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Labour leadership

Corbyn has delivered his ten point plan this evening in Glasgow in front of hoardes of Scots, whilst the others have not really delivered much at all today

  • Growth not austerity – with a national investment bank to help create tomorrow's jobs and reduce the deficit fairly. Fair taxes for all - let the broadest shoulders bear the biggest burden to balance the books.
  • A lower welfare bill through investment and growth not squeezing the least well-off and cuts to child tax credits.
  • Action on climate change - for the long-term interest of the planet rather than the short-term interests of corporate profits.
  • Public ownership of railways and in the energy sector - privatisation has put profits before people.
  • Decent homes for all in public and private sectors by 2025 through a big housebuilding programme and controlling rents.
  • No more illegal wars, a foreign policy that prioritises justice and assistance. Replacing Trident not with a new generation of nuclear weapons but jobs that retain the communities’ skills.
  • Fully-funded NHS, integrated with social care, with an end to privatisation in health.
  • Protection at work – no zero hours contracts, strong collective bargaining to stamp out workplace injustice.
  • Equality for all – a society that accepts no barriers to everyone’s talents and contribution. An end to scapegoating of migrants.
  • A life-long national education service for decent skills and opportunities throughout our lives: universal childcare, abolishing student fees and restoring grants, and funding adult skills training throughout our lives

I was at the meeting in Glasgow. Got to say it was pretty 'impressive' numbers wise, around 1000. There was 300 or so at a daytime meeting in Edinburgh the same day.
One thing I noticed, apart from the usual paper sellers, and a novel if welcome, for comedic value, mass retuern, ie 6, from the Sparts, was a large-ish numebr of 20 somethings who were clearly interested enough to go and were signing up to help Corbyn/join Labour/get more info. There was also a very uncynical 'air' about a lot of people. That said from the Labour Lefts I know who were there it was the same old same old.... If he wins we stay anf fight to keep him in position and if he loses we stay and fight until we win. It's almost as if the world changing hasn't happened, or they still think it's 1981 and the battles being fought in a comparitively 'democratic' Labour party are being refought.
Was talking to a mate on whether it was worth re-joining as he was planning to do so. Part of me would like to for a laugh and to watch the right snarl and spew... What is also making me curious is that my former MP Ian Davidson, a nasty hun fuck is supporting Corbyn (more a checking which way the wind is blowing I think) so i'm half wondering what he's up to.... A fair few Lefts I know from Left Unity et al are already planning to join if he wins, sopme SNP supporting type Lefts have also mentioned joing... Strange old world....
that's interesting....

I think their SNP support is very 'recent', I never asked how long they'd supported the SNP. There's been 2 notable moves, back in the 1970's a fair few ex Communist Party membes moved to the SNP and opver the past few years a fair few former Labour 'Lefts' did the same... I'd bet they are in the latter so aren't really long term SNP voters.
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David Miliband says he'll be voting for the 'fresh ideas' and 'straight talking' of Liz Kendall.

I'm sure you were all as eager as I was to find out where he stood.

Oh dear, what a shock!
Yes probably hoping she will win and set the scene for the triumphant, nay glorious return of the prodigal son in ten years time.
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