tristram hunt looks sad ......
harman believes in something? like what?
Much as the other runners (also-rans?) profess that they'll just get on with things and not get sucked into internal strife, there are too many members of the PLP invested in Blairism for them to not try to wreck Corbyn's leadership (if he wins). Remember that for most of the PLP, this isn't about the possibility that a Labour Party under Corbyn might serve people better, it's about their political careers, besides which our needs and desires are meaningless (from their perspective). I certainly know (from his own self-serving behaviour and utterances) that this is what my MP thinks.
Well I find it sickening when smug student radicals choose to direct their ire at the actual working class for being positive about a possible route to more dignified and secure lives rather than attacking the real enemy.
And anti-austerity may be less than radical in the grand scheme of things but after 3+ decades of relentless neoliberalism it's a significant step to the left. Whereas taking the hardest anti-capitalist position available ain't all that radical if you're just farting about on the internet and never had to argue your opinions in a workplace full of racist tory voters.
Alright then, delete 'populist rabble rousing' and insert 'left wing gallery'. It's only a question of semantics. Incidentally my views are my own - I'm not persuaded by opinion polls.
tristram hunt looks sad ......
this is all very collegiate and nostalgic party-love. Knives back out by weds?
I suspect you're more miffed at my forcing you to reconsider your (misplaced) admiration of JC than the direction of the discussion???
Much like J Ed?
Equally it's a big challenge for Comrade Corbo if his colleagues wish to pursue a policy he doesn't. He needs to change his previous behaviour of voting against or end up in constant conflict. He has, if he wins, lost the luxury of taking a principled stand always. He will have to go on camera and articulate a party line.
Of course he will. The fact that so many people in his parliamentary party believe that he won't be able to do so is interesting, at least in the context of what it says about their perceptions of Corbyn's principles.
Personally, I believe he's well-aware that as leader he'll have to reflect broader policy opinion, and that he's capable of doing so, but the current media and political class narrative says not. I wonder why?
Thank god Angela Eagle is out. More animation in your average corpse.
Sky saying Corbyn won, over 50 percent of vote.
Watson, deputy leader, I wanted Stella
The scales have fallen from everyone's eyes now. Truly you are an intellectual giant among men.
he is a bit blairy mindExcellent - blatant anti-Murdoch MP as deputy.
Results being announced on R4 - Tom Watson is new Deputy Leader