danny la rouge
I have a cheese grater in the dishwasher.
You are wrong on that. They do hold a slim majority of seats, though.First, the Tories hold a significant majority of the popular vote as far as I am aware - happy to be corrected if I'm wrong on that.
So a Pyrrhic victory for traditional Labour values. Finally, an answer. One I disagree with on two counts. First, I don't think Corbyn represents traditional Labour values. But that's another thread. He represents a strand of social democratic values that still holds currency on the UK, though. And that's why I don't agree with the second part of your sentence: I don't think those values being represented by a party will automatically mean them being defeated electorally. They include some pretty hard to shift attitudes. So they won't be the cause of any hypothetical Corbyn-led Labour defeat.Second, Corbyn's victory would be pyrrhic because it would be a triumph for long suppressed Labour values that would lead to the the party going down in flames. Politics is the art of the possible etc...
(Though if Corbyn does lead Laboyr to defeat at the next GE, those values will indeed be blamed by the establishment received knowledge).
What fresh madness is this? Oh yes, neoliberalism.And, leading on from that, how do you think British working rules and regulations will allow this putative British industry, which I quite frankly have no idea from where it will launch forth, compete with other nations?
I'm getting at: I am an anarchist. I do not think parliament is there to represent the people, but rather to represent the interests of the owning class and impose those on the people.Pro-parliament? Not sure what you're getting at here.
Your chosen timescale rather makes my previous point for me. There hasn't been universal suffrage for even 100 years yet. So the job it is doing clearly isn't representing the people.Yes, I think our constitution works pretty well, as it has done for hundreds of years.
Oh and I was discussing parliament. The constitution is a rather wider beast.
Maoist. How quaint. No, I'm not one of those. Though I understand they had nice hats.Rightist? That makes you sound like a Maoist but if you want to make that judgment, feel free.