This Machine Kills Progressives
The thing is that it is not just on the day itself. Organising on the basis 'vote to keep the fascist out' requires resources - in energy, money, time and political capital.I don't think a "vote to keep fascists out" strategy is bad when faced with a possible fascist election victory. It's bad when it is the only strategy you have and fuck all is done until the next time. We know that is the real issue and nothing is being done. But that is about what happens away from and between polling days. On the day itself I don't see much to be gained by sitting at home.
And that is when it becomes a pragmatic and tactical question. IMV much of the time those resources can be far better spent organising against Neo-liberalism. But I can conceive of situations that organising at the electoral level might be useful, it depends on the nature of the campaign, organising within a popular or united front is different to organising to prop up a neo-liberal shit like Macron.
France is a good example of where the lesser evil argument has failed. The PS have spent their time calling for a vote to keep out the fascist and they've being relegated to a minor-ish party while the RN have gone from strength to strength. The call to vote to keep out the fascist has failed, more and more voters are no longer buying it (while many others still accepting and supporting it). At the same time the political capital of the PS has been damaged, in part because of opposing Macron on Monday only to support him on Tuesday.
I don't believe it is in the long term advantage of the NPF to withdraw from so many seats (especially not when En Marche did not reciprocate). Doing so means that people don't see a viable alternative in their area, it delays the building of such an alternative, and makes it harder in the long run.
IMV the decision of Macron to not pull out against the LFI, was part of a deliberate strategy to weaken the LFI within the NPF (to the benefit of the PS). If the NPF is going to create a real alternative to the RN and Macron then it needs to organise against both. Remember Macron has specifically run on a platform opposed not just to the hard right but also the 'extreme left', pulling out provides a soft endorsement of En Marche and undermines the solidarity of the NPF.
The situation in the US is different, but I still don't believe it is advantageous to groups involved in class struggle to spend time getting people out to vote, donating to the Democrats, getting involved in electoral politics. I think the Black Rose Foundation are far better off putting their (rather limited) resources into their grassroots work than suddenly pivoting to the assist the Democrats.
EDIT: In addition to the pertinent criticisms of the trolly problem made by kabbes, I'd note I'd that it is fundamentally individualistic. Class struggle is (or at least should be) a collective struggle.
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