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Ken Rockwell is dangerous to photography


I was there, now I'm here
Skip forward to 39 minutes for the rant:

Here's what Mr. Rockwell wrote:

Ken Rockwell said:
Image Quality top


To set this, use:

MENU > CAMERA icon > Image quality > JPEG basic > OK.

The default of JPEG Normal wastes twice as much space in your computer, lets fewer photos fit on a memory card, and makes the data take twice as long to transfer or email.

Since the pictures look the same at BASIC, I use it so more pictures fit on my card, and more importantly, I don't clog up my computer and everything transfers, copies and sends twice as fast. FINE is twice as big again as NORMAL.

The D3300 can't make a bad image even at it's lowest setting. The NORMAL, FINE and NEF RAW modes are for people who don't mind fitting only 12 images on a card. The pictures really do look the same; try it and see if you're curious. I did, which is why I shoot JPG BASIC.

This also can be set at the INFO screen using the < i > button.

More details at the SHOOTING Menu.

Image Size top

I use LARGE (24MP) or MEDIUM (13MP) for landscapes, and SMALL (6MP) for family photos.

Large is the default, but unless you want to print everything twenty feet (6m) wide, the Small setting also lets you make prints of any size (20 x 30" or 50 x 75cm is easy) and saves even more room on your computer and memory cards.

I'm serious: even at the Small setting you've got 6 very sharp megapixels, which is more than enough to print at any size if your photo is in focus in the first place. I've sold photos to McDonald's with cameras set down to 4 MP — and McDonalds used those for billboards.


12 images? Really?? I can't believe he wrote all that with a straight face!

I noticed somewhere else he claims "ISO" is pronounced "eye ess oh" and not "eye soh", which is wrong; it's "eye soh". And then there are his views on RAW...

It's like he's the Internet's biggest photography troll.
That video was too fucking annoying to sit through. I couldn't give a shit about his fucking expensive chair.
That video was too fucking annoying to sit through. I couldn't give a shit about his fucking expensive chair.
Of course it was too easy to skip forward to the part I told you to skip forward to......?
"It's not me, it's everyone else. I'm the only person capable of seeing the truth. It's not me, it's everyone else."
Show me where I have done ANYTHING wrong in this thread??

FFS do you guys have nothing better to do that start shit in a forum that is supposed to be about photography. This is the most unfriendly place on this entire forum. I really cannot be bothered with a bunch of people who are so argumentative and so two faced. This will be my last post in this thread, and likely in this part of the boards. I'd rather talk photography elsewhere with people who want to have proper discussions.
Seriously though, the pronunciation of ISO is a pretty vital point that I don't think we've ever discussed.

Clearly it is Eye Ess Oh and anyone who says otherwise is a cunt. (Edit: actually, even in the context of this srs thread I'm not going to add "backwards" there.)
This is Ken Rockwell :
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