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Labour leadership


Nottingham, crowds seem to be getting bigger, entryism?
#Labourpurge have become discontent with their database shitlists and are reaching out for warm, live informants, apparently.


The same tweeter, whose feed looks as far from a hoax/troll account as a twitter feed can look, followed up:

The DWP has a big Compliance Unit,
This has been dug up now. Some Blairite twat on CH4 news claiming Corbyn was comparing the beheadings, rape and torture to the actions of the US army. When pressed he said the US were engaged in a war ISIS aren't. It gets more dirty and desperate by the hour now!

It's an interview from June 2014 by the way.

McTernan, a very very unpleasant person.
That video is Shithead Fawkes by the look of it (the specific youtube link), don't give him traffic.

Aye but it's made the mainstream news and forced Corbyn to respond so it's worth discussing. I did clock the name but it might be just a wannabe rather than the arse faced prick himself.

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your recent application to become an Affiliated/a Registered Supporter of the Labour Party.

As part of the process to sign up as an Affiliated/a Registered Supporter all applicants are asked to confirm the following statement; I support the aims and values of the Labour Party, and I am not a supporter of any organisation opposed to it.

We have reason to believe that you do not support the aims and values of the Labour Party or you are a supporter of an organisation opposed to the Labour Party and therefore we are rejecting your application.

Although you may have received or may still receive a ballot paper, it will not work and if you do vote it will not be counted.

Should you wish to dispute rejection by the Labour Party you would have to submit and pursue an application to join Labour as a full member.

Kind Regards

The Labour Party

ah well, it looks like Corbyn's doing well enough to not miss my vote.

Had a chat with our GP membership secretary, who said she thought we'd lost about 20 members to Labour for this vote at the last count, so something like 2%, but we've gained more new members than that in the same period.

One of them was a council candidate in May who did reasonably well, and seemed pretty good, though I think she lacked much in the way of active support for her campaign which might have been a factor.

ah well, it looks like Corbyn's doing well enough to not miss my vote.

Had a chat with our GP membership secretary, who said she thought we'd lost about 20 members to Labour for this vote at the last count, so something like 2%, but we've gained more new members than that in the same period.

One of them was a council candidate in May who did reasonably well, and seemed pretty good, though I think she lacked much in the way of active support for her campaign which might have been a factor.
Are you surprised the LP rejected you? You're still referring to the Green Party as 'we'!

ah well, it looks like Corbyn's doing well enough to not miss my vote.

Had a chat with our GP membership secretary, who said she thought we'd lost about 20 members to Labour for this vote at the last count, so something like 2%, but we've gained more new members than that in the same period.

One of them was a council candidate in May who did reasonably well, and seemed pretty good, though I think she lacked much in the way of active support for her campaign which might have been a factor.
As much as it irritates me to see three quidders shown the door when they are genuine, you've actually run campaign for the greens and the lib dems. Of course you'll get a fuck-off letter for trying it on.
So how are they deciding who to reject, arbitarily by join date, tralling Facebook?

I didn't bother registering TBH but had I, I'd be pretty fucking fuming receiving a message like that, demand a refund at least.
I was allowed to vote, probably because i haven't been that politically active over the last few years.

To be honest, I don't see a problem with the Labour Party refusing membership to people like Mark Steel and Ken Loach, who, after all, were until very recently virulently anti-Labour.
Are you surprised the LP rejected you? You're still referring to the Green Party as 'we'!
Not so much now, but at the start of the thing there was fuck all on their registered supporters page about that, and it looked like they'd set it up as a much more open primary type system than it turns out that they actually wanted.

I get the distinct impression that the Green Party are much more up for the idea of being supportive of a left labour coalition than even Labour's left are. I suspect their intention is to attempt to ride this surge in support to crush all other left parties and reclaim what they see as their rightful votes, rather than considering partnership working.

I think the point where I realised I really was still much more Green (despite their faults) than Labour was when I couldn't actually face the thought of being surrounded by a massive crowd of Labour supporters / activists at the Leeds Corbyn rally, all there to support basically most of the Green Party manifesto that they'd mostly been campaigning against just 3 months earlier.

It's like the reverse of Jack Munroe (and other's) statement about Them not leaving labour, labour left them...... in this case it seems that Labour are joining us, but don't want those of us who were already campaigning on that platform to have any involvement.
As much as it irritates me to see three quidders shown the door when they are genuine, you've actually run campaign for the greens and the lib dems. Of course you'll get a fuck-off letter for trying it on.
It'd be good if people on here could at some point stop exagerating my lib dem involvement. I never ran a campaign for them, I did something like 3 nights of poster boarding for them.

Thing is, I was genuinely in a bit of a quandry about the situation, and my support for Corbyn and his policies is also genuine. Realistically the Green Party here is unlikely to be making a real electoral challenge at a parliamentary level if Corbyn's leading the Labour Party on mostly the same platform, so in that situation there'd have been a pretty good chance that I'd have either ended up directly supporting the local Labour campaign, or possibly attempting to come to an arrangement with the and the Greens for us to stand aside / support their campaign in the nationals, but not in the europeans or locals.

