J Ed
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Well if he doesn't want to engage IS militarily, then he must mean diplomatically?
No. Try again
Well if he doesn't want to engage IS militarily, then he must mean diplomatically?
Not if it isn't popular; see my reference to public opinion polling.
Also what action is he trying to rouse the rabble to?
Using a political cliche such as 'populist rabble rousing' needs some content to give it real resonance - e.g. it works in relation to Farage's anti immigration protestations - so far you haven't provided any such content.
All in all your contributions would be better if they were a little clearer and harder edged; a little more diamantine.
Cheers - Louis MacNeice
No. Try again
Well I find it sickening when smug student radicals choose to direct their ire at the actual working class for being positive about a possible route to more dignified and secure lives rather than attacking the real enemy.
And anti-austerity may be less than radical in the grand scheme of things but after 3+ decades of relentless neoliberalism it's a significant step to the left. Whereas taking the hardest anti-capitalist position available ain't all that radical if you're just farting about on the internet and never had to argue your opinions in a workplace full of racist tory voters.
In this instance - to make the 'rabble' believe there's a possibility that diplomacy (rather than confrontation) is the solution to stopping IS, when it most certainly isn't?
Crude workerism, not to mention inherently orientalist, as if the British working-class is mainly composed of Brits. great we haven't moved beyond 1930. Off to the labour party with you and leering at women in pubs. How are you going to appeal to the BME w/c and all those dependent on the wage fund like this?
You were probably a student at one point so you can fuck off with this purer than thou I'm more working-class than you look at me gosh aren't I special snowflake rhetoric. My inability to organise at the moment is none of your concern (not to mention discriminative) but given that you'll probably end up some kind of right winger in your old age and who knows (siding with fash) to preserve your workerism) I shouldn't be surprised.
So he's raising the 'rabble' with an unpopular policy (you still haven't looked at the opinion polling have you?), and he's getting them to believe something. It's all rather more tutting letters to the Guardian than burning torches and pitch forks isn't it?
Rather than carry on defending your inaccurate use of populist rabble rousing you could have a rethink about how you could rephrase your assertion; maybe something along the lines of 'playing to the left wing gallery' would suit your purposes?
Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Crude workerism, not to mention inherently orientalist, as if the British working-class is mainly composed of Brits. great we haven't moved beyond 1930...
directed by capra OBVSOr Jimmy Stewart.
Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Can you explain how the British working class isn't composed mainly of Brits?
Alright then, delete 'populist rabble rousing' and insert 'left wing gallery'. It's only a question of semantics. Incidentally my views are my own - I'm not persuaded by opinion polls.
Alright then, delete 'populist rabble rousing' and insert 'left wing gallery'. It's only a question of semantics. Incidentally my views are my own - I'm not persuaded by opinion polls.
I think you've won us all over with the above; and if you haven't then that's just evidence that we are at best would be right wingers, and worst enablers of fascism.
Good work - Louis MacNeice
What's your point? I wasn't the one casting aspersions against your petty little egos.
Fine, white Brits. Whatever. It's like yay we're so against identity politics blah blah oh awesome we love to bring up white racist tories because we're so against identity politics and those are the real w/c and everyone else is some kind of poseur. Wow so well thought out gosh.
Alright then, delete 'populist rabble rousing' and insert 'left wing gallery'. It's only a question of semantics. Incidentally my views are my own - I'm not persuaded by opinion polls.
I suspect you're more miffed at my forcing you to reconsider your (misplaced) admiration of JC than the direction of the discussion???
Much like J Ed?
I suspect you're more miffed at my forcing you to reconsider your (misplaced) admiration of JC than the direction of the discussion???
Much like J Ed?
all will become clear around 11.30-12.00Well I'm confused.
all will become clear around 11.30-12.00
]Your posts seem to be even more incoherent, jargon-filled and arrogantly assuming you know better than everyone else than usual.
Maybe you should take a break from slinging ill-considered insults around before you end up becoming as much of a joke as certain other posters I could mention.
Does anyone think that there's a possibility of literal Blairite tears?
"playing to the gallery" implies adopting a position to court popularity. What makes you think Corbyn is doing this rather than arguing what he sincerely believes in? Bareing in mind his position is entirely consistent with his arguments and campaigning history since he first became involved in poltics over 40 years ago? i.e. he is a sincere and committed opponent of militarism - hes chair of the Stop the War Coalition ffs.
Here's a thing though: Saddam had to be stopped in his ambition toward regional expansion; I wonder what the region would be like now had he not been stopped? So Corbyn was wrong. Our mistake was to stay there too long; we should've fucked off as soon as that statue was toppled . . . there would have been a certain symbolism to it, such as 'Job done - we're outta here.'?