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Kamala Harris' time is up

Following Kamala Harris’s announcement that she is running for president, users on Elon’s Musk X (formerly known as Twitter) found themselves banned from following the vice president’s political campaign account.
Screenshot of a tweetSCREENSHOT

When users went to follow @KamalaHQ, the official rapid response page for Harris’s campaign, they were greeted with a message that said they had reached their “limit” and could not follow any more accounts at this time.

This message usually is deployed to prevent spam or “rate limiting,” for instance if one account is following hundreds of others. But it seems that the Harris account is the one being limited, rather than the users’.
An initial search for KamalaHQ on The New Republic’s X account also found that the campaign account is limited. The campaign account showed up in repeated subsequent searches, seeming to suggest the issue is being resolved.

This all may look a little suspicious considering Elon Musk’s growing relationship with Donald Trump. Just last week, Musk promised to donate $45 million a month to help Trump get reelected.
I did read that Biden was the first US president to join a picket line which raised my eyebrows. I don't know what his record has been on "achievements for the working class" ...is there something concrete to point at?

For Kamala I don't think law and order alone is enough to swing it though, even if she is 'good' at doing that. She is a self-described capitalist and non-socialist, but its the nativist/renewal thing that really works for Trump and god knows what her equivalent of that is.
I just heard on the radio earlier (BBC World Service, Business Matters) that some big union(s) hasn't endorsed her yet, and it was said to be because she crossed a picket line.
I'm not sure I'm going to be able to cope with the ups and downs of the polls coming up to November, but I'm not going to suffer alone so here are a couple of more promising ones from before Biden went.

While Trump has consistently led both Harris and Biden in most national polls, in three polls this month, all conducted before Biden stepped down, Harris narrowly led Trump in a hypothetical head-to-head, with each of her leads falling within the margin of error.

The most recent national poll putting Harris in front was conducted by Marist for NPR and PBS News between July 9 and July 10 and surveyed 1,309 adults. Harris garnered 50 percent support compared to Trump's 49 percent, with just 1 percent of respondents remaining undecided. This poll had a margin of error of +/- 3.3.
but promising first lines of attack :)

Vice President Kamala Harris gave the public its first real look into her nascent presidential campaign with a stop at her organization’s headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware on Monday night.

Harris’ first applause line came when she discussed her background as California attorney general and as a courtroom prosecutor.

“In those roles, I took on perpetrators of all kinds,” she said, earning cackles while she beamed, clearly enjoying the joke. “Predators who abused women. Fraudsters who ripped off consumers. Cheaters who broke the rules for their own gain. So hear me when I say, I know Donald Trump’s type.”
She gave the public a snippet of her biography, discussing how she specialized in cases involving sexual abuse as a young prosecutor, how she put a for-profit college out of business, and how she created one of the country’s first environmental justice units.

Harris juxtaposed her record with that of Trump, who she pointed out was found liable for sexual abuse, ran a scammy for-profit college, and tried to cut deals with oil lobbyists.
Putting her politics to one side and looking at this from a cynical presidential race spectacle point of view,,,,

-she gives off an air of positivity and freshness. She looks really comfortable with the idea of being president.
-while she clearly is solidly PMC what Ive seen so far she doesn't quite have the same air of condescension that someone like Hilary Clinton gives off. I think she is that bit more relatable.
-she is clearly prepared to badmouth Trump and really get stuck in and give at least as good -and I expect better - than she gets during a campaign. A TV debate with Trump could see him KOd.
-im not sure all the old attack lines the republicans have used before will have much landing power

I know she's starting from behind but I think she'll win it. From the little I've seen of her so far I can easily imagine Trump losing his lead, getting desperate and rattled, and Kamala doing enough to get over the line. Despite the shortcomings of her politics I expect she and her team will know enough to say what needs to be said.
Putting her politics to one side and looking at this from a cynical presidential race spectacle point of view,,,,

-she gives off an air of positivity and freshness. She looks really comfortable with the idea of being president.
-while she clearly is solidly PMC what Ive seen so far she doesn't quite have the same air of condescension that someone like Hilary Clinton gives off. I think she is that bit more relatable.
-she is clearly prepared to badmouth Trump and really get stuck in and give at least as good -and I expect better - than she gets during a campaign. A TV debate with Trump could see him KOd.
-im not sure all the old attack lines the republicans have used before will have much landing power

I know she's starting from behind but I think she'll win it. From the little I've seen of her so far I can easily imagine Trump losing his lead, getting desperate and rattled, and Kamala doing enough to get over the line. Despite the shortcomings of her politics I expect she and her team will know enough to say what needs to be said.
I agree; at one level, he's such a cunt all it needs is a non-shuffling zombie without any too glaring flaws and he should be toast, even in the swing states. So many non-voters only need to get a small proportion of them out.
Even if she does win they're going to have to make sure that the Republicans don't steal it though. 'Observers' at the polling stations and turning Democrat voters away in the swing states and closing polling stations, pulling Republican-leaning police and military together, another more organized January 6th effort ...

