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Labour & Anti-Semitism.

Fuck off you anti-semitic cunthole. Why can this guy use abusive words about jews and not get banned? What's with that? Then lay on jew hating bullshit about "lavish" weddings, the whole flash jew trope.

That was the point I was making!

God, you are thick.
It's really fucking depressing, at a time when we need effective opposition to e.g. NHS privatisation and all the rest of the class warfare the government is pushing, to see such agendas dominating the PLP against the interests of the majority of citizens.

So many Labour and "Liberal Democrat" MPs nowadays are positioned firmly on "their" side - the side of power - except for a couple of weeks every five years, when they pretend to be of and for "the people". At least your MP is a bit original in his right-wingness. Mine is just a post-Blair Blairite opportunist who likes the idea of power without much responsibility, and whose grandad had Kim Philby run rings around him.
This is the group that needed to be got rid of, though. There was never going to be a point where they magically disappeared; Corbyn being elected wasn't going to do that. If he hadn't been, they'd just be offering support to those programmes right now, tacit or explicit.

You say "got rid of", I say "liquidated". Po-tay-to, po-tah-to.
For clarity, I am merely suggesting that criticism of the most revered scholar of the Holocaust in this country, Sir Richard Evans, as indulging in dodgy referencing and dodgy inferences is veering close to Holocaust denial.

This is not difficult stuff.
Yid is how a lot of Jews in North London would describe themselves (reclaiming prejudicial language etc...)

"Yid" is how some north London Jews - those descended from eastern European Yiddish-speakers, rather than Sephardim or Mizrahim - would describe themselves. Making an assumption that "lots" of NL Jews are Yiddish-speakers is as foolish as confusing Judaism (of whichever sect) with Jewish identity.
For clarity, I am merely suggesting that criticism of the most revered scholar of the Holocaust in this country, Sir Richard Evans, as indulging in dodgy referencing and dodgy inferences is veering close to Holocaust denial.

This is not difficult stuff.
Evans is not the most revered scholar of the holocaust in this country - he's not even a holocaust specialist. And if criticisms of him are veering on holocaust denial then you've just accused almost the entirety of scholars of the nazi period, of modern german history, of WW2, of anti-semitism etc of pretty much being holocaust deniers - and also the process by which academic knowledge is reached/produced. Please don't be such a silly blowhard.
"Yid" is how some north London Jews - those descended from eastern European Yiddish-speakers, rather than Sephardim or Mizrahim - would describe themselves. Making an assumption that "lots" of NL Jews are Yiddish-speakers is as foolish as confusing Judaism (of whichever sect) with Jewish identity.

It is how lots of my mate's new family would describe themselves, largely in an ironic fashion.
Yeh so you wander round calling people yids despite not being jewish to help n London jews reclaim prejudicial language. Very big of you

I have licence to use the term, and yet don't. Neither do many NL Jews. There are probably more Gentile THFC supporters who refer to themselves as Yids, than there are actual Jews in the UK doing so. It's a dying term, just as Yiddish is a dying language in British Jewry.
Evans is not the most revered scholar of the holocaust in this country - he's not even a holocaust specialist. And if criticisms of him are veering on holocaust denial then you've just accused almost the entirety of scholars of the nazi period, of modern german history, of WW2, of anti-semitism etc of pretty much being holocaust deniers - and also the process by which academic knowledge is reached/produced. Please don't be such a silly blowhard.

OK - who would you prefer and why does questioning Evans' methodology be ignored?
For clarity, I am merely suggesting that criticism of the most revered scholar of the Holocaust in this country, Sir Richard Evans, as indulging in dodgy referencing and dodgy inferences is veering close to Holocaust denial.

This is not difficult stuff.

Fuck me sideways with a JCB, then raise the bucket!

Richard Evans is possibly the foremost British scholar of 20th century European fascism, but he's far from "the most revered scholar of the Holocaust in this country". The holocaust (small "h" unless you're an idiot exceptionalist) is not his primary field, it's a sidebar.
I think this shows Diamond for exactly that type of slime that he is (if anybody had any doubt). To equate something close to holocaust denial to criticising an individual historian would be ludicrous if it wasn't so disgusting. To use allegations of holocaust denial based on absolute nothing as a tool to attack someone(s) makes him scum.
It is how lots of my mate's new family would describe themselves, largely in an ironic fashion.

"Lots" of your mate's new family do not - however legend and myth like to exaggerate the size and clannishness of Jewish families - comprise "a lot of Jews in North London".
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