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Johnny Depp Libel Case

There’s a smidgin of MRAing in all this focussing on Heard instead of Depp

More than a smidgin, from the comment that I've seen (from the outset) - A very great deal of it seemed a fairly determined attempt to portray Heard as the epitome of the damaged/destructive/exploitative woman from the darkest depths of any right-thinkin' MRA/"Redpill"/MGTOW type's nightmares!
No but I have bothered to read all the evidence which precious little people on this thread seem to have.

As I've said I'm not a Depp fan really, couple or three good films, but when you look deeper into this it does seem like its a miscarriage of justice.

On a side note, which may be MRAey, its certain she physically abused him. She has admitted it, yet no one gives a fuck.
Gives fuel to the fire that male victims of DV aren't taken seriously at all
What do you mean, a miscarriage of justice? Depp was suing The Sun for defamation because they called him a wife beater. The judge determined that there was no defamation because he HAD beaten his wife. How is that a miscarriage of justice?
What do you mean, a miscarriage of justice? Depp was suing The Sun for defamation because they called him a wife beater. The judge determined that there was no defamation because he HAD beaten his wife. How is that a miscarriage of justice?
Because I don't believe Depp is a wifebeater.

I also don't believe Woody Allen is a paedophile, after reading everything there is to read about it. But there again I am a huge Woody fan so maybe I would say that🤔
On a side note, if anyone else likes a courtroom drama watch OJ: Made in America.
His lawyer was a genius and basically made it impossible for the jury to convict a clearly guilty man.
Because I don't believe Depp is a wifebeater.

I also don't believe Woody Allen is a paedophile, after reading everything there is to read about it. But there again I am a huge Woody fan so maybe I would say that🤔
So him marrying his stepdaughter is what? Yes, she was 21 when they started a romantic relationship but that hardly makes it morally right.
So him marrying his stepdaughter is what? Yes, she was 21 when they started a romantic relationship but that hardly makes it morally right.
She wasn't his stepdaughter. He wasn't married to Mia Farrow and never lived with her..
He held no parental influence over Soon Yi and in fact didn't really know her.
Mia insisted they get to know each other so he started to take her to basketball games and the rest is admittedly disgusting history

Anyway, let's not get into this here (too late)
She wasn't his stepdaughter. He wasn't married to Mia Farrow and never lived with her..
He held no parental influence over Soon Yi and in fact didn't really know her.
Mia insisted they get to know each other so he started to take her to basketball games and the rest is admittedly disgusting history
Totally the actions of someone with predatory instincts. Just because Mia ,- his long-term partner even if they weren't married -encouraged him to get to know her adopted daughter it doesn't justify his behaviour no matter how much you love his films.
What concerns me most is much of the discourse online (not here, tbf) seems to be that because she was unpleasant, or provoking, or didn't cower in the corner in fear all of the time, he couldn't be a wife beater. Which I really had hoped in 2020 we'd got beyond, this idea of what a "good" victim looks like, but apparently not. I even read someone saying that of course he lashed out because she has borderline personality disorder, and I have close relatives with bordeline personality disorder, it's nice to know some people think that means violence and abuse against them is fair game.

eta. and anyone who thinks small yappy type dogs aren't massive shitters hasn't spent any time around small yappy type dogs :D
I just saw that godawful advert for his Sausage perfume, or whatever its called, on ITV before Celebrity Jungle Time so looks like reports of his "cancelling" are greatly exaggerated.
This is part of the reason I believe he is not a wife beater. Her legal team hired a private investigator to dig up dirt on him.
Paul Barresi stepped out and claimed that Heard’s legal team hired him to find people who had been verbally or physically abused by Depp to be star witnesses against the “Pirates of the Caribbean” actor. He interviewed over 100 people across the U.S. and the U.K. who worked with Depp three decades ago but couldn’t find one who could stand as witness against the actor.
“Amber's lawyers contacted me and said you're the right man for this job, that's how they brought me in. She was emotionally spent and battered and tormented - it was a volatile relationship,” Barresi told DailyMail.

