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Johnny Depp Libel Case

He did ask twice and they said yes. It's still creepy and I can understand why the women regretted it, but of course they should have some responsibility since they hung out with him and then said it was ok for him to do his fetish.

I actually think that people like you who will just call someone 'vile' who they don't even know for having a different opinion on a tabloid news issue are pretty toxic but whatever

These women were put in an impossible situation by a powerful person who abused that power. In his own words, he put them in a predicament and abused his power. It's obviously difficult for you to empathise with anyone who's been on the wrong end of a toxic dynamic. Perhaps reading more of the women's testimonies might help ? Or separating this aspect of his behaviour from the aspects of him you admire (the performances ?).
This is a civil case in the civil division of the High Court, so wouldn't delay hearings concerning abuse, a criminal offence, which would normally be heard in a Magistrates' or Crown Court.
Well, they could choose not to hear civil cases in all but the most extreme cases, so that more criminal matters could go ahead. But in libel cases they actually pay for the court time, so it saves money to keep them running.
Well, they could choose not to hear civil cases in all but the most extreme cases, so that more criminal matters could go ahead. But in libel cases they actually pay for the court time, so it saves money to keep them running.

The civil and criminal divisions of the High Court use different specialist judges, they even wear different coloured robes, red for judges dealing with criminal cases, black for those that deal with civil cases.
Who cares about the judges? Lack of court space is one of the key reasons for trials not going ahead, do that space could be freed up.
Who cares about the judges? Lack of court space is one of the key reasons for trials not going ahead, do that space could be freed up.

It doesn't need to be, courts can sit in temporary venues, which is already planned with the “Nightingale courts” currently opening.

Who cares about the judges? Lack of court space is one of the key reasons for trials not going ahead, do that space could be freed up.
Judges specialise. You wouldn't want a tax lawyer with all the social prejudices of a random Telegraph reader presiding over a libel case about domestic abuse.

Similarly, you wouldn't want anyone with a human soul interfering the tax affairs of wealth creators, or it would be a one-way slide into hell.
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This isn't about 'having a different opinion on a tabloid news issue', it's about you making excuses for someone who did something sleazy and exploitative and abusive. In his own words:

'At the time, I said to myself that what I did was okay because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true. But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isn't a question. It's a predicament for them. The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly. '

Not just power because they admired him either - but power over their career. If you’re a female comic or writer and a very famous, successful comedian asks if you will look at their penis then you’ll be thinking whether saying no will affect your ability to work in that industry.

Btw freakydave this also might not have occurred to you - but when women find themselves alone with a man who suddenly gets his dick out, they might start considering how best to get out of that situation without upsetting him or being raped.
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In texts Depp, 57, had described women as “sluts” and “fat ugly whores”. In one he said he would “smack the ugly cunt around” after asking whether a “worthless hooker” had arrived. In another, he described his former partner Vanessa Paradis as a “withering cunt”.

She added: “The days are long past when the courts in this country required corroboration before accepting the unsupported testimony of a female complainant.”

Wass said a “wealth of evidence” supported Heard’s claims: text messages, medical evidence from those treating Depp for addiction and painting him as “a hopeless addict” and “unable to restrain his anger”, photographic evidence, and eyewitness testimonies of his assaults or their aftermath.
I hope Johnny Depp wins the case and is awarded such a massive amount in damages that the Sun is forced to cease publication. After that, he can fuck off.

Some other rag will just fill the vacant niche market. The only way for us to be free of The Scum and its like is for people to cease being interested in other people's personal garbage. I don't see that happening any time soon.
I hate cases like this. No casual observer has really heard the evidence in enough detail to form a reliable opinion. Even then there's room for doubt or it wouldn't be in court. Most (by a long long way) domestic abuse is perpetrated by men but being falsely accused of it, even in semi-jest on a bulletin board, can be very upsetting.