.. and if she gains power she needs to take on the Supreme Court and the Republican gerrymandering, biased press and Musk et al and insane State laws. Perhaps she's got the legal background to do all that, because someone needs to.
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I would warn everyone not to get too excited -- Trump and his campaign may be rattled but there's a significant proportion of the country who are diehard believers and they will vote for him. It is going to be very close, no matter what.
oh yeah of course...i mean she's losing right now and oddschecker has Trump as clear favourite, and if the election were next week she would lose....but I can imagine it being turned around....just
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I know she's starting from behind but I think she'll win it. From the little I've seen of her so far I can easily imagine Trump losing his lead, getting desperate and rattled, and Kamala doing enough to get over the line. Despite the shortcomings of her politics I expect she and her team will know enough to say what needs to be said.

I'll wager you £20 that she does not. We can donate the winnings to the server fund or a charity of choice.

The initial spin by the Dems and their centrist media buddies:

"oh, this is what we wanted all along despite spending the last 2 years shoring up Biden despite it being obvious that he wasn't well enough to do another 4 years because our poling showed that only he could beat Trump"
"identity politics will save us in the rust belt"
"she's young, unlilke our last guy"
"we will win, now we have a candidate in charge of their basic facalties"
"what cost of living crisis?"
"The lawyer v the felon"

won't last more than a couple of weeks.

After that the reality of Harris will set in. Bad track record as a candidate, right centrist politics, no vision, no narrative, not a good communicator, no pull in the places where it matters (I accept there will be some pull, but in places already in the bag for the Dems) more of the same....
Putting her politics to one side and looking at this from a cynical presidential race spectacle point of view,,,,

-she gives off an air of positivity and freshness. She looks really comfortable with the idea of being president.
-while she clearly is solidly PMC what Ive seen so far she doesn't quite have the same air of condescension that someone like Hilary Clinton gives off. I think she is that bit more relatable.
-she is clearly prepared to badmouth Trump and really get stuck in and give at least as good -and I expect better - than she gets during a campaign. A TV debate with Trump could see him KOd.
-im not sure all the old attack lines the republicans have used before will have much landing power

I know she's starting from behind but I think she'll win it. From the little I've seen of her so far I can easily imagine Trump losing his lead, getting desperate and rattled, and Kamala doing enough to get over the line. Despite the shortcomings of her politics I expect she and her team will know enough to say what needs to be said.
What in your view are the shortcomings of her politics? ( I think we have already acknowledged Gaza but will have to wait to see what impact that has)
I'll wager you ....
Like I said British bookies have Trump firm favourite (1/2) and Harris a bit of a longshot (2/1) at the moment. I appreciate she's an underdog longshot and I appreciate why Trump is favourite, and why you want to bet on the favourite.
I still think she's got a good fighting chance - its a short campaign window but I can picture the possibilities, for the reasons I set out above.
We'll see what happens soon enough
What in your view are the shortcomings of her politics? ( I think we have already acknowledged Gaza but will have to wait to see what impact that has)
From my personal stand point the list is endless! But from an election winning stand point i've already said it upthread:

"its the rust belt and other swing seats that she really needs to win, and I've no idea if she has the vocabulary, never mind political desire to engage with that"
and in a different post
"For Kamala I don't think law and order alone is enough to swing it though, even if she is 'good' at doing that. She is a self-described capitalist and non-socialist, but its the nativist/renewal thing that really works for Trump and god knows what her equivalent of that is."

....in short can she speak about economics/worker (and petty b) concerns. Obviously all politicians lie, but can she even turn it on.
I've only heard her speak for the first time yesterday and that was for 60 seconds, so I'm going on first impressions here.
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From my personal stand point the list is endless! But from an election winning stand point i've already said it upthread:

"its the rust belt and other swing seats that she really needs to win, and I've no idea if she has the vocabulary, never mind political desire to engage with that"
and in a different post
"For Kamala I don't think law and order alone is enough to swing it though, even if she is 'good' at doing that. She is a self-described capitalist and non-socialist, but its the nativist/renewal thing that really works for Trump and god knows what her equivalent of that is."

....in short can she speak about economics/worker concerns. Obviously all politicians lie, but can she even turn it on.
I've only heard her speak for the first time yesterday and that was for 60 seconds, so I'm going on first impressions here.
The polls I have glanced at rate 'economic concerns/cost of living/cost of housing' as issues of concern.
and i just ETA'd that Trump has a massive petty booj base, and thats another class-concern she needs to connect with in the swing states
Yup I read a bit somewhere that claimed that top CEOs were less likely to back Trump but SMEs were far more likely to.
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