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Labour & Anti-Semitism.

That claim - from a (now ex) member of the CPGB referred to Israeli's, not 'jews'. Slightly different. If true (and I would never take anything from the CPGB without another source to support it) it's crude, crass, and wrong, but hardly an example of the left being 'over run'

treelover's spouting exactly the same kind of sneaky, disingenuous crap that's everywhere at the moment, sly little misquotes that radically alter the nature of what's being said etc .
FFs, what about Weyman Bennet reportedly saying in Hyde Park, "why don't the Jews go back to New York or wherever", it was even discussed on here and in depth.
A single member doesn't constitute an entire party. It's a bit like saying all blacks are muggers, because you read about some black mugger in a newspaper.
A single member doesn't constitute an entire party. It's a bit like saying all blacks are muggers, because you read about some black mugger in a newspaper.
tbf, Bennett is a 'leading' member, and their go to person when it comes to racism. If he did say that and is still in the role, it is rather shameful.

Quite apart from the SWP not representing 'the left'.
Looks like Bennett did say Jews should go back to wherever they came from, doesn't it? And that he's currently joint secretary of unite against fascism ? If true then thats .. Almost funny but not quite.
Looks like Bennett did say Jews should go back to wherever they came from, doesn't it? And that he's currently joint secretary of unite against fascism ? If true then thats .. Almost funny but not quite.

so not ' Israelis' then ? any evidence/sources ?
Looks like Bennett did say Jews should go back to wherever they came from, doesn't it? And that he's currently joint secretary of unite against fascism ? If true then thats .. Almost funny but not quite.
You make it sound like he's supporting the right of return.
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Looks like Bennett did say Jews should go back to wherever they came from, doesn't it? And that he's currently joint secretary of unite against fascism ? If true then thats .. Almost funny but not quite.
Based on what? Do you have more evidence than the CPGB source? And while we are at it can you answer my previous question
If you choose to call it out and make a fuss about it only when its useful for your political cause then you're not helping, just cynically exploiting the people you're pretending to defend. Equally though if you dismiss it or turn a blind eye for the same expedient political reasons, you can likewise fuck off. I think both have been going on and both are equally depressing.
Are you alleging that people on this thread/U75 are doing the above?

EDIT: And just be clear if Bennett did make that comment I think it is disgusting
Why are criticisms of the left so deeply interrogated?, yet if a comment is made by someone on the right, it is never given the scrutiny of the former, this is a criticism that is being discussed all over the web, and by many leftists.There is also something of shoot the messenger on here, i am largely talkng about the SWP/Counterfire/Tiny Sects, i wasn't aware anyone on here was involved in them anymore(glad to say never been near them)
Why are criticisms of the left so deeply interrogated?, yet if a comment is made by someone on the right, it is never given the scrutiny of the former, this is a criticism that is being discussed all over the web, and by many leftists.There is also something of shoot the messenger on here, i am largely talkng about the SWP/Counterfire/Tiny Sects, i wasn't aware anyone on here was involved in them anymore(glad to say never been near them)
because of the discourse it feeds into - which is the same as the Daily Mail/Lynton Crosby/Zac Goldsmith bullshit designed precisely to cover up for their far, far, greater racism and bigotry. Plus, when criticisms of the tories do descend into bullshit, people on here do get pulled for it. There are more than enough true things to do the fuckers for without needing to fall back on bullshit
Why are criticisms of the left so deeply interrogated?, yet if a comment is made by someone on the right, it is never given the scrutiny of the former, this is a criticism that is being discussed all over the web, and by many leftists.There is also something of shoot the messenger on here, i am largely talkng about the SWP/Counterfire/Tiny Sects, i wasn't aware anyone on here was involved in them anymore(glad to say never been near them)
Being as you're not on the left and being as we're interrogating what you said your claim falls.
Jesus. The sources alleging that he said 'jews' instead of 'the jews in israel' are not reliable. Stormfront seem to love him though.
All that seems sure is that he was accused of saying it and hasn't denied it. Maybe he said the Jews in Israel should go back to where they came from, I don't know. That's why I used two question marks and an 'if true'.
& If I wanted to accuse anyone here of being antisemite I'd have done so. The rush to defend this bloke when apparently nobody knows quite what he said does sadden me though.
Why are criticisms of the left so deeply interrogated?, yet if a comment is made by someone on the right, it is never given the scrutiny of the former, this is a criticism that is being discussed all over the web, and by many leftists.There is also something of shoot the messenger on here, i am largely talkng about the SWP/Counterfire/Tiny Sects, i wasn't aware anyone on here was involved in them anymore(glad to say never been near them)
Criticisms of the left aren't "deeply interrogated" as anyone who's spent any time on U75 would know. I can remember plenty of threads where left-wing parties/groups have been criticised for their politics, their strategy or their behaviour.

What isn't given much time are smears and vague unsupported allusions to the left being chock full of racists/sexists.
Jesus. The sources alleging that he said 'jews' instead of 'the jews in israel' are not reliable. Stormfront seem to love him though.
what sources? There is only one source, which said 'Israelis' - the only other source is treelover today, as opposed to treelover 6 yeas ago, when he managed to c&p accurately.