And when people decide who is at fault, they tend to break along who they're a fan of, rather than the few facts of the case that are available. Its all best left to the courts to decide.
Can we please stop pushing the hopeless addict buttons, please. Have nothing whatsoever to say regarding the antics of famous people or tabloid drivel...but it gets my fucking goat when addiction is used as some sort of handy shorthand for abusive, shitty behaviour.
I don't think anyone has pushed that particular button on this thread have they? 🤔
Can we please stop pushing the hopeless addict buttons, please. Have nothing whatsoever to say regarding the antics of famous people or tabloid drivel...but it gets my fucking goat when addiction is used as some sort of handy shorthand for abusive, shitty behaviour.
Actually the scum is saying that because he drinks and takes drugs then he's more likely to be a wifebeater. It is the scum that brings up the uncontested fact that he likes to get high and drink wine.

So getting high and drinking wine certainly are not 'shorthand for abusive, shitty behaviour.' as far as I'm aware but they are implying that the two go together. You know...like in Reefer Madness.
Can we please stop pushing the hopeless addict buttons, please. Have nothing whatsoever to say regarding the antics of famous people or tabloid drivel...but it gets my fucking goat when addiction is used as some sort of handy shorthand for abusive, shitty behaviour.
Or, at least in this case...alleged abusive, shitty behaviour.
Ah, apologies from me. For being a bit precious and over-sensitive...AND NOT PROPERLY READING THE THREAD. Should I delete my post? I often feel uncomfortable, with equating the role of the addicted as either abuser or victim... because it is complex, subjective and slippery. Nearly always politicised, and sometimes weaponised.
I pissed people off so I will say one thing about Louis CK. Sorry to disrupt the discussion
I follow American comedy and it was a thing even I knew as an internet geek who has never been to USA years before the story broke.
the stuff that he got up to was way before he was a big deal, I think he'd been on TV once. my reaction to it was 'eurgh' but I think people see it in the context of the huge star that he became rather than the gen X struggling comic that he was. I agree with what he said that he was stupid and didn't realise that his behaviour was out of order, but I do think that the context means something.
most people on here seem to be around 40 like me and I'd imagine that for a good chunk of us if we had the success that he had somebody would appear and be able to get their 30 pieces for something shitty that we did back in the day, and definitely knew someone who was like that who turned out ok and shouldn't be fired
but I disrupted the thread so sorry about that
I pissed people off so I will say one thing about Louis CK. Sorry to disrupt the discussion
I follow American comedy and it was a thing even I knew as an internet geek who has never been to USA years before the story broke.
the stuff that he got up to was way before he was a big deal, I think he'd been on TV once. my reaction to it was 'eurgh' but I think people see it in the context of the huge star that he became rather than the gen X struggling comic that he was. I agree with what he said that he was stupid and didn't realise that his behaviour was out of order, but I do think that the context means something.
most people on here seem to be around 40 like me and I'd imagine that for a good chunk of us if we had the success that he had somebody would appear and be able to get their 30 pieces for something shitty that we did back in the day, and definitely knew someone who was like that who turned out ok and shouldn't be fired
but I disrupted the thread so sorry about that
Nope sorry dave. No we have not all done stuff like that. And suggesting the women who came forward did so for money as you do is abysmal.
eta i see everyone's already dealt with this at length he's just carrying on regardless.
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Depp has been leaving handwritten notes and bandanas with fans who have waited for him and shown their support. Prompted me to recall when he bought up masses of Lush Black Pearl bath bombs for the crew when they finished filming.

Heard on the other hand:

Well at least Johnny is a half decent actor. Talk about sociopathic.
Depp has been leaving handwritten notes and bandanas with fans who have waited for him and shown their support. Prompted me to recall when he bought up masses of Lush Black Pearl bath bombs for the crew when they finished filming.

Heard on the other hand:

Well at least Johnny is a half decent actor. Talk about sociopathic.

Also Johnny Depp visits children's hospitals all over the world in character as Jack Sparrow.
You will not find anyone who knows him who will say a bad word about him, apart from, well, you know who.
Heard used to be very pally with Amanda De Cadanet who initially supported her in a #metoo way and personally.
She has withdrawn support for Heard saying she was lied to about Johnny hitting her.

I feel for him. I believe he is totally innocent and has gone through hell over false allegations.
I have read all the evidence before I made my mind up.

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