Obviously they only want the sort of unqualified support their tribal instincts allow them to understand.
ps my take on it was that I would have liked the opportunity to vote for Corbyn, but always said I'd leave it to Labour to determine whether or not they wanted to give me that opportunity.

I had hoped this initiative might be a first step to opening up the democratic process in this country a bit, maybe it is, but obviously not to that extent.
In my constituency the Tories got in, Lib Dems were second and Labour third. I voted NHS Action Party but they of course (although the fastest growing party :cool: of them all) came nowhere.

Corbyn is the only one of the major parties I'd trust to halt NHS privatization. Who should I vote for at the next election? Abstaining would be doing my part in letting the Tories in again.
I was allowed to vote, probably because i haven't been that politically active over the last few years.

To be honest, I don't see a problem with the Labour Party refusing membership to people like Mark Steel and Ken Loach, who, after all, were until very recently virulently anti-Labour.

Virulently anti-PLP you mean.
I had hoped this initiative might be a first step to opening up the democratic process in this country a bit, maybe it is, but obviously not to that extent.

Dunno really.

To be honest, I still feel faintly uncomfortable about it.

Why should someone who's paid the full whack as a party member, and signed up to the party's rules, have their vote on the same level as someone who's paid what's less (in some parts of the country) than the price of a pint, who may be doing it out of principled support for one candidate's vision that's distinct enough from the present party direction to make them think about (re) joining the party if they get elected; but equally may be doing it for the lols, or be opposed to the party and doing it in the hope of electing the leader they think will be most damaging.
Today I saw Jeremy Corbyn at a rally in Nottingham. Every word that came out of him resonated with me. He kept mentioning the miners strike and I thought of my late grandfather and neighbour who were unfortunate victims of Thatcher.

What got to me the most was, I sat next to a retired 75 year old chap in a mobility scooter and I asked him in passing “How do you feel about today?”

He turned around to me and said “The fact that this many people [1,300] would show up within a week’s notice to support an opposition to the tories is the best thing i’ve seen in a long time. I’m going to leave here today a lot happier and optimistic about the future i’m going to leave behind for my relatives.”

At every opportunity he could, he would give Jeremy Corbyn a standing ovation.

From a young(23) Muso's blog, something does seem to be happening

one thing we should remember there is a whole generation of under thirtys that while not experiencing the above, have family, relatives who did suffer in the 80's, etc.
Puddy_Tat I don't know, we'd not have this issue if we had some form of PR.

As it is though, we only have 2 parties with any chance of actually having their leader elected as Prime Minister, one of them being nominally left of centre, the other right of centre.

The only opportunity any of us actually therefore have to influence who the supposedly left of centre candidate for prime minister is / what policies they'd support is via the labour leadership elections.

Opening this process up to everyone on the left in some way would at least go some way to making the current process a little less unrepresentative / undemocratic.

Or we could just have PR instead, then I'd agree with you about the Labour leadership contest.
Dunno really.

To be honest, I still feel faintly uncomfortable about it.

Why should someone who's paid the full whack as a party member, and signed up to the party's rules, have their vote on the same level as someone who's paid what's less (in some parts of the country) than the price of a pint, who may be doing it out of principled support for one candidate's vision that's distinct enough from the present party direction to make them think about (re) joining the party if they get elected; but equally may be doing it for the lols, or be opposed to the party and doing it in the hope of electing the leader they think will be most damaging.

To an extent, but indeed why should someone who doesn't think about politics at all have their vote in an election on the same level as someone who's a party activist with principled support for one candidate's views?

If people in the Green Party (or Lib Dems or UKIP or whatever) feel that they could support Labour under Corbyn, then why shouldn't they join and vote for him?

Agreed of course on those people doing it for the lols or just trying to damage the party.
I was reading about Labour Party history today and happened to re-read the text of the 'new'(1995 replacement) Clause IV. I wonder if Kendall and the other neo-lab candidates are on board with the first 8 words?
The Labour Party is a democratic socialist party.
I was reading about Labour Party history today and happened to re-read the text of the 'new'(1995 replacement) Clause IV. I wonder if Kendall and the other neo-lab candidates are on board with the first 8 words?

"Socialism means many different things to different people at different times but for me it means wealth redistribution from the poor to the rich"
I was reading about Labour Party history today and happened to re-read the text of the 'new'(1995 replacement) Clause IV. I wonder if Kendall and the other neo-lab candidates are on board with the first 8 words?

"Is", perhaps, maybe "the" if you stretch it a bit.
I was reading about Labour Party history today and happened to re-read the text of the 'new'(1995 replacement) Clause IV. I wonder if Kendall and the other neo-lab candidates are on board with the first 8 words?

I remember a little video put out by the Blair team in1993 when he was bidding to be leader. He was holding a barbeque in his back garden and he declared himself a socialist because... he was being social. Tolerating the prescence of ordinary people in his back yard and stuff.
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