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Johnny Depp Libel Case

I don't think it works like that outside of TV and films. You cannot just keep your evidence under wraps until the last possible moment and spring it in court, it will have been disclosed to the other side well in advance.

Indeed. Surely the other side should have just shouted at him until he lost his temper and shouted 'yes, I did it, I did order the code red!'
He's also suing her in the US over a piece she wrote for the Washington Post that suggested he was violent towards her.

The judge in the High Court in London said, "I have found that the great majority of alleged assaults of Ms Heard by Mr Depp have been proved to the civil standard." Which I guess kind of kills the scumbag's case.
Despite the attempts to discredit/tarnish Amber by the prosecution and some of the media, it's not just The Sun that's won. Hopefully this will give more victims of domestic abuse the courage to stand up. And the more that stand up the less emboldened the abusers will feel. Maybe they will stop and think that when their partner is screaming and crying it's because they are terrified rather than it being an attack on them. (that's how many abusers often feel, like they are being attacked and they are merely defending themselves).
He's worth $200 million. And that's after losing $650 million a while back (dunno if he's looked down the back of the sofa).

He can probably afford it. Obscene wealth.
he's made $650M I think rather than ever being worth it (as it were). he did lose a bunch a while back, usual dodgy accountant. Most of the rest went up his nose.
I wonder just how much money he has to waste .. ?
If he were to win an appeal, he could potentially make the money to pay the lawyers while he's having his makeup done at the beginning of his next job.

But if he doesn't appeal, his career is over and anyone in the UK can sell t-shirts with "Johnny Depp is a wife-beater" printed on them and there's nothing he can do.

Seems like a no-brainer to me.
He appears to have some proper loony tunes stans, active on social media, who are divorced from reality much like Michael Jackson superfans
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