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Labour & Anti-Semitism.

One of the leading members of the Loon Central no we're not getting any Russian/syrian etc help Working Group on Syria, Propaganda and Media (as detailed earlier in this thread and elsewhere) is behind the fundraising for Chris Williamson to sue the labour party. They have raised more than 20 grand in under 24 hours.

(Do click on the write in stone research link at the end as well, may be useful to some)


The person running the sue labour fund for Chris 'pfi' Williamson - David Miller - used to run a site called Necon Europe (now closed) that at one point had an article that used Kevin Macdonald. That name may not mean much to some, but he is anti-semite no1, the einstein of anti-semitism, the most important person in the revival of scientific anti-semitism and a massive voice in the new far right.

So first off, good work Chris Williamson - really helping labour shake off the friendly to anti-semitism accusations, secondly, did anyone keep copies of the original article? I have the summary from the wankers at HUH with now deleted screenshots but not the actual piece.


There also appears to be an ongoing row with the decrepit monkey man-priest Williamson being invited to speak at the main (state sponsored?) Peterloo rally/commemoration on sunday - with claims the council have threatened to cut off the electricity to the event if he speaks. I think you'd have to be a political naif not to read that claim as an attempt at making this all about defending Williamson by the more rabid of his followers.

Miller was up here in Glasgow previously, I wasn'taware he had moved on but hardly surprising given I'm not active in ssp type politics anymore. He was close to/in the SWP up here, spoke at a few Marxism events too as I remember.
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If there is no GE and a by-election in bassetlaw will be interesting to see results. Tories not miles off last time and heavy leave area
Good takedown of the weaponisation of antisemitism within the Labour party and more.

For the first time in my life, I'm frightened to be Jewish

such a strong /imprnt piece

got to admit, last week felt like a bit of a turning point for me re: the whole AS / Labour issue - the mobs turning on Aditya Chakraborty, howling ' AS' for his rebuttal of Danny Finkelsteins hit piece on Corbyn ( which was a straight ahread anti left piece, nothing to do with AS, from a wealthy, right wing Lord ) then the same when Dianne Abbot pointed out Luciana Berger's embarrassing hypocrisy re : joining the Lib Dems - cynical, white, middle class liberals , some jewish, many not, screaming ' racist' at these two... just grotesque, and despite big reservations about him /his conduct , hard not to recall Chris Williamson's words at the Sheffield Momentum meet that got him suspended ( expelled this week ? ) about 'giving too much ground ' , and where it leads

With a general election likely in the next couple of months, does anyone have any idea when the EHRC is due to report on it's investigation into Labour and anti-Semitism?

As I see it there's three possible outcomes of the report:

It's scathing of the Labour party and very damaging (possible).

It's an evenly balanced report recognising pros and cons, which Corbyn's political enemies will cherry pick to make him look as bad as possible, while Corbyn tries to point to some good bits (likely).

It largely exonerates the Labour party (unlikely).

The timing could be very inconvenient for Labour.
Fairly sure they wouldn't be able to report during the campaign due to purdah rules, so if it's not out in the next few weeks it's not out until after the election.
Fairly sure they wouldn't be able to report during the campaign due to purdah rules, so if it's not out in the next few weeks it's not out until after the election.
are the EHRC civil servants? they're the only ones really covered by purdah
Good takedown of the weaponisation of antisemitism within the Labour party and more.

For the first time in my life, I'm frightened to be Jewish
We live in a time when racism is being normalized, when Nazis parade in the streets in Europe and America; Jew baiters like Hungary's Orban are treated as respectable players on the international scene, “white nationalist” propagandist Steve Bannon can openly coordinate scare-mongering tactics with Boris Johnson in London at the same time as in Pittsburg, murderers deluded by white nationalist propaganda are literally mowing Jews down with automatic weapons. How is it, then, that our political class has come to a consensus that the greatest threat to Britain's Jewish community is a lifelong anti-racist accused of not being assiduous enough in disciplining party members who make offensive comments on the internet?

9 January 2015 a group of Islamists targeted a Jewish supermarket killing four injuring 11. This attack, much closer than Bannon or Pittsburg seems to not worry the author.
There is no conceivable scenario in which admirers of the ideas of Rosa Luxemberg or Leon Trotsky are going to start shooting up synagogues, or Momentum (an organization three of whose four co-founders were Jewish) is going to make anyone wear yellow stars.
On 18 July 1994 a suicide bomber killed 85 people at the Jewish Community Center in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Hezbollah are strongly implicated in this attack. In 2009 Jeremy Corbyn described Hezbollah as his friends.

Had Jeremy Corbyn called the Orange Order or the British National Party his friends, condemnation would have been swift and severe from the left. If Islamist murder and antisemitism is not every bit as repugnant to people as the UVF's anti Catholic murder or the violence of Combat 18 then I suspect people may need to reflect a little deeper on why bigoted violence of all kinds should be beyond the pale.
are the EHRC civil servants? they're the only ones really covered by purdah
The EHRC is a 'statutory non-departmental public body', who are covered by purdah (link), so killer b is absolutely right. If the EHRC haven't issued their report on Labour before the election period starts - whenever that ends up being - it should after the election.

I'm just thinking it's probably due soon - the end of July was the deadline for submissions. But then I dont know how long they'll have to spend trawling through evidence, deciding what they think and writing the thing.
Late to the party, Louise Ellman quits over anti-Semitism. Wonder if there was any particular trigger or whether it’s designed to harm Corbyn at a crucial moment (though likely to get lost in the noise of Brexit)

MP Louise Ellman quits Labour Party

Unsurprisingly the fair and balanced BBC prints twitter reactions from a Lib Dem and two right-wing Labour MPs.
Her local party was going to debate her future on the day of the start of Yom Kippur...
Can't see any relevance, tbh.
My memory of GCs/AMMs from various CLPs is that the dates were published at the start of the year; can't see why they'd necessarily take note of supernatural festivals?
Quite, the dates would have been in January, and it was due at this meeting because that is when trigger ballots are being held nationwide. To try to pretend there is any ulterior motive is utterly disingenuous.
Can't see any relevance, tbh.
My memory of GCs/AMMs from various CLPs is that the dates were published at the start of the year; can't see why they'd necessarily take note of supernatural festivals?
if the dates were published at the start of the year then people with concerns about religious festivals could have raised them months ago. should have raised them months ago. if they didn't then it's really shit of them to complain after the fact when through their own inactivity it's their own stupid fault the meeting was held on that date.
if the dates were published at the start of the year then people with concerns about religious festivals could have raised them months ago. should have raised them months ago. if they didn't then it's really shit of them to complain after the fact when through their own inactivity it's their own stupid fault the meeting was held on that date.
Was always my understanding that effective secretarying of CLPs required the GC/AMM dates published for the coming year for those sort of reasons.
Quite, the dates would have been in January, and it was due at this meeting because that is when trigger ballots are being held nationwide. To try to pretend there is any ulterior motive is utterly disingenuous.
I think it was just being talked about as (further) evidence of LP blindness to cultural sensitivities around jewish holidays etc, not that there was some ulterior motive to it tbf. What ulterior motive could there be?
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