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Labour leadership

It doesn't matter who becomes leader of Labour. They will now be about as relevant as Woolworths.

Not true, that. They're still the second-largest parliamentary party by a long way and will lead the official opposition. Barring something happening which resembles the collapse of PASOK and rise of Syriza in Greece - which, let's face it, is deeply unlikely - they're going to remain so for the foreseeable future.

I can see them going for someone relatively young, and not associated with the last Labour government. Either that or Burnham, or conceivably Chuka Ummuna.
Probably because he's a charismatic public speaker who manages to not annoy people when he speaks.
Public speaking eh? Yes that's it it in 2015.

Not annoying people when he does it? What, no matter what he says? Annoying some people is the art a politician must have. Not having it would make a bad bad leader.
Not true, that. They're still the second-largest parliamentary party by a long way and will lead the official opposition. Barring something happening which resembles the collapse of PASOK and rise of Syriza in Greece - which, let's face it, is deeply unlikely - they're going to remain so for the foreseeable future.

I can see them going for someone relatively young, and not associated with the last Labour government. Either that or Burnham, or conceivably Chuka Ummuna.
I was going to write this earlier - labour have not been knocked out of the game, they have again show they have a rock hard 28% bedrock. To hols onto that is (in the terms of electoral bollocks) pretty good. Not great but shows they ain't going anywhere - even in the age of 5 parties or whatever it is. A 28% bedrock. Signs of UKIP chipping at it, but medium long term,long enough to put down roots and supplant labour in safe solid seats - nah.
Its worth bearing in mind that the election process has changed even from Miliband's election as leader. No election colleges, nomination is 35 MPs, one person one vote across membership, affiliated bodies (i.e. unions etc.) and registered supporters. Could be interesting.
I've got a fiver on Chuka Umunna if anyone wants it. He seems like just the kind of leader that the PR people and party technocrats would love as he's pretty much a blank slate, but a competent and presentable one.
Public speaking eh? Yes that's it it in 2015.

Not annoying people when he does it? What, no matter what he says? Annoying some people is the art a politician must have. Not having it would make a bad bad leader.

I don't know most of these politicians from Adam. I can judge them based on their public appeal and then, if they become leader, judge them on the manifesto they come up with.

People in this thread are suggesting Chuka. What makes him a good candidate? People probably like the way he talks and think he'd be a good communicator.
I was going to write this earlier - labour have not been knocked out of the game, they have again show they have a rock hard 28% bedrock. To hols onto that is (in the terms of electoral bollocks) pretty good. Not great but shows they ain't going anywhere - even in the age of 5 parties or whatever it is. A 28% bedrock. Signs of UKIP chipping at it, but medium long term,long enough to put down roots and supplant labour in safe solid seats - nah.

Agreed. I was thinking in terms of them being supplanted from the left, but it's equally unlikely from the likes of the Kippers.
I don't know most of these politicians from Adam. I can judge them based on their public appeal and then, if they become leader, judge them on the manifesto they come up with.

People in this thread are suggesting Chuka. What makes him a good candidate? People probably like the way he talks and think he'd be a good communicator.
So what exactly are you going to judge people on here and when? On what they say at the end point, but before that, how they say it?

Because they can spot slimey pr dicks when they see it and think slimey pr obsessed dicks who run the labour party and want to see slimey pr dicks leading the party would boost him.
I don't know most of these politicians from Adam. I can judge them based on their public appeal and then, if they become leader, judge them on the manifesto they come up with.

People in this thread are suggesting Chuka. What makes him a good candidate? People probably like the way he talks and think he'd be a good communicator.
and he's alive, which is always a good start
Burnham just isn't bright enough, imo.

Yvette Cooper hasn't really got proper leadership qualities.

Chucka could do a reasonable impression of George Osborne as a Labour tough cop.

Probably too soon for Rachael Reeves, plus the baby is due soon anyway.

Very difficult.
Alan johnson out of the picture, too old now? He always came across as quite human and personable despite being on the right of the party. I'd imagine he's no longer interested, but reckon he'd draw some back in from UKIP.
I was going to write this earlier - labour have not been knocked out of the game, they have again show they have a rock hard 28% bedrock. To hols onto that is (in the terms of electoral bollocks) pretty good. Not great but shows they ain't going anywhere - even in the age of 5 parties or whatever it is. A 28% bedrock. Signs of UKIP chipping at it, but medium long term,long enough to put down roots and supplant labour in safe solid seats - nah.
Even with Scotland, the Labour vote increased nationally (by 1.5). It also increased more than the Tory vote increased nationally. Labour took almost all their London targets.

Somewhere in there is a partial comparison with the last Mayoral election. Lynton Crosby explains some more, as does Miliband.
Maybe someone should go and knock on Ruth Kelly's door.
HSBC are going to bugger off overseas anyway.
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If you voted penis, tough shit....

I hate tory, but come on U75.............

Don't complain for the next fives years if you didn't vote...
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