Bring back hanging
I'm not sure that's right.
In recent years I've seen virtually no evidence for committed anti-semitism in the Labour Party or on the UK left generally. As in any movement made up of every level from experienced hacks to naive newcomers there are some careless or thoughtless ideas/talk knocking around, but the way to deal with that is through argument, discussion and education, not "zero tolerance," suspensions and expulsions.
How would you define this "hint" of anti-semitism?
I'm pretty sure the author of the report sees any criticism of Israel or of Zionism as full on, sieg-heilling anti-semitism. You won't satisfy them without purging all such criticism, and perhaps not even then.
When that's done some people will look at the actions of Israel and say "if it's anti-semitic to oppose oppression then I must be anti-semitic." In that way good people are thrown into the arms of the conspiraloons.
The best way to deal with this is campaign resolutely against both Zionism and anti-semitism within the Labour Party, and show in practice that one isn't the opposite of the other.
So much this. We've seen it with the government in the past few years, all the big social media networks - censoring possibly controversial opinions doesn't make them go away - it just pushes people to extremes. People should be free to criticize the Israeli government without this aggressive label.
Would either of you describe the labour party response as doing what you both suggest?
I think using the quite transparent motives of the author to just ignore the hardcore committed ideological anti-semitism deep within key labour linked people posted in the report is to both ignore it and prepare the ground for a defence of it on free speech grounds or content, It stinks. The longer left wingers just pretend that anti-semitism = anti-zionism (in that specific order) the longer this goes on.