“I went to the US, France, Italy, Britain, everywhere that Johnny Depp roamed, everywhere he walked, I couldn't find one instance, or at least an admitted one, where he was physically abusive to a woman, smacked or beaten around, he's like an angel. Not one who said a deprecating thing. I interviewed dozens of people, who knew him going as far back as three decades ago, and nobody had one bad thing to say about him. In fact, they couldn't say enough about his ever flowing outpouring of generosity and tender heart.”

Barresi emailed the publication the various compliments that the people were saying about Depp. Jane Galli, who worked with Depp in the past, described him as a “real sweetie.” Meanwhile, Brad Furman, the director of “City of Lies,” said Depp was a “true professional and wonderful human.”

His previous long term partners Vanessa Paradis and Wynona Ryder were due to be character witnesses for him but were not called for.

On boards like these I understand the prevailing wisdom will be #ibelieveher and #believewomen (which even Margaret Atwood warned against and got crucified by Internet feminists)

I'm suspect he'll probably lose the Court of Appeal due to the nuances of the British legal system, but they have a libel trial in America next year with Depp suing Heard, and their laws are slightly different regarding this so will be interesting to see what happens there
More than a smidgin, from the comment that I've seen (from the outset) - A very great deal of it seemed a fairly determined attempt to portray Heard as the epitome of the damaged/destructive/exploitative woman from the darkest depths of any right-thinkin' MRA/"Redpill"/MGTOW type's nightmares!
And the fact she duffed up Depp, duffed up her ex partner and duffed up her sister
Jesus christ, the fact that he apparently did not assault his ex-partners, or other people in his vicinity, does not mean he didn't assault Amber Heard. I don't care enough to look at all the evidence, but there was a clear incident where he assaulted her on an airplane, which he and his team acknowledged to her over the following days. And his explanations for why he sent the messages, if he didn't assault her, were not at all believable as the judge recognized.
This is part of the reason I believe he is not a wife beater. Her legal team hired a private investigator to dig up dirt on him.

His previous long term partners Vanessa Paradis and Wynona Ryder were due to be character witnesses for him but were not called for.

On boards like these I understand the prevailing wisdom will be #ibelieveher and #believewomen (which even Margaret Atwood warned against and got crucified by Internet feminists)

I'm suspect he'll probably lose the Court of Appeal due to the nuances of the British legal system, but they have a libel trial in America next year with Depp suing Heard, and their laws are slightly different regarding this so will be interesting to see what happens there
you'll regret this post which flies in the face of all the evidence.

so he was only vile to ah. she was jd's wife. he beat her. ergo he is a wife beater.
So like one or two others, I have also read the court documents, and listened to the hours of tape recordings between Heard & Depp. As well as listening to youtubers dissecting these documents and tapes. e.g. That Umberella Guy, Come Geek Some, Stevie J Raw, etc, etc., The reason I became interested in this case, is because initially I believed Amber Heard #believeallwomen, #MeToo etc.,
However, the deeper I delved into it, particularly the recorded conversations between them. It became clear that AH was the abuser. She constantly berates Depp for leaving whenever she becomes violent, which she admits to being. She hectors & loses her temper at the drop of a hat, while JD patiently tries to explain why he leaves the room/premises when she does become violet.

She accuses him of being a baby because he does that and tells him that no-one will believe him if he says that he as a man is being abused by his tiny wife! Heard blackmailed him with a list of demands, telling him that if he didn't give into her demands for 3 penthouses (he owned 5), $50k per month alimony, cars & sundry other items, she would go public with her claims. She wrote an Op Ed piece all about her abusive marriage, while agreeing not to slander Depp. She got a measly $7 million dollar settlement, which she broadcast to the world that she donated to 2 charities. She lied about that too & has steadfastly refused to show proof of her donations. Although that documentation has been requested for the VA trial in 2021.

In most cases of domestic abuse it is male on female, but this is a case of female on male violence. Heard has co-opted the #MeToo movement and is now a spokesperson for abuse survivors. She was arrested for DV against a previous partner Tasya Van Ree. So there is evidence of domestic violence on her record, whereas JD has anyone and everyone standing up for him, including his previous sexual partners. A person doesn't suddenly become an abuser aged 57! No-one has a bad word to say about the guy, in the movie industry and out of it!