Why are you making things up?
never mind. I'm just smearing you all disingenuously etc, I'll bugger off & leave you lot to it.
You're surely right that there is no problem at all with antisemitism in nice progressive circles, my mistake, especially definitely not in UAF, cos that would be absurd.
Best to ignore the winging of people like whoever wrote this:
"Unite Against Fascism's weakness on antisemitism is both shocking and shameful. This is not, unfortunately, a story about goings-on in two marginal far left cults. Unite Against Fascism is the leading campaign against racism in the United Kingdom. It is supported by parliamentarians from all the major political parties, and by every significant trade union. It is Unite Against Fascism that sets the tone of the debate when it comes to opposing racism. They call the demonstrations and organise the conferences. It is to Unite Against Fascism that the national press turns, when racism rears its head..
This state of affairs is, quite frankly, terrifying. As others are warning here, there is every reason to believe that the defining themes of the present economic downturn will be xenophobic, anti-immigrant and racist politics. As conspiracy theories depicting Jews as controllers of the financial markets proliferate, antisemitism will undoubtedly also be part of that mix. Support for fascist parties tends to grow during crises, and we need a strong defence against that politics, with solidarity between and support from all parts of British society. However, with its sectarianism, silence on antisemitism and blindness to Islamist Jew-hatred, Unite Against Fascism just isn't up to the job.
David Toube: Unite Against Fascism may be the UK's leading campaign against the racist far right, yet its record on opposing antisemitism is dismal
Jesus. The sources alleging that he said 'jews' instead of 'the jews in israel' are not reliable. Stormfront seem to love him though.
All that seems sure is that he was accused of saying it and hasn't denied it. Maybe he said the Jews in Israel should go back to where they came from, I don't know. That's why I used two question marks and an 'if true'.
& If I wanted to accuse anyone here of being antisemite I'd have done so. The rush to defend this bloke when apparently nobody knows quite what he said does sadden me though.
I don't like weyman bennett. But your *rush* to attack him after treelover brought it up when no one knows quite what he said is quite in character for you.
never mind. I'm just smearing you all disingenuously etc, I'll bugger off & leave you lot to it.
You're surely right that there is no problem at all with antisemitism in nice progressive circles, my mistake, especially definitely not in UAF, cos that would be absurd.
Best to ignore the winging of people like whoever wrote this:
"Unite Against Fascism's weakness on antisemitism is both shocking and shameful. This is not, unfortunately, a story about goings-on in two marginal far left cults. Unite Against Fascism is the leading campaign against racism in the United Kingdom. It is supported by parliamentarians from all the major political parties, and by every significant trade union. It is Unite Against Fascism that sets the tone of the debate when it comes to opposing racism. They call the demonstrations and organise the conferences. It is to Unite Against Fascism that the national press turns, when racism rears its head..
This state of affairs is, quite frankly, terrifying. As others are warning here, there is every reason to believe that the defining themes of the present economic downturn will be xenophobic, anti-immigrant and racist politics. As conspiracy theories depicting Jews as controllers of the financial markets proliferate, antisemitism will undoubtedly also be part of that mix. Support for fascist parties tends to grow during crises, and we need a strong defence against that politics, with solidarity between and support from all parts of British society. However, with its sectarianism, silence on antisemitism and blindness to Islamist Jew-hatred, Unite Against Fascism just isn't up to the job.
David Toube: Unite Against Fascism may be the UK's leading campaign against the racist far right, yet its record on opposing antisemitism is dismal
Toube! Wow.
what? who is neil clark, why should I care what he said etc. Anyway, I like i said, best to ignore the whinging of anyone who says stuff you don't like. Carry on.
what? who is neil clark, why should I care what he said etc. Anyway, I like i said, best to ignore the whinging of anyone who says stuff you don't like. Carry on.
Yeh. Best to ignore people pointing out things like your rushing headlong into accusing wb of things you don't know what they are
Of course I'm sure that two such tireless opponents of anti-semitism as treelover and bimble would acknowledge that a anti-semitic statement such as

is vile and that the poster who made such a statement should be considered scum?
Maybe i'm being overly sensitive but being (i think) sarcastically called 'a tireless opponent of anti-semitism' is actually really hurtful. You don't know me or what antisemitism has meant to me. This whole topic is one where i shouldn't be buggering about on the internet with really, too touchy & personal. Especially with the constant accusations of being crafty having a secret agenda etc. Sod this for a game of soldiers.
Bimble is Jewish as she has said herself, I thought as i have repeatedly noted that in the anti-racism movement , that if someone from a minority is offended by what they perceived as racist comments, then they are indeed being discriminated against, Bimble has given over a number of threads examples where she has felt this, goodness knows if its any other minority group, UAF, HNH, twitter, etc, are all over it. Look at the implicit defence by some posters of that Rhodes Scholar idiot because of his minority status, never mind his appalling behaviour. Anyway, like Bimble, I am not posting on this anymore, one million people living in destitution in the UK, wish more on the left would take cognisance of that.
Bimble is Jewish as she has said herself, I thought as i have repeatedly noted that in the anti-racism movement , that if someone from a minority is offended by what they perceived as racist comments, then they are indeed being discriminated against, Bimble has given over a number of threads examples where she has felt this, goodness knows if its any other minority group, UAF, HNH, twitter, etc, are all over it. Look at the implicit defence by some posters of that Rhodes Scholar idiot because of his minority status, never mind his appalling behaviour. Anyway, like Bimble, I am not posting on this anymore, one million people living in destitution in the UK, wish more on the left would take cognisance of that.

Eh? The Rhodes scholar guy has been roundly criticised on here.
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