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Johnny Depp Libel Case

I do find it odd that the judge who made the judgement against him is the one to deny him an appeal. Glad he’s fucked of course, but an appeal often hangs on the judge fucking something up and this judge has decided that he didn’t fuck up.

That’s how it’s usually done afaik. The first stage is that the judge who has issued the decision decides whether or not there are any issues that could be appealable. If he decides there are not then the losing party still has the option of applying directly to the higher court for permission to appeal.

There’s a bit of difference between there being appealable issues and the judge fucking up. Quite often a judge will say “look this is what I think the answer is but I could be wrong and I think there is a point of law here that warrants an appeal“. Clearly the judge in this case didn’t think that was the case. Depp could still get an appeal though if the Court of Appeal agrees.

(All of the above based on my general knowledge of civil law. I don’t know anything about the law of defamation so could be wrong)
I do wonder how Amber Heard's career will go now as there is a lot of evidence she is a violent person.
There is a very damning tape available of her admitting to beating up Depp and when he says that when she goes into violent rages he leaves the house she mocks him and calls him a baby.
But this trial wasn't about whether she physically abused him were it...
I suspect Heard will be fine whilst Depp while be signing on for Universal Credit.
Have you heard the tape where Heard admits abusing him?
Even her bestie Amanda de Cadanet turned her back on her after hearing that. She was supposed to be a witness for the prosecution too
No I haven't heard that, haven't really followed the case in much detail but I just a hunch that Heard will be fine in the long term. Maybe wrong!
I do wonder how Amber Heard's career will go now as there is a lot of evidence she is a violent person.
There is a very damning tape available of her admitting to beating up Depp and when he says that when she goes into violent rages he leaves the house she mocks him and calls him a baby.
But this trial wasn't about whether she physically abused him were it...

Did Heard take anyone to court claiming libel? No, so allegations about her behaviour were utterly irrelevant. Depp's lawyers seemed to think throwing mud about her was the same as clearing him which was literally a losing case. They tried to make her out to be a gold-digger and a harridan and even if she's flawed she's succeeded in having that disproved via The Sun (urgh). According to Depp, the cruellest thing she did was try to get him to do rehab properly! He's an overindulged, immature lush and reading those texts to Paul Bettany, a vindictive misogynist to boot.

It's all a bit of a sad cautionary tale of what happens when you're too rich for anyone to tell you the truth.
Basically having read all the evidence on this case, including personal testimonials from friends and employees, the verdict came as a bit of a shock.
This is why he continues to have so much support.
I'm not a huge Depp fan, I have no dog in this fight, but followed the case closely, although was obviously not in the court room.

No one had ever accused depp of violence before and it was literally just her word against his.
I suspect Heard will be fine whilst Depp while be signing on for Universal Credit.
Heard doesn’t have a particularly distinguished career and never had a lead role in a film which required great acting. There are dozens of young actresses on her level who can be cast in the type of roles she gets. I could imagine plenty of productions would rather go with someone else now. There will be a lot of people in the industry still loyal to Depp and the revelations about her were damaging.
Heard doesn’t have a particularly distinguished career and never had a lead role in a film which required great acting. There are dozens of young actresses on her level who can be cast in the type of roles she gets. I could imagine plenty of productions would rather go with someone else now. There will be a lot of people in the industry still loyal to Depp and the revelations about her were damaging.

Which revelations about her?
Totally beyond me how people can even be bothered to follow this shitshow and pick a side in some hideous couple you’ll never meet & you know you have no chance of knowing what the truth of any of it is. Just bizarre. Probably the same people who avidly watch those shows with celebs trapped in a house for months fighting in their pyjamas. Weird.
No but I have bothered to read all the evidence which precious little people on this thread seem to have.

As I've said I'm not a Depp fan really, couple or three good films, but when you look deeper into this it does seem like its a miscarriage of justice.

On a side note, which may be MRAey, its certain she physically abused him. She has admitted it, yet no one gives a fuck.
Gives fuel to the fire that male victims of DV aren't taken seriously at all
Of course there's a lot of tin foil hattery going around that the judge in this case, Justice Nichols, is somehow connected to the Heard family and the Sun but this i believe is complete bollocks
No but I have bothered to read all the evidence which precious little people on this thread seem to have.

As I've said I'm not a Depp fan really, couple or three good films, but when you look deeper into this it does seem like its a miscarriage of justice.

On a side note, which may be MRAey, its certain she physically abused him. She has admitted it, yet no one gives a fuck.
Gives fuel to the fire that male victims of DV aren't taken seriously at all
I doubt you have 'read all the evidence' unless you're the judge
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