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Labour leadership

Yvette Cooper as Kira and Chukka as Odo then? Toss up for Quark.

A bloodshot eye peered at me through the letterbox. Its owner demanded the password: ‘aspiration’. A pause. Whispers. Then, with a clatter of bolts, chains and keys, the door opened a crack.

There stood Tristram Hunt. I knew his face from the ‘wanted’ posters, though three years in the underground had taken their toll. He wore an eyepatch, his cheek was scarred, and he hadn’t trimmed his state-issued beard— an arrestable offence.

Hunt led me down a staircase to a crowded bar-room, dimly lit by state-issued candles (these are dry and tasteless, but keep bursting into flames, which in this case is a plus). The air reeked of an evil-smelling liquor. I guessed it was the moonshine, brewed under Chelsea Bridge by the tramps— bankers, once— now long since taxed into destitution and madness.

The rabble diminished to a murmur. All eyes were on me as we moved through the room. I recognised Liz Kendall, her cyborg-hands dealing playing cards with lightning speed. She gave me a curt nod, exhaling a thick cloud of cigar smoke.

‘Who’s that?’

I nodded towards a figure wearing the torn remnants of a Savile Row suit, playing the Knife Game with a hunting blade.

‘That’s Chuka Umunna,’ whispered Hunt. ‘He’s been with us from the beginning.’

The man, Umunna, stared at me, and began to laugh maniacally, slowly drawing the knife across his palm. He licked the blood.

‘I warned you!’ he muttered, to no-one in particular. ‘I warned you all!’
He has to be a troll. In the sense of someone who posts to get attention rather than for the sake of argument. Time and time again he constructs an argument from 2 or 3 words in someone else's post and responds to that instead of what has actually been said, resulting in more attention than a sensible response could possibly have got him. The example with Dot Communist's post above is just too ridiculous to take seriously.

A troll who has been here for longer than you have?

I post what I think but I'm not the kind of poster to stand by the sidelines and cheerlead. Generally I post in opposition to stuff that people put forwards and it seems to frustrate them - possibly because they are never really challenged...
I'm going to drive this argument home again to see if any Corbyn supporters have a proper response:

First, do you think that Corbyn could ever be elected as Prime Minister of the UK; and

Second, if you do not think that is possible, what is the point of him leading the Labour party?
non corbynite responds

He could. Its not unknown for a left wing candidate to win elections. Chavez managed it. Shit, Wilsons gov in the UK.

If you don't think its possible, it will drag the labour party kicking and screaming leftwards

Thats it.
A troll who has been here for longer than you have?

I post what I think but I'm not the kind of poster to stand by the sidelines and cheerlead. Generally I post in opposition to stuff that people put forwards and it seems to frustrate them - possibly because they are never really challenged...

You don't challenge anyone, you just smugly repeat the same crap assertions with no actual content. Compare you to other posters here, who can bore the arse off of us all with endless well informed, evidence based arguments and you show up like an arsey kid. Read this whole thread, challenge the opinions presented, or contribute ones of your own worth reading, then people may do more than point and laugh
I'm going to drive this argument home again to see if any Corbyn supporters have a proper response:

First, do you think that Corbyn could ever be elected as Prime Minister of the UK; and

Second, if you do not think that is possible, what is the point of him leading the Labour party?
non corbynite responds

He could. Its not unknown for a left wing candidate to win elections. Chavez managed it. Shit, Wilsons gov in the UK.

even if you don't think its possible, it will drag the labour party kicking and screaming leftwards praps. Who knows.

Thats it.
tony blair sitting on top of his pile of skulls, stark naked, cackling maniacally

...gnawing on bones in his cave, he's blind now but clutching a jagged edge of flint he scrapes lines into the stone wall, feeling the marks with his blood stained hands, first a J and then much later when he's got the hang of it, Jeremy. Fucking. Corbyn. For. Fucks. Sake....
A troll who has been here for longer than you have?

I post what I think but I'm not the kind of poster to stand by the sidelines and cheerlead. Generally I post in opposition to stuff that people put forwards and it seems to frustrate them - possibly because they are never really challenged...

You don't challenge people. Your posts don't have any real content and you don't add anything to the debate. You just ignore people's posts and carry on repeating the same two or three mistruthes.

Let's have something useful from you.

You don't thing Labour can win from the left but Labour have just lost on their current platform. Without misrepresenting my simple request - without strawmen, and without just ignoring this post - could you give maybe a 100 word summary of what Labour's politics should be like?

If you can't. Why don't you get another hobby?

If you can, would love to hear.
I picked up a copy of the sun on sunday and read figures for the campaign funding of the candidates, but I can't find anything online.
Hundreds of thousands each, mostly from a handful of big backers, except Corbyn who's mostly union & crowdfunded.

What struck me was the claim that they spend it on campaigning, leaflets, travelling, booking halls and so on. Now with C that makes sense, but what are the others really spending the money on?
He wears defendants down with inane questions in a similar manner to Colombo until they scream their guilt. It's pretty effective.
this is well offensive to Columbo fans. Columbo's questions, while seemingly innocouse, were actually key to his case building. Sometimes he could come in with one they couldn't answer and then it was jobs a goodun.
It will be interesting if Corbyn wins the leadership and stays for the next election, how long ago was it that we last had a left versus right wing contest, Kinnock perhaps? What proportion of voters would benefit from a left wing prospectus and might therefore vote for it, perhaps only time will tell?
I've told you I'm not a three quidder.

That could actually become a thing. The Daily Mail abandon moaning about the politically correct and the metropolitan elite. It'll become 'The March of The Three Quidders.... wibble wibble, Eurotunnel swarms.... Commissars.... Winterval......Benefit Street... ". How the Three Quidders Turned this Green and Pleasant Land into an Isis Hellhole.
Shitting up the thread seems to be code for disagreeing with the majority opinion.

Yeah you're right and you're right about the other thing too, bang on. It's just that your persiflage is hard work, it's painful. You probably mean well and all but this is a franchise, it's about brand loyalty and majority opinions. Stop rocking the flagpole with your whacky idealistic shtick and all that.
Today's announcement by Burnham that he would if elected leader put Corbyn into his cabinet, sounds to me a clever ploy to "shoot Corbyn's fox. Nervous Corbyn supporters might be seduced into voting Burnham. Corbyn has reciprocated this which will do him no harm at all.
he gets regularly stitched up by even mental cases like me. Still he can sit on his balcony, reading Nabukov while mastubating and imagining a life that doesn't so closely resemble being the lead in a brit remake of American Psycho

"Diamond Geezer" directed by Rich Guy, starring gangsta wannabes and tory molls etc
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