When you haven't listened to the hours & hours of recorded conversations, it is easy to agree with AH, because that's the way things usually go. This situation will have a negative effect on male abuse survivors, who are often laughed at and ridiculed and not believed because they are men. And it could very well bring the #MeToo movement crashing down, because a female perpetrator of DV is now representing it. This is bad for men and women.

They were both serious drug & alcohol abusers, with Heard taking anti-psychotic drugs for her mental health issues. Heard implies she didn't really drink, while downing 3 bottles of wine per night, as well as cocaine, mushrooms and acid. She has presented herself as a victim and JD as a perpetrator. They were both victims of their substance abuse issues, but doing substances doesn't equate to becoming a violent abuser.
Maybe so killer b. This isn't just another celebrity story though, it's fundamental to issues we are hearing about and discussing at the moment. Going back to Harvey Weinstein and the ~MeToo movement.

It's the zeitgeist man!
Maybe so killer b. This isn't just another celebrity story though, it's fundamental to issues we are hearing about and discussing at the moment. Going back to Harvey Weinstein and the ~MeToo movement.

It's the zeitgeist man!
Ignore the personal attacks. You, like a lot of people but precious few on this thread, have actually looked into the case, rather than just going for the "believe all women" rhetoric without nuance.
Maybe so killer b. This isn't just another celebrity story though, it's fundamental to issues we are hearing about and discussing at the moment. Going back to Harvey Weinstein and the ~MeToo movement.

It's the zeitgeist man!
it really isn't, and you should get a life that doesn't involve going through celebrities bins.
They both were abusive.
Different degrees and different harm. He has been deemed by a judge in a court case to have physically assaulted and battered her 12 times.
So she was beaten. Her character or personality doesnt matter. He beat her.

He on the other hand, was ridiculed.
But her calling him a baby is not the same as a smack in the jaw though is it?
A poo in his bed if it was indeed hers, is not the same as a black eye.
He now says he lost the tip of a finger because she threw something at him...well that's rough...but she would want to be pretty skilled at throwing stuff to intentionally chop a bit of his finger off.

Intention is important and a guy smacking and hitting a woman isn't unintentional.

Sure...she might well be a manipulative pain in the ass bitch who annoyed the heck out of JD. She may have mentally fucked him up. Who really knows?

The one fact that is now indesputable is that he beat her 12 times. All sorts of excuses will be made for him by his friends and buddies...she provoked him..she was a nasty bitch blah blah blah...
Does not matter.
He should have walked away. He could have walked away.
He didnt. And he ended up hitting her.

Drugs ..money...alcohol...whatever. does not matter.
He is the one who has been shown in court to have beaten her.

He made his own bed on this one.
Thanks D'wards

Not really, we just believe the judge who's heard all of the evidence over some YouTuber's partisan theories

The newspapers have been partisan. It's the YouTubers who have delved into this story. If it was up to the newspapers we'd all believe AH's story.

It's also the You Tubers who have looked into Judge Nichols connections to AH & The Sun. Not to mention his son works for the radio station that is owned by the Sun. I would do your research first before making inane & uneducated comments!

The judge dismissed police records, the staff who worked at the Columbia Building, JD's own security staff & took the word of a freeloader AH's pal who was living off Depps money.
Listen to the tapes which are irrefutable evidence of her violence towards him & don't believe everything you read in the newspapers, especially not the Scum! And if you can't be arsed doing that you've got nothing to say that I need to listen too, because you are just parroting the tabloids.
Listen to the tapes which are irrefutable evidence of her violence towards him & don't believe everything you read in the newspapers, especially not the Scum! And if you can't be arsed doing that you've got nothing to say that I need to listen too, because you are just parroting the tabloids.

I don't read the sun, so please don't patronise me.

I have, however, read far too much misogyny and incel hatred towards victims of male violence and how said victims did or said something "provocative" to "deserve" their fates.
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