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Labour leadership

Right oh.
I thought for a moment JC was really going into the lions' den and putting on a dedicated U75 rally!:D

Actually it's a bit surprising given his social media that he hasn't done more like that, U75 would be too niche of course but why not reddit or mumsnet?
Yes it's a bit silly but politicians doing AMAs there is increasingly common
Yes, see a few linked though mostly US. I'm sure it has a big UK userbase too, though confess only visit if it gets linked elsewhere.
No idea about mumsnet but on the British subreddits there has been a lot of interest in Corbyn stuff and plenty of people voting.
Have to admit that I'm not really familiar with Reddit at all...I'm A Beardy 80s Throwback!:D
Long shot, but any of the Reddits who voted Tory in May?

I suspect that very few subreddits will be made up of a majority of people who vote Tory, I dunno if any individuals who voted Tory are voting Corbyn but it's a weird world these days in regards to that stuff and people seem to change their deeply held principles very quickly


Only the best for Corbynites.

ours will probably be in a warehouse on the edge of town.
You do say some stupid things, but that must be one of your dumbest ever. Congratulations.
Tele leading on Harman's quality time with the lawyers...

Harriet Harman considered attempting to halt the Labour leadership contest amid concerns that controversy around the voting process could leave the result open to a challenge in court.

Sources close to the acting party leader said she is so alarmed by the prospect of tens of thousands of non-Labour supporters voting in the contest that she discussed the prospect of pausing the election.

The Telegraph understands that Ms Harman explored the possibility before being told that it would not be legally possible.
The thing is with statements like that is that they don't even make sense unless you have walked at least a few steps down the right-wing echo chamber. You have to accept not only that leftists are anti-Israel but that they use Zionist as a synonym for Jew, you have to accept that all leftists not only support Putin but go a step further and have some sort of racial animosity for Ukrainians and the American bit is very early 2000s. Even the hardest of thinking left-wingers have realised that they hate the American oligarchy, which is similar to our own, not American people.
brogdale : Interesting stuff, thanks. Maybe Ole has a point then!

I had my suspicion that the LabourUncut bloke was anti-Corbyn hopecasting, but in the end this must still be the very hardest type of poilling to have confidence in.

Best to read objective insights like Anthony's though, rather then just rubbish opinionating, so thanks for that.
If you believe in the wisdom of crowds (of punters)....
Why is he writing for far-right rag the spectator which has given a platform to golden dawn apologists? J Ed

because that is totally consistent with his schtick of being a nominal left-winger that demonises the left, it's a big industry
because that is totally consistent with his schtick of being a nominal left-winger that demonises the left, it's a big industry

That euston manifesto / decent left lot are such shite.

If hes so concerned about antisemitism why doesnt he criticise the columnist who wrote that screed, should be some top material as GD also against austerity and urged a no vote in the referendum.
Unfortunately its all too often tolerated in the soft left milieu that i suspect make up a lot (not all) corbyns support, some members of the PSC etc altho that's not strictly left wing and includes a few tories.
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