danny la rouge
I have a cheese grater in the dishwasher.
They're supporting Corbyn because they see him as a way to regain Scottish Labour's lost supporters from the SNP. Not so sure it'll work to any great degree, but it at least has a logic behind it.Hell, no. Daily Rectum supported 'No'. Unsure what to make of this Corbyn preference. Possibly building up in order to knock down later?
But if anyone is tempted to think that makes the Record in any way progressive, remember the Record co-sponsored the homophobic Keep The Clause campaign to keep Section 2A (as clause 28 was known in Scotland), running horrendous stereotyping scare stories, including the infamous front page banner "Gay Sex Lessons For Scots Schools", and assisting Souter in perpetrating his bogus ballot.
They also ran the utterly shameful front page headline about the racist murder of Kurdish refugee Firsat Dag: "Stabbed Turk Firsat Conned his Way in as Asylum Seeker".
Amongst other crimes.
So, they are disgusting filth who should be shunned by decent people.