Crude workerism, not to mention inherently orientalist, as if the British working-class is mainly composed of Brits. great we haven't moved beyond 1930. Off to the labour party with you and leering at women in pubs. How are you going to appeal to the BME w/c and all those dependent on the wage fund like this?
You were probably a student at one point so you can fuck off with this purer than thou I'm more working-class than you look at me gosh aren't I special snowflake rhetoric. My inability to organise at the moment is none of your concern (not to mention discriminative) but given that you'll probably end up some kind of right winger in your old age and who knows (siding with fash, to preserve your workerism) I shouldn't be surprised.
And the real enemy is labour and the left. The tories are a bunch of incompetent blobs of cowshit. They can't disguise their real motives if they wanted to. You'd make a terrible military strategist.