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Kevin Rye offers his Structured Answers to Questions Thread

Nice of you to start this thread Kevin Rye, any chance of finishing it. Or is leaving things hanging in line with Meadows policy?
Thanks Lucy. No, there was no intention. As I said in my original post, 'I might not be able to respond immediately, but I'll try and get them as soon as I can.' I also replied to another fan similarly yesterday. Keep an eye here for further answers. Thanks.

Can you confirm a suggestion posted in another thread that the investor has recorded the money spent paying DHFC's bills owed when they took over the ground as a loan to the club. As such, the debt owed remains with the club and was actually transferred and not cleared.

Please see the following link which records Peter as stating the debt had been cleared.

New owners announced - News - Dulwich Hamlet Football Club

Also this link which states the debts were settled.

Champion Hill: A New Approach to Development? | Hadley Property Group Ltd

This appears contradictory to statements the debts were transferred and not settled / cleared. Clarification of which is correct would be appreciated.

Hi Kevin,

Referring to the above unanswered question I'd like to ask why the company accounts for the last 4 years show that our net liabilities have grown massively during a time when our crowds and income have hugely increased. In 2013: net liablities = 108,795. 2014, 134,533. 2015: 296,167. 2016: 442,751. So specifically:

1/ How can our net liabilities have grown between 2013/2014 when Hadley' s reported they'd written off all our debt in Feb 2014?
2/ Did Hadley's lie about writing off our debts? Have they merely loaned us the money?
3/ How can our debts have continued to rise when our crowds and income have grown exponentially during the last 4 years?
4/ When are we going to see a proper breakdown of figures so we can see exactly what the company income is and what all the money is being spent on?

Probably wasting my time, but sod it.


So, Kevin Rye , you know as well as we do that Meadow Residential and Peter Bennison (as the controlling hand behind MR and the original Hadley agreement which MR took on) have been controlling DHFC's income for three years.

So you, Kevin Rye , as Meadow Residential's representative here, must understand that Meadow Residential and Peter Bennison, who are paying you, have a great deal of responsibility for DHFC's "unstable finances".

It's more than a week since the club committee, who have been working hard for the club on a voluntary basis, asked for clarification on the outgoings which Meadow Residential - who pay you money - control. And none has been forthcoming.

So, Kevin Rye - when will you, Meadow Residential and Peter Bennison give some clarification on the "unstable finances" that the people who pay you money have some responsibility for?

Then the amazing volunteers who keep DHFC going because they love this club can know what they need to do, and you can cash your cheque from Meadow Residential and go back to your consultancy with AFC Wimbledon. Cheers.
I wouldn't be surprised if they'll go quiet on here after all the press coverage they have had.
Much easier to deflect and avoid any awkward questions by only releasing press statements.
I wouldn't be surprised if they'll go quiet on here after all the press coverage they have had.
Much easier to deflect and avoid any awkward questions by only releasing press statements.

I didn't know how many friends I had who watched BBC London News in an evening but lost count of the amount of texts I had saying 'I have seen you on TV mate'. Plus we have had the Guardian piece today, a bit about Tuesday night on the league website and a rolling report on Sky news for a good bit of the day. Let's keep the pressure on.
I have met Kevin. Seemed a decent guy. I think he has just got himself into a Sean Spicer type predicament and I am hoping he has fucked them off, he going back to what he is good at - which is standing up for non league footy - and will join us for a pint on the terraces soon.
I have met Kevin. Seemed a decent guy. I think he has just got himself into a Sean Spicer type predicament and I am hoping he has fucked them off, he going back to what he is good at - which is standing up for non league footy - and will join us for a pint on the terraces soon.
Going back to what he is good at? In terms of what he did...I think his credibility in that department is lost, over the way he is coming across, based on his work for Meadows.
Won't be joining me for a pint or anything else. I consider the publication of the club's wage bill, his continued blaming Gavin for taking a salary he was offered so that he was tied in to the development and the comments he has made about meetings I have allegedly been in, have stepped way over the line. His assertion that all comments were passed through Meadow cuts no ice as he published them on his personal Twitter for the world to see. He will look even more foolish when this is all over. Better have been a good pay cheque because as Mishi says his credibility is a bit shot.
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