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Labour & Anti-Semitism.

This is really shocking, even removing the D/M approach, has there been any protests to support him, challlenge what has happened?, UAF over to you.

The Mail story is pretty poorly-written and is historically-inaccurate with its claim that thousands of Jews arrived in east London "in the build-up to the Russian revolution". After 1905 (The Aliens Act), far fewer eastern Jews entered the UK The bulk of the Ashkenazim started arriving in numbers 60-odd years before that, and the Sephardim in the late 18th century.
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You really think they have?, there are masses of posts on anti-fascism on here, havent seen anything about it.

Why would you?
it's certainly the case that Mr Shalom's case hasn't penetrated the media that cater specifically to Jewish interests, such as the JC. How would anti-fascists be aware of something poorly-publicised, especially given how bodies like the CST and the BoDoBJ try to keep this stuff "in-house" in order to deploy such stories to greater effect - say by punting the story to the Mail.
Let's face it, "local anti-fascists sort out anti-Semites" doesn't make as good a story, does it?
On the left, there is unfortunately this mentality of some oppressions being more equal than others - some result in instant outrage, others generally get paid lip service to at the most.

Analyse it.
In my experience, such reference back to a hierarchy of oppressions isn't so much something "on the left", as a device used by the vanguardists to lay claim to the affections of whatever minority interest they're currently courting or, in the case of mainstream politics, whichever minority interest they wish to keep on-side.
Anyone who doesn't realise that the hierarchy of oppressions is a device to divide the class, and treat it accordingly, is a fool.
it's certainly the case that Mr Shalom's case hasn't penetrated the media that cater specifically to Jewish interests, such as the JC.
One reason for that might be that this isn't a new story. Here's a Newham Recorder article about Mr Shalom from 2011. And in two parts here and here is audio of an interview he gave to yadbyaduk.com in 2014.

Another reason might be that Mr Shalom isn't just a victim but also something of a campaigner. His twitter account is closed to non-followers but the strapline "Nazi Newham run by Labour scum" suggests that there is a political aspect to some of these campaigning activities and my guess is that it's depressingly familiar right wing stuff. His cause has certainly been taken up by some pretty reactionary types. I came across a site, run by a self-described right wing "moderate", which used the above interview as the launching pad for an editorial again back in 2014

Jewish? Living in Newham? Then you’d better get some body armour.
There is no way would I wish to walk up East Ham High Street North, from the Town Hall in East Ham, to Manor Park Station, a distance of a mile or so, wearing a Kippah. To do so would get me killed, or at the very least injured, not by the sort of Mosleyite thugs of the past (who were effectively seen off by the 43 Group who operated between 1946 and 1950), but by the imported Islamic hate-mongers of the present. Forty years ago it would have been possible to walk this route in relative safety but not now. Now the ‘Last Jews of Newham’ are facing the same Islamic hatred that the ‘Last Jews of Bagdhad’ and the ‘Last Jews of Tunisia’ faced and in some cases are still facing. Newham is being cleansed of Jews and the Leftists who are aligned with the ideology of Islam are gaining political benefit from the actions of Islamic thugs who are doing the cleansing. This should never have been allowed to happen.

I guess it's unsurprising that the account of Mr Shalom's harassment has been resurrected in the current climate.

I guess it's also unsurprising that it should have traction with those who are concerned that opening the ranks of the Labour Party to the great unwashed has let in people with wacky and reactionary ideas.

