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Labour & Anti-Semitism.

Being as *no* country has a *right* to exist, only a stupid wanker would argue the Zionist entity or Nicaragua or new Zealand have some innate right to a place among the nations of the world.
ok, sure, no country has a right to exist. But which others do you call 'the .... entity'?
ok, sure, no country has a right to exist. But which others do you call 'the .... entity'?
There is really only one reason why ersatz Israel exists, and that's because of the Zionist both jewish and, sadly often forgotten, Christian. The xian Zionist see the existence of the Zionist entity as a step toward the fulfilment of prophecy. Reagan for example, and Bush Jr, looked forward to the Zionist entity's role in the end times. Ersatz Israel describes itself as the jewish homeland. But that's a load of shit, it's an entity by and for Zionist with scant interest in jews as jews if they don't share Zionist views.
The genius of this carefully deployed attack, orchestrated by Crosby, is that it simultaneously damages the Corbyn brand and electoral chances in the forthcoming elections, whilst giving him an excuse for the debacle and stay in place.

I completely agree with this, particularly the words "orchestrated by Crosby" -- not enough attention has been paid to that factor IMO.

That said, Ken Livingstone gave Crosby a really nicely giftwraped early birthday present .... :hmm: :(
There is really only one reason why ersatz Israel exists, and that's because of the Zionist both jewish and, sadly often forgotten, Christian. The xian Zionist see the existence of the Zionist entity as a step toward the fulfilment of prophecy. Reagan for example, and Bush Jr, looked forward to the Zionist entity's role in the end times. Ersatz Israel describes itself as the jewish homeland. But that's a load of shit, it's an entity by and for Zionist with scant interest in jews as jews if they don't share Zionist views.
Thanks for that, excellent piece of goysplaining. I am well aware of the role of end of times christian loons in supporting the return of jews to the holy land etc. You'll have to spread the word (about how Israel has nothing to do with them really) to the 93% of British Jews who say that it is a significant part of their jewish identity in some way.
Israel/Palestine really is one of those subjects isn't it? Even the mention of the subject makes people go a bit nuts. Like playing Monopoly always ends in an argument.

Hardly surprising given the Zionist Entity's presence in Judea and Samaria.
Thanks for that, excellent piece of goysplaining. I am well aware of the role of end of times christian loons in supporting the return of jews to the holy land etc. You'll have to spread the word (about how Israel has nothing to do with them really) to the 93% of British Jews who say that it is a significant part of their jewish identity in some way.
Goysplaining? Really? I know you've seen the bit above where I take Sasaferrato to task for calling me anti-semitic. In the light of that you may wish to reconsider your extremely offensive post.
The problem is that those very generalised historical facts are accurate - as very generalised facts. Rothschilds the bank did do business with Hitler's regime (with Hjalmar Schacht's central bank), and the Rockefeller family did have an ongoing programme of buying parcels of land in Palestine for settlement decades before WW2. Saying "Rothschilds supported Hitler. Rockefellers bought Israel and used Jews to colonize" IS disingenuous, but it ISN'T factually inaccurate, as far as it goes
A good piece along these lines: Historical Truth | @johndavidblake

"In 1933, after competing in several democratic elections and finally becoming the leader of the largest party in the German parliament, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany. In the subsequent election, his party went on to achieve a higher percentage of the vote than before his appointment. In the following years, he made attempts to reverse the details of a treaty imposed on Germany in the wake of the First World War that was agreed internationally to have been unjust. However, Germany’s neighbours, France and Britain—rulers of the two largest empires in the world—were unhappy about these attempted revisions and declared war on Germany in September 1939. In 1941, both the USA and Soviet Union joined the conflict, despite both having promised to stay out of it. The war was terrible, including the fire-bombing of German cities, the horrendous mistreatment of German prisoners of war by the Soviets, until ultimately the forces of totalitarian Russia invaded Germany, precipitating mass forced migration of Germans in Eastern Europe and destroying the capital, Berlin.”

Historical truth is a funny thing – it lives in the whole, not in the parts. Any relatively knowledgeable reader of the above paragraph would spot instantly that it is a terrible perversion of the historical truth of events in Europe in the 1930s and 1940s, yet no individual part of it is factually inaccurate. The Nazis were indeed the largest party in the 1933 German election, though missing here is the important context that this was an election in which the polling booths were surrounded by Nazi stormtroopers; both the USA and the USSR did join the war having attempted to stay out, but in both cases it was because Hitler had declared war on them. Genocide is entirely absent. Important context and relevant evidence has been missed, to render these individual accurate facts into a something that no one remotely familiar with the period concerned could call “the truth”.
Yeh. Not meant to offend when I've pointed out my jewish heritage on this very thread. Go fuck yourself.
Nice. You seriously argue that the only reason it exists is because of the agitation of end of times lunatics? Fuck you too sir, whatever your ethnic background.
Nice. You seriously argue that the only reason it exists is because of the agitation of end of times lunatics? Fuck you too sir, whatever your ethnic background.
What a pity I didn't say that. Not content with being highly offensive you can't follow the simple point that the z.e. brought into being by Zionists and it is run in the interests of Zionists, while being supported by xian Zionists for their own peculiar aims. The z.e. is only a state for jews on the z.e.'s terms, what UK jews think of the z.e. is nothing to do with the point I was making.
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He made the tube run on time.

And he's very fond of animals


A trait common to many of our great leaders


I presume that CCHQ have spent some time in the run-up to this grand reveal getting their people to check their own timelines and removing any chance of whataboutery?
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