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Keir Starmer's time is up

In attempting to be all things to all people he's successfully become a nobody for everyone, blending into the background. A Starmer chameleon if you will.
not to be pedantic but thats not it at all - he has made zero attempt to 'be somebody' to the left. all his actions have been to prove to be a tory clone to tory swing voters (eta: and to the establishment too of course)
I think the idea behind the "give Keith a chance" sentiment is that the opposition couldn't have done much during the pandemic response. The absolute opposite is the case. 2020 should have been the most politically significant year since the second world war. The government has mishandled a crisis which is both wrecking the economy and killing people by the tens of thousands because of their political priorities and their ideology as well as their general incompetence. The fact that Starmer hasn't made a splash is not just politically damning, it's criminal negligence. I don't mean that figuratively, the shadow cabinet should be facing trial along with the government. Issues like plastic patriotism and brexit are pissingly small fry.
not to be pedantic but thats not it at all - he has made zero attempt to 'be somebody' to the left. all his actions have been to prove to be a tory clone to tory swing voters (eta: and to the establishment too of course)
I mean, he has made attempts at marketing himself that way, even if they're not particularly substantial:
I mean, he has made attempts at marketing himself that way, even if they're not particularly substantial:
telling use of the word "still"
and "see myself"

and "socialist" :D
I mean, he has made attempts at marketing himself that way, even if they're not particularly substantial:
That was just to hoodwink Labour members. No need for that any more
Keir Starmer's a socialist, Johnson's government are doing their best, the EU will save us anyway, Charlie Mullins is working class, Extinction Rebellion is dangerous extremism, Black Lives Matter is divisive, working class voters prefer union jacks over unions, and elitism is OK as long as it's diverse. In other news, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, war is peace.
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Keir Starmer's a socialist, Johnson's government are doing their best, the EU will save us anyway, Charlie Mullins is working class, Extinction Rebellion is dangerous extremism, Black Lives Matter is divisive, working class voters prefer union jacks over unions, and elitism is OK as long as it's diverse. In other news, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, war is peace.
Ok, what's 2 + 2?
Ok, what's 2 + 2?

these days it could be anywhere between prawns and Uranus.

well I think that is a very good question, and we have been very clear from the start that two is the most important number to voters. We have already committed to add another two by the end of the year, and frankly, I think the electorate resent any implication that their two is less important than ours. Therefore I am pleased to announce that we aim to provide a two for every british family, free at the point of delivery. I think this shows our firm and ongoing commitment both to the people of the united kingdom, and to mental arithmetic.
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Righto. What is he about to do?
the thing is lets say he runs in the next election on corbyns manifesto or near enough, and has a good go at selling it via the media, draped in flags or whatever
would that be enough to win labour activists back? only in a limited way i think

particularly the suspension of left activists + reinstatement and rewarding of the saboteurs is something i cant forgive
like most of us im not in a swing seat (so the meaning of our votes is just cryptic message sending) and i wont vote labour under starmer no matter what happens next. Short of some kind of deep justice post Forde Inquiry, what has happened so far is unforgivable to me.

im not a member nor an activist, but if i were i couldn't humiliate myself to work for these people, whatever the manifesto - and from what I can tell lots of members feel the same way.
they've chosen their approach: fuck the members, fuck party democracy, fuck even any pipedream to be a community party. well then i expect there'll be a long and stubborn fuck you right back.

its clear he's frightened of the wider public and distrustful of the membership so there is no way his attitude is going to change between here and the next election. maybe he might print up some more posters of himself.

so all that is to come is more of the same: triangulate or die! who doesnt dare wins! or not, as reality will most likely prove.

*that said i appreciate that people often have short memories, labour party is built on compromise on top of compromise, and 4 years is a long time in politics, so things may yet change in some unforseen way. i see no reason to feel positive though
not to be pedantic but thats not it at all - he has made zero attempt to 'be somebody' to the left. all his actions have been to prove to be a tory clone to tory swing voters (eta: and to the establishment too of course)
You've answered almost as if my almost my entire post was the preamble to a poor pun that no doubt many others have made. Weird
"Keir Starmer's time is up" - wrong. The clock has not even started. Give him a chance.
He's been gifted an open goal with the government's catastrophic handling of the Covid crisis and he's hoofed it into his own net. He's barely had an interesting thing to say about, well, anything. He's a total fucking disaster. Labour should be miles ahead in the polls and instead they're struggling to stay on a par with a spectacularly incompetent government who are - quite literally - responsible for the unnecessary deaths of thousands of people.
the thing is lets say he runs in the next election on corbyns manifesto or near enough, and has a good go at selling it via the media, draped in flags or whatever
would that be enough to win labour activists back? only in a limited way i think

particularly the suspension of left activists + reinstatement and rewarding of the saboteurs is something i cant forgive
like most of us im not in a swing seat (so the meaning of our votes is just cryptic message sending) and i wont vote labour under starmer no matter what happens next. Short of some kind of deep justice post Forde Inquiry, what has happened so far is unforgivable to me.

im not a member nor an activist, but if i were i couldn't humiliate myself to work for these people, whatever the manifesto - and from what I can tell lots of members feel the same way.
they've chosen their approach: fuck the members, fuck party democracy, fuck even any pipedream to be a community party. well then i expect there'll be a long and stubborn fuck you right back.

its clear he's frightened of the wider public and distrustful of the membership so there is no way his attitude is going to change between here and the next election. maybe he might print up some more posters of himself.

so all that is to come is more of the same: triangulate or die! who doesnt dare wins! or not, as reality will most likely prove.

*that said i appreciate that people often have short memories, labour party is built on compromise on top of compromise, and 4 years is a long time in politics, so things may yet change in some unforseen way. i see no reason to feel positive though
Do you think that the Labour Party are really going to fight the next election on Corbyns manifesto or near enough?
He's been gifted an open goal with the government's catastrophic handling of the Covid crisis and he's hoofed it into his own net. He's barely had an interesting thing to say about, well, anything. He's a total fucking disaster. Labour should be miles ahead in the polls and instead they're struggling to stay on a par with a spectacularly incompetent government who are - quite literally - responsible for the unnecessary deaths of thousands of people.

'Should be miles ahead' sounds a bit familiar.

I don't know it's that simple tbh. They're going to need a bit more than the appearance of competence.
Can see it being nearer Millibands tbh with a nod to Northern investment levelling up, if anything to keep Burnham out of the way and the new Liverpool mayor.
I can't remember who said it but I've heard from the nationalisation programme they might keep trains only
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