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Kicking Off In Tottenham

ready on digital spy that loads of OB blocking all routes into the West End and have successfully turned back mobs ...which coud explain why they're thinner on the ground in local neighborhoods
Best leave the cops and army out of it.

Best leave it to the armed drug gangs to settle the looting disputes.

They're your revolutionaries now. Must be sickening for an Egyptian to watch this.
Thats hardly fair, loads of people live in small flats above shops, they're hardly middle class, e.g. the shops on the Walworth Road.

jesus wept. That's what they wan't you to believe love. Prince 'Arry 'imself lives above a chip shop in Neasden, swears he's Elvis. Don't be fooled. The nations rulers live above shops.
over 90 separate areas on the google map, worst ever uprising in UK (barring the civil wars) and just starting to go national, also no army to speak of as they are all committed abroad
The carpetright building in tottenham is being demolished. A great loss, not only in terms of the building but also 26 affordable decent homes.
I've cracked the screen on my laptop, so if anyone knows of any decent machines going for cheap in the N. London area, please PM me. (this is a serious request btw).

Well, at least I'm not after a mac.
Kicked off last night, elderly neighbours terrified. This is not an uprising. To use that term is an insult to uprisings around the world. This is chaos. This is why we need to bear arms and form local militia. Or something.
The Guardian have some more on the Duggan shooting:​

Interesting what they conspicuously aren't saying ... anything whatsoever along the lines of: 'the non-police weapon had been fired'

You'd think it was pretty easy to tell whether it had or not. Strongly suggesting that it had not been fired.

We also have this:

According to Sky the C019 firearms officer has said that he never claimed Duggan had shot at him.

The firearms officer is understood to have told investigators that he opened fire because he believed he was in danger from a lethal weapon. Two shots were fired, it is understood; one hit Duggan and one missed, lodging in another officer's radio.


Which rather makes nonsense of the all-too-predictable: 'brave cops in gun battle with evil gangsta' stories that the Met's partners-in-corruption at the Sun were coming out with last week ...

I don't think it's exactly a surprise that the grieving family of someone shot by the cops might get angry reading that sort of shit about them while waiting for any sort of coherent account of the events leading to his death from the cops and/or the IPCC ...
FFS, sky are reporting looters are breaking into people homes, even bedrooms, in Croydon...

Where the fuck are the teargas/watercannon? This is basic stuff. News of the World would have loved this.

A quantum of anger in these youths must surely be from watching the likes of Wade/Brooks and Murdoch get away with crimes that they would be on lockdown for...

Kicked off last night, elderly neighbours terrified. This is not an uprising. To use that term is an insult to uprisings around the world. This is chaos. This is why we need to bear arms and form local militia. Or something.

ready on digital spy that loads of OB blocking all routes into the West End and have successfully turned back mobs ...which coud explain why they're thinner on the ground in local neighborhoods

ok, so while the police are clearly doing little to intervene in protecting vulnerable peoples' homes, they're busy forming blockades to stop groups getting into the wealthier areas. it also strikes me that they've had three days to bring in police from other areas (all I've heard of so far is a couple of choppers). I'm finding it hard to get past the idea that this is being allowed to happen. which is fucked enough in itself, but it's the possible motives that are making me jittery. (I'm not conpiracy-prone btw)

on the other hand, I'm glad to see ordinary people organising to defend themselves...while hoping that the kids will learn some lessons about boundaries - and recognising their actual enemies - instead of escalating into hideous revenge vortex.
Normally I'd answer with a measured, thoughtful reply.
however, you sir, are such a complete and utter brain-damaged moron that such things would be wasted on you. go and crawl back under your rock with your copy of the Sun and your Janet & John guide to modern society, there's a good chap, reasoned, adult debate is not for you.
Insults aside, I'm sure you're a nice enough person in person, but reading your posts really start to grate.

Sure, it's natural and right to try to look deeper and try to understand. But if fear of punishment and real hard deterrents is also a social requirement, then any fool can see it's needed right now.

We need to show them that this is not acceptable. They need to know that they can't do this and it's getting way too flipping late!

The police DO NOT HAVE THIS UNDER CONTROL! London's in flames and they stand and watch.

Tottenham was an absolute disgrace. But because the police pussyfooted around, the criminals around London are now having a field day! That's frightening, no? We need to stop them; not understand them.
Suggesting that the police could do more to control the situation is an outrageous slur. I mean, what on earth have they got to gain by allowing it to get out of hand?

Suggesting that the police could do more to control the situation is an outrageous slur. I mean, what on earth have they got to gain by allowing it to get out of hand?

The police don't 'want it to get out of hand', obviously. They haven't effectively quelled this because, as the BBC 'social order expert' said last night, the police are frightened to even shove a 'protester'. Hence their 'tactics' are thus: standing around watching criminals run riot around London.
The police don't 'want it to get out of hand', obviously. They haven't effectively quelled this because, as the BBC 'social order expert' said last night, the police are frightened to even shove a 'protester'.
:eek: :facepalm: :D

wow, truly thou art clueless
I was quoting a BBC expert on social order, so I guess it's you that's clueless.
well, you claim you are. But even if you are, mindlessly quoting them, as if you agree, is clearly fucking clueless, especially considering you could actually see them hitting protestors really rather hard whenever they got an actual opportunity. Y'know, simply using the evidence of your own eyes would have shown you the falisity of tht 'experts' opinion. If they did, indeed, say what you claim.
well, you claim you are. But even if you are, mindlessly quoting them, as if you agree, is clearly fucking clueless, especially considering you could actually see them hitting protestors really rather hard whenever they got an actual opportunity. Y'know, simply using the evidence of your own eyes would have shown you the falisity of tht 'experts' opinion. If they did, indeed, say what you claim.
Right, I'm glad you said that. Now I know that you're the one who's actually clueless. Just encourage you to talk a little instead of throwing one-line insults about, really clears things up. So you saw an officer hit someone with a baton. Great! That's that then.
cantsin said:
ready on digital spy that loads of OB blocking all routes into the West End and have successfully turned back mobs ...which coud explain why they're thinner on the ground in local neighborhoods

ok, so while the police are clearly doing little to intervene in protecting vulnerable peoples' homes, they're busy forming blockades to stop groups getting into the wealthier areas.

I'm not sure that the thinking regarding the blockading of the West End is necessarily about "wealthy areas" being protected vis-a-vis the residents. At this time of the year the West End is jam packed with tourists, and dense with high-value targets. Both the primary and secondary financial impacts of a rampage through the heart of town would be astronomical, and with limited resources, it's likely a more efficient use of manpower to protect a single high-value and obvious target, than it is to chase these chaps around countless outlying High Streets.
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