.
if Blairism's subservience to Thatcherism hadn't given us the poisonous political narrative that has dominated Westminster and the media for 20 years.

which some of the labour leadership hopefuls seem to be continuing

is anyone seriously going to vote labour for a line of "ok, we're shit, all the lies the tories and the press have been spreading about us which we didn't have the balls to call bullshit on, was true all along. we're shit. i mean we were. the tories are right and we're going to be just like them from now on"

There's no point Kendall winning the next election if you're on the left. It's more or less the same as The Tories winning if she's going to demonise benefits claimants, cut spending on services and suck up to business.

You forget that a leader to the left of Blair would have won in 1997, as the public were utterly sick and tired of 18 years of Tory rule. Moving that far to the right was unecessary and paranoid and has ultimately started to destroy Labour. Once they abandoned the last vestiges of their principles, they couldn't go back to them without hysterical press screaming and accusations of Marxism.

Blair gave Labour short-term government in exchange for long-term decline. They don't mean anything anymore and they never will again. They have maneouvered themselves into a corner. UKIP have taken many of their core voters in England, the SNP has wiped them out in Scotland. A socially democratic Labour Party could have kept them and won the last election if Blairism's subservience to Thatcherism hadn't given us the poisonous political narrative that has dominated Westminster and the media for 20 years.

Of course. All those leaders to the left of Blair that have won in the last 40 years.
In seriousness, you might be right, but they would not have won like he did. I think you know that.
Interesting that you think that the longest rule Labour have had for what I think is ever you call 'short term government'.
You're utterly delusional.
Well, people have tried engaging with you today and it's a waste of time. Maybe get another hobby because you're shit at this one.
Well, people have tried engaging with you today and it's a waste of time. Maybe get another hobby because you're shit at this one.
What, the one where I point out you're wrong.
Tell me, how many leaders to the left of Blair have won a GE in 40 years?
And how is the longest unbroken period of Labour power 'short term'?
So AC14, assuming the tories manage to fuck the economy up again with their austerity policies, your recommendation is that going into the next election with another leader who's also signed up to austerity is the best strategy for winning it?

That worked really well last time.
So AC14, assuming the tories manage to fuck the economy up again with their austerity policies, your recommendation is that going into the next election with another leader who's also signed up to austerity is the best strategy for winning it?

That worked really well last time.
What, Ed - who was backed by the unions. I agree. Stupid move. We all knew it as well. He wasn't backed by the party but was backed by a few bureaucrats - and you lot loved it. Now you pretend you criticised him.
I obviously don't mean 'you' - but I do mean the left.
What, Ed - who was backed by the unions. I agree. Stupid move. We all knew it as well. He wasn't backed by the party but was backed by a few bureaucrats - and you lot loved it. Now you pretend you criticised him.
I obviously don't mean 'you' - but I do mean the left.
Ed who ran an election campaign based on them continuing tory austerity policies after the election, just not quite as much as the tories.

How the fuck anyone can come to the conclusion that they lost due to being too left wing is beyond me - you lost the whole of scotland to a party standing on an explicitly anti-austerity ticket ffs.
Ed who ran an election campaign based on them continuing tory austerity policies after the election, just not quite as much as the tories.

How the fuck anyone can come to the conclusion that they lost due to being too left wing is beyond me - you lost the whole of scotland to a party standing on an explicitly anti-austerity ticket ffs.

Because he was the left candidate. Who was clueless. And you're wrong, as he pointed out over and over again.
John Major for a start.

You'd have preferred Major to Blair.
OK. I wouldn't. Interesting to know where your vote lay though.
Anyone else think Major was left of Blair indicating it might need empirical evidence to show it's nonsense?
Because he was the left candidate. Who was clueless. And you're wrong, as he pointed out over and over again.
wrong about what?

he was clueless I'd agree, but he and his campaign weren't even slightly left wing, their entire economic policy was basically do what the tory's are panning to do, just not quite as much.
wrong about what?

he was clueless I'd agree, but he and his campaign weren't even slightly left wing, their entire economic policy was basically do what the tory's are panning to do, just not quite as much.

So apart from the annoying apostrophe, how do you suggest Labour might have won given the choice in the last election? I suggest David. You suggest, errrr... losing with Ed.
wrong about what?

he was clueless I'd agree, but he and his campaign weren't even slightly left wing, their entire economic policy was basically do what the tory's are panning to do, just not quite as much.
If we had won every seat in Scotland, we'd have lost. That's how anti-austerity hit us.
Blair won elections and there were cuts to services, a wage freeze, bankers were bailed out, taxes for the rich were cut, hospitals shut, fire stations closed down, pensions attacked and wars started.
My pension is predicted to be worth £2800 per yr after paying in since 1994. My wages were still shit as a council worker, I faced job insecurity every year and those on benefits were treated in a disgraceful manner. I am now expected to work until I am 65 or 67 before i can get my pension...all from a Blair labour government.
They told that there was not enough money for my generous pension or better wages yet they threw money at wars and bank bailouts...seriously. .. what's the difference between that and what the tories do?
There is no such thing as a kind cut...they all damage us and Labour seriously damaged us
You suggest things were better under labour but for a huge amount of people that was not true...imo they won 3 elections cos the tories were so hated and were in a fucking mess. The tories won less votes in the last 2 elections than they did in the 1992 election which suggests labour has lost the last 2 elections cos labour voters have given up on them.
The few good things they did were drowned by the shit they threw around as they continued from where the tories ended
OK, so you got Ed - the most left of the credible candidates. And what happened - as we all predicted in our constituencies?
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