What about Asos?Boohoo
What about Asos?
Get rid.The advice also says “you should not post anything on social media, except your own tribute or what you have been asked to share from the PLP office … you should make sure any posts on social media do not include political branding”.
He's not saying they shouldn't say anything anti-monarchist, which might be a beige-sensible directive. He's saying they shouldn't say anything except how great the Queen was.I hate starmer as much as the next but you do have to say that any labour mp who says "well I'm not too sure about this monarchy malarky" will get at least five days of Sun headlines "Labour hates Our Beloved Queen they should all be shot ".
Innit; time for Land of Hope and Glory/Rule Britannia and the Horst Wessel Song to fill the void.To be fair, there's little else going on that might need to be addressed at a party conference so they'll have a few dead spots in the schedule anyway.
Growth and good jobs everywhere!
Don't forget the anti monarchy discussion that the front bench are falling themselves over to disown.