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Labour & Anti-Semitism.

Good point, the whole Hamas thing was brewing before Corbyn got elected. I think the electorate will see through it. Cameron pretty much shrugged his shoulders about rising homelessness, the Rowntree report about destitution, rising numbers going to food banks again etc but got all red faced and shouty at Corbyn and demanded he publically denounce his apparent friendship with Hamas.
I've always thought that at the end of the day this alone would not put off people from voting Labour, since austerity, the NHS, etc is what voters are really concerned about. OTOH, a right-wing local Labour Party where I live (Manchester) who's leader is in cahoots with George Osbourne does put me off, although my ward candidate (and sitting councillor) seems to be fairly sympathetic towards social security claimants, but probably not so much that she will vote against yet more cuts to council services. Tempted to vote Green (personally know the candidate and he's pretty sound) but they will have no chance and any small drop in the Labour vote will be a massive boon to Corbyn's enemies.
There's no landslide tomorrow, sorry. Maybe Khan, but the turnout is going to be pretty shit (postal votes are well down on the last stand-alone locals) so don't expect anything exciting.
Who says he was referring to anti-islamist muslims? He might well have been referring to tory muslims. Dodgy bit of editorialising there.
Khan was referring to Quilliam, according to the Daily Mail. I initially linked to the Indie because I doubted people would take an article from the Mail at face value even if in this incidence it went into further detail.
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The Quilliam foundation is completely dodgy tbh.
They do some up with some valid points at times, particularly regarding the regressive left's appeasement and tacit support of Islamists. Regardless, describing them as "Uncle Toms" was never going to go down well.
Khan was referring to Quilliam, according to the Daily Mail. I initially linked to the Indie because I doubted people would take an article from the Mail at face value even if in is incidence it went into further detail.
I'm not sure it's as clear cut as that. They say he was asked about why he worked with groups like QF - we need to see the question and whether it referred specifically to QF. That bit is not included in the attached video for some reason. Hearing only an answer always make me suspicious.
I'm not sure it's as clear cut as that. They say he was asked about why he worked with groups like QF - we need to see the question and whether it referred specifically to QF. That bit is not included in the attached video for some reason. Hearing only an answer always make me suspicious.
The Daily Mail link was shared by Quilliam's own FB page (should have made that clear in post 1388), although I can't find anything else on their FB page or their website.
It's transparently clear that someone is sitting on youtube, trawling searches like 'sadiq kahn extremist', 'sadiq khan hamas' etc.

e2a: by which I mean they're trawling for stuff that could be cast as anti-semitic.
It's transparently clear that someone is sitting on youtube, trawling searches like 'sadiq kahn extremist', 'sadiq khan hamas' etc.

e2a: by which I mean they're trawling for stuff that could be cast as anti-semitic.
Google Trends - Web Search interest - Worldwide, 2004 - present

I'm not very savvy at tracking theses things down, was trying to isolate where the searches are located within England. Expected to see a big spike in London based searches around anti-Semitism, but it looks like Birmingham is the place.
Google Trends - Web Search interest - Worldwide, 2004 - present

I'm not very savvy at tracking theses things down, was trying to isolate where the searches are located within England. Expected to see a big spike in London based searches around anti-Semitism, but it looks like Birmingham is the place.
Though Mensch was in New York
Google Trends - Web Search interest - Worldwide, 2004 - present

I'm not very savvy at tracking theses things down, was trying to isolate where the searches are located within England. Expected to see a big spike in London based searches around anti-Semitism, but it looks like Birmingham is the place.

It's a relative measure. Hard to get much understanding from it other than knowing when something is more popular than it usually is.
Yes, it tells you that anti-semitism related terms are er... 'trending' (an oft inappropriate word) at the moment. It doesn't tell you what the base level is.

No it tells you they are trawling zionism more than they are trawling anti semitic.
No it tells you they are trawling zionism more than they are trawling anti semitic.

Eh? for one thing the figures are practically the same... What it is telling us is that a lot more people than usually search those terms are searching those terms now. This is hardly surprising given the last few days.

e2a: ah, see your point now.
Yeah, I got that. I was really interested if there was a way of getting highly localised data to see where the searches are taking place within London. You'd expect to see a high volume of searches in Westminster itself, in the various party HQs and also around newspaper offices. Like I say, I'm not very tech savvy, but I'd imagine that data exists. Idle curiosity but I thought it would be fun to get a visual on the Westminster village obsession of the moment.
Eh? for one thing the figures are practically the same... What it is telling us is that a lot more people than usually search those terms are searching those terms now. This is hardly surprising given the last few days.

e2a: ah, see your point now.
tbf seems to be a lot of people in Bradford going "what the hells Zionism?" but then they have just had their MP suspended
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