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Keir Starmer's time is up

Change UK II? They could join Corbyn for his Peace Party and then Labour will have experienced a mass defection from both wings!
Just Ben Bradshaw accusing his colleagues of Nazi apologism, hours after Putin gave the pretext that he was fighting the neo nazi Ukranian government for the same reasons.

The labour right really are some of the worst people on this planet.

Rather than whining about the entirely predictable actions of the Labour leadership, maybe consider that we're yet again seeing a totally avoidable tactical mis-step by the Labour left in parliament, who deserve every bit of the political irrelevance they're rapidly backing themselves into. Clown shoed cunts.
The sense of self-righteousness and ego is from Starmer. He has unilaterally declared that to be in the Labour Party you must be pro-NATO.

The STW statement is dissembling nonsense in places, and it’s an organisation well beyond its sell-by date. The MPs who signed their statement need to give their heads a wobble. It doesn’t even express basic solidarity or concern with the ordinary people currently living in a war zone

But, you are spot on with the broader point. It should be perfectly possible to condemn what is happening in Ukraine but still hold a rounded and penetrating analysis of NATO. And, of course, historically, Labour MPs have at times been sharply critical of NATO. For someone allegedly so ‘clever’ and ‘forensic’ Starmer has an embarrassingly binary understanding of politics.
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he's just taking the opportunity offered by current events to crush some enemies. fair enough.

Correct, but if those enemies are stupid enough to sign a statement like the STW one then he’s going to get a free pass to do it. They could, you know, have written their own statement condemning Putin and the invasion, offering full solidarity with those currently dying/living in fear and then broadened it out to a wider statement on the dead end of geo-political game playing. They could have got unions and others to sign up. They could have used thejr position to launch a programme of practical steps that could be taken to provide basic assistance to those under attack.

Starmer would have found kicking them in those circumstances much much harder and it would serve to counterpose their approach with his.
Correct, but if those enemies are stupid enough to sign a statement like the STW one then he’s going to get a free pass to do it. They could, you know, written their own statement condemning Putin and the invasion, offering full solidarity with those currently dying/living in fear and then broadened it out to a wider statement on the dead end of geo-political game playing. They could have got unions and other to sign up. Launched a programme of practical steps that could be taken to provide basic assistance to those under attack. Just a thought…
Don't disagree at all, they're thick as mince. But what's being shown here isn't Starmer's binary understanding of politics is all. Partly it's about demonstrating to the red wall focus group guys who spent the Corbyn years complaining that they didn't know what side he and Labour were on what side they're on, partly it's about humiliating the Labour left in parliament because they gave him the opportunity. Probably there's other strategic aims less obvious that I haven't thought of being served too.
So principled they removed their names from the letter when their careers were threatened
would could be charitable and believe that they all realised they'd made a terrible mistake signing that. maybe not actually read it and until the whips came calling. retracting is genuine not just to save their own skin.
Imagine that - what kind of cunt wouldn't just abandon a principled anti-war stance when a war starts, eh?
The Labour MPs have taken back their signatures now, and it’s fine, they can be anti-war, but why have a pop at NATO today when Putins tanks are rolling in?.
Richard Burgon was a very, very good ally for families) in fighting for justice in the coronial system. Why does he have be such a wally on matters geo-political.
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would could be charitable and believe that they all realised they'd made a terrible mistake signing that. maybe not actually read it and until the whips came calling. retracting is genuine not just to save their own skin.

I’ve got a lovely wreath you can hold whilst admiring that nice mural over there
The Labour MPs have taken back their signatures now, and it’s fine, they can be anti-war, but why have a pop at NATO today when Putins tanks are rolling in?.
The fact thay these individuals have put their careers first/successfully been intimidated (take your pick) doesn't change the inherent right to remain anti-war, or the insidious right-wing populist 'against the war but for the troops' narrative of your stance.

I'm not actually 100% anti-war myself. Family of mine died in the holocaust and that fuels my feeling that some wars, if not just, do end up being necessary. But your apparent view that people who are anti-war should just pick a side is really reductive and unhelpful.
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