Ideas even more wacky and reactionary than the notion that a Labour Government would do anything other than piss on the 'non-aspirational' ? Now that is a worry.
You have bullied Bimble off Urban you won't bully me off. Though I will be taking a break again soon.
I wasn't going to respond but then I thought I should. Bimble, in every discussion that wasn't what you are having for your fucking tea tonight weighed in so many backhanded slurs to me and others. I argue in good faith, always. Why else bother? but having a goldsmith graduate routinely cunt me off with insinuations did not endear me to her. And I gave her a fair shake. I swallowed things. But it didn't follow, I was not taken in the same good faith and was given more insinuations. So if the poster in question has fucked off then good. And I don't think I'm being a cunt here either, I give every man or woman a fair shake. Didnt get one back
I wasn't going to respond but then I thought I should. Bimble, in every discussion that wasn't what you are having for your fucking tea tonight weighed in so many backhanded slurs to me and others. I argue in good faith, always. Why else bother? but having a goldsmith graduate routinely cunt me off with insinuations did not endear me to her. And I gave her a fair shake. I swallowed things. But it didn't follow, I was not taken in the same good faith and was given more insinuations. So if the poster in question has fucked off then good. And I don't think I'm being a cunt here either, I give every man or woman a fair shake. Didnt get one back

This is pretty much my criticism too.

Care to comment @treelover or have you done your usual abandon thread thing now on this one?
Analyse it.
In my experience, such reference back to a hierarchy of oppressions isn't so much something "on the left", as a device used by the vanguardists to lay claim to the affections of whatever minority interest they're currently courting or, in the case of mainstream politics, whichever minority interest they wish to keep on-side.
Anyone who doesn't realise that the hierarchy of oppressions is a device to divide the class, and treat it accordingly, is a fool.
Bingo. This is what I was trying to put across to someone who was getting quite aeriated when I dared to tell him/her that whenever the issue of [anti-black/anti-Roma/anti-Chinese] racism is mentioned, it's often greeted with a 'you have a chip on your shoulder', 'get a sense of humour' or it's ignored completely. Yet complaints of anti-Semitism are dealt with seriously and swiftly. All forms of racism need to be taken seriously and dealt with on equal terms with anti-Semitism.

It's not surprising that the media has now turned its attention to other things. Gawd bless our free press, eh?
The revelation appears to be that Luke Akehurst plans to stand for the NEC. He stands every year. And has done since at least Gordon Brown was leader, probably Blair too.
The revelation appears to be that Luke Akehurst plans to stand for the NEC. He stands every year. And has done since at least Gordon Brown was leader, probably Blair too.

'I will fight against Hard Left factionalism whether that is opposing partisan rule changes, defending hard-working incumbent MPs and councillors from sectarian deselection bids, or stopping the Momentum faction from becoming a bridgehead back into the party for the entryist far left.' :rolleyes:

Luke Akehurst for election to Labour's NEC 2016

Interesting to see that his wife is the newly-elected Labour city councillor in Blackbird Leys in Oxford.
Luke Akehurst of question time appearance a few weeks ago?

The labour chap on then appeared to be grandstanding re antisemitism.
'I will fight against Hard Left factionalism whether that is opposing partisan rule changes, defending hard-working incumbent MPs and councillors from sectarian deselection bids, or stopping the Momentum faction from becoming a bridgehead back into the party for the entryist far left.' :rolleyes:

Luke Akehurst for election to Labour's NEC 2016

Interesting to see that his wife is the newly-elected Labour city councillor in Blackbird Leys in Oxford.

I didn't realise they'd moved from Hackney to Blackbird Leys...hopefully they've still got their 'small hideaway in Andalucia' if it all gets too much.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
I didn't realise they'd moved from Hackney to Blackbird Leys...hopefully they've still got their 'small hideaway in Andalucia' if it all gets too much.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Oh, they haven't. As I'm sure you're aware, you don't have to actually *live* in the area you purport to represent. Her address appears to be in Old Marston in Oxford which is a whole different kettle of fish to BBL.
Oh, they haven't. As I'm sure you're aware, you don't have to actually *live* in the area you purport to represent. Her address appears to be in Old Marston in Oxford which is a whole different kettle of fish to BBL.

I didn't think they had for one minute.

I appreciated it's probably a ridiculous notion but isn't there something to gained from having people who live in and are part of a community represent that community?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
I didn't think they had for one minute.

I appreciated it's probably a ridiculous notion but isn't there something to gained from having people who live in and are part of a community represent that community?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

Now that is ridiculous...
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