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Labour leadership

please enjoy this impressive logic once more:

i meditate on it daily like a zen mystery.

Do you understand how a popular election works?

If you want someone to win, you vote for them. If they get the majority of the vote, they win. If they do not, they lose.

Those who do not vote have no influence as a result, presumably because they do not care.

In a general election, in a democracy, unless the results are fixed, you get the government that people want.
So it's a limited right, then?

Like freedom of speech, for instance?

Quick question, do you stand around while people rob your house citing the important principle that a man's home is his castle, which no doubt said thieves would agree with even as they rifle through your sock drawer?
Do you understand how a popular election works?

If you want someone to win, you vote for them. If they get the majority of the vote, they win. If they do not, they lose.

Those who do not vote have no influence as a result, presumably because they do not care.

In a general election, in a democracy, unless the results are fixed, you get the government that people want.
Wrong again. Stop making such woefully ill-informed assertions. A party can only govern (as a majority administration) if it has a plurality of seats in the commons. That is not the same thing as a majority of the popular vote, as I have just shown you above.
What killer b said is the more direct version of what my post about curating your Facebook feed better was aiming at .

You know too many of the wrong sort of people. :p

Yeah fair play I do still have a lot of SP members on my list and i only chat to a few people on there and should really delete it. But they're not the only ones, my mum's mate asked me a few weeks ago whether i was excited by corbyn lol.
Do you understand how a popular election works?

If you want someone to win, you vote for them. If they get the majority of the vote, they win. If they do not, they lose.

Those who do not vote have no influence as a result, presumably because they do not care.

In a general election, in a democracy, unless the results are fixed, you get the government that people want.

Oh god
Quick question, do you stand around while people rob your house citing the important principle that a man's home is his castle, which no doubt said thieves would agree with even as they rifle through your sock drawer?


Not sure what you are getting at here - the right to privacy or property under the relevant legislation or common law maybe?

Or, perhaps, you are trying to make a clever/dim point about the words that a person writes on a bulletin board while bored at work on a Wednesday afternoon are illustrative of some wider truth...

Sorry, in a way, to be so rude but you are a completely thick cunt. The thing about being stupid is that you're sometimes the only one who doesn't know it.

I'll put you on ignore now, but why don't you do yourself a favour and fuck off? You might find a hobby you're good at. Gardening's nice in summer. Football's just started up again. Go and get yourself a season ticket.
If Corbyn gets in, he will face a relatively powerful government pushing through an agenda that will force him to go further and further left and further away from the electorate. The Tories must be rubbing their hands with glee.

That is the anti-Corbyn meme, but it does tend to ignore a few things.

For a start, their majority is still only 12 and almost all of what passes for their agenda (further austerity, further privatization, a Cameron-defined Europe) relates to things that even "the resistance" are unlikely to break ranks over. There are also considerable divisions over most of those policy areas within the Tories.

Secondly, what they say they want to do (reduce the deficit) is in considerable conflict with what they are actually doing - eg: building council housing is cheaper than paying HB to landlords, public borrowing is cheaper to use than using PFI, the nationalized railway would be cheaper than what we have now, a proper student grant system would probably be cheaper for the state to run than tuition fees / loans is, having a larger and more capable conventional military would be cheaper and more effective than replacing Trident. All Corbyn has to do is ask why it is that, if iDave / Osborne are so determined to reduce spending, they continually pick the more expensive options and who benefits from those decisions.
This is complete idiocy - the argument, such as I can understand it runs as follows:

Because every single person in the country who could have voted, did not vote, the fact that the Tories have a popular majority and a majority in parliament means nothing.

If Corbyn becomes leader, does that mean that millions more voters will become mobilised?

Does that mean that the turnout will radically change so as to overwhelm the Tory voters by mobilising those who couldn't give a shit about voting before?

I respect your delphic qualites but I fear you misread people if you think ConflictStone can be merely ommed off
I've been reading these allen ginsberg interviews where he ommed away the chicago police who were teargassing anti war demonstrators in a park... i think he got truncheoned in the head while doing it and someone died tho.
Labour lost and they lost abysmally. They should be looking to work out how to become electable again, not going on off on a grand, fruitless adventure.
This is complete idiocy - the argument, such as I can understand it runs as follows:

Because every single person in the country who could have voted, did not vote, the fact that the Tories have a popular majority and a majority in parliament means nothing.

No. It has been explained quite clearly above. The plurality electoral system has translated 24% of the registered turnout into a parliamentary majority of 12. What is it that you can't understand?
Not sure what you are getting at here

My point is that you're bollocking on about how our "fundamental rights" don't change as though you're making some sort of important constitutional distinction (in fact a pathetic equivocation because you were called out once again on your woeful politics) while the goverment is in practice outright ignoring those rights, even as they agree with you that they're fundamental.
No - your assertion was that the Tory government is illegitimate because of the proportion of the total available vote across the entire electorate it won in relation to the seats it gathered was disproportionate.

I challenged you on two points - (i) first, that the proportional total vote argument is fundamentally spurious, and (ii) second, that other parties have soared far higher or dipped much further than the Tories have in relation to their actual votes.

The simple point is this - the country wants a Tory government.

I don't want a Tory government but until the left and the centre-left (which I would place myself in) realise that, then there is absolutely no chance whatsoever of getting rid of a Tory government.
if the country wants a tory government so badly why did 75% of the electorate not support them - indeed, the number of people who didn't vote was markedly larger than the number of people who voted tory.
I've been reading these allen ginsberg interviews where he ommed away the chicago police who were teargassing anti war demonstrators in a park... i think he got truncheoned in the head while doing it and someone died tho.
Apparently he used to do it regular. I swear I recall reading something by Hunter S Thompson about how it freaked him out
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