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Just Stop Oil

Chucking flour at rocks.

If this signifies a move away from causing serious transport disruption and vandalism of artwork, I'm all for it :thumbs:
Their whole point is disrupt and irritate their way into the conversation.

To remind us that we aren't going to get to just carry on with all the random shit we do.

They're pretty successful at that.

The next step needs to come, but it isn't going to come from JSO. Nor should it.
What conversation? They'll, again, get invited on to Alan Partridge or Talk Concrete where their interlocutor will be a bad faith wanker who has control over the converation. They have zero media awareness and will end up flailing and looking stupid. There is no conversation and the government find them laughable
it was fucking corn starch - harmless to the environment and especially harmless to a fucking great ancient stone system. Calm the fuck down.

So you want non-disruptive protests - well, the Tory party agree with you here.
Flour bombing stonehenge isn't disruptive it just looks silly and facile. In fact it would be more logical, according to their worldview, to actually damage stonehenge and use that to say nothing is going to be free from the damage of climate change, so if you care about this...act.

They won't of course.
Flour bombing stonehenge isn't disruptive it just looks silly and facile. In fact it would be more logical, according to their worldview, to actually damage stonehenge and use that to say nothing is going to be free from the damage of climate change, so if you care about this...act.

They won't of course.

More logical is look 10 metres to the side of it and cause a delay on the fucking A road next to the monument. You know the peak tribute to car culture that sullies the landscape.

Oh wait, they can’t disrupt that any more than it already is it’s so busy.
People are going on about the lichen now. We're truly a nation of absolute fucking tools. Fucking lichen!

Hundreds of people have died on the way to Mecca, the US is seeing temps of 100f, and we're all worried cos those nasty orange people might have upset the lichen.

Just fucking kill me now. Take me to heaven's sweet oblivion. Some bloke has examined the rocks with a microscope and they're very porous apparently, so that flour will be there for longer than you think.

Jesus fucking christ.
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People are going on about the lichen now. We're truly a nation of absolute fucking tools. Fucking lichen!

Hundreds of people have died on the way to Mecca, the US is seeing temps of 100c,and we're all worried cos those nasty orange people might have upset the lichen.

Just fucking kill me now. Take me to heaven's sweet oblivion. Some bloke has examined the rocks with a microscope and they're very porous apparently, so that flour will be there for longer than you think.

Jesus fucking christ.

Now with the attack on Taylor Swift's jet I think this is perhaps more thought out than it first appeared. Do something outrageous that gets everyone looking at you and saying 'why don't they pick more appropriate targets' and then follow up with exactly that.
People are going on about the lichen now. We're truly a nation of absolute fucking tools. Fucking lichen!

Hundreds of people have died on the way to Mecca, the US is seeing temps of 100f, and we're all worried cos those nasty orange people might have upset the lichen.

Just fucking kill me now. Take me to heaven's sweet oblivion. Some bloke has examined the rocks with a microscope and they're very porous apparently, so that flour will be there for longer than you think.

Jesus fucking christ.
Where was the outrage then May 15, 1983

The Taylor Swift one is so much more meaningful because her reaction when people pointed out how many jet trips she makes, and how some of the trips are for short distances where alternatives make sense has been to go to court and try and try and make it illegal to post her trips (claiming security concerns) rather than make even a performative effort to reduce them in the slightest.

As it is, because of the timing, the action that made sense and highlighting again how some individuals use more oil in a week than others will use in a life time is worthwhile but instead it is drowned by the noise created by chucking flour on rocks.

I love JSO. This is a great 1-2 punch. Stonehenge to get the media attention then the private jets (which otherwise might not have got as much attention). It's genius.

And everybody complaining and whinging about it and appropriate targets, I just enjoy it all so much.
What does getting the media's attention achieve? The media just misrepresents them and propagandises against them, further alienating them from everyone else.
The religious authorities used regularly to spill blood on the stones without worrying too much about lichen.
Regarding the lichen, that's exactly the point. It is such a useless protest in terms of the climate that people are talking about lichen and damage to the stones. They then paint some jet orange, which is a much better form of protest, but because of the pointless stonehenge protest people are still talking about that and lichen and not the jet protest.
What does getting the media's attention achieve? The media just misrepresents them and propagandises against them, further alienating them from everyone else.
they don't care! people get mad at them but they also have to spend time thinking about why they're doing it. There doesn't seem to be any evidence that this kind of action alienates people from the overall cause, eg politicians actually doing something about emissions.
So has the needle moved at all on getting the government to discontinue approving new oil and gas licences, or is inconsequential attention-seeking the entire point of such stunts? Like streaking at sports events.

Yes, JSO gets in the news when they block roads and chuck coloured shit on artworks and monuments. But then what? People who agree wholeheartedly will applaud them as usual, and the same responses will come from the critics both sincere and otherwise, because nothing about these actions are fundamentally different from before. Unless JSO escalate their behaviour, then it seems likely that at some point the novelty will wear off and both the media and the general public will lose interest.

What does getting the media's attention achieve? The media just misrepresents them and propagandises against them, further alienating them from everyone else.

Apparently some sort of civic alchemy is supposed to happen at some point, somehow, that results in other people doing the real work. Personally I'm not sure how occasionally causing traffic jams and doing petty vandalism will motivate the folks who aren't already on board with JSO's way of doing things. But having these doubts makes me a planet-killing Daily Mail reader. How inspiring!
Spraying Stonehenge does nothing to further the demands of Just Stop Oil.

Even if Just Stop Oil achieved its aim, human-generated global warming would continue.

So, the spraying of Stonehenge does nothing to further demands that, even if met, would not stop global warming.
Just makes work for volunteers cleaning it. Very reasonable response from the head of English National Heritage on World Service, refusing to call for new laws to protect sites, but expressing sadness at the action. It didn't damage the stones, but it could have done, and it did give a bunch of volunteers unnecessary work to do.

Weird choice of target. Counterproductive.
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