Kevin Rye.
liamdhfc said you'd carefully removed Tweets from your feed regarding DHFC[TM] so I idly ran the rule across the content of your feed, given that I'm a raging insomniac. Doesn't take me long to do and I never stop working. Yet, all of this is still up on the internet :
I'm dumbfounded at that and it's made me rather cross.
You had no lawful right to breach confidence like that, or talk about people's wages like this :
I'll delete this when you do, so that everyone knows you've got the message.
I'm pretty flaming disgusted with your peddling of snake oil on this one.
And, what's more, all of this :
is illegal for what you're using the purpose of your website and the .org DNS, i.e. in the Course of Business.
You're in Breach of the CIPR's Codes of Conduct, sunshine.
Appendix A – Code of Conduct
& the RSA will be in receipt of a snotty letter from me, bright and breezy on Tuesday morning, calling into question your professionalism and whether you're a good fit for them to be a representative in the Fellowship. They won't be pleased, son, I can assure you.
You're also in Criminal Breach of Disclosure Regulations which pertain to your website, Sonny Jim, as outlined in the above thumbnail.
If you think your Contracts with Meadow/Hadley/whoeverthefuck and the amount you were paid is Confidential, then I'll Part 18 your backside into telling me down to the smallest details, down to the very pennies and I'll have an Order Disclosing your involvement down to the minutiae of each and every Clause in that Contract.
If you think you can hide your details behind a French web hosting service, I'll Norwich Pharmacal them into a Disclosure Order before you even know about it. You WILL have Process Servers delivering papers for hauling you into the High Court and a Summons to the Bench, to answer the Criminal Allegations, lickety split.
You're in Practice without the benefit of a Limited Liability Company, so I can request a Sequestration Order against your personal property, old chap, and an Anton Pillar Order for a search of your personal property, from which you operate. Old bean. A Supervising Solicitor with control of an Anton Pillar is very costly, with those Costs being adverse to you - I'll be looking to you in respect of the same. You're formally On Notice with an adapted copy of this going straight into your email inbox. I'd jolly well expect a public response to the DHFC[TM] Supporters you've woefully let down and hoodwinked, right here. In public. If not, well, enjoy your Monday seeking Legal Advice and the next three years being dragged through the Courts to face Civil & Criminal Justice.
I was just kidding about the Norwich Pharmacal Order, buddy - I already know where to send the Process Servers.
Son, you ain't ever working in football again.
Papers will be in the post, with hugs & kisses.
Time for some 'Fan Engagement', mate - after all, it's your specialism isn't it?