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Johnny Depp Libel Case

I keep reading Johnny Depp as Johnny Wadd, and wondering when he was married to Amber Waves.

(this is the guy who was in 21 Jump Street, right?)
I hate cases like this. No casual observer has really heard the evidence in enough detail to form a reliable opinion. Even then there's room for doubt or it wouldn't be in court. Most (by a long long way) domestic abuse is perpetrated by men but being falsely accused of it, even in semi-jest on a bulletin board, can be very upsetting.
Really difficult in cases like this to decide one way or the other - it's one person's word against another.
A couple of points :

A) Depp is quite an anglophile so it surprises me he's so upset by the Sun story. Anyone in the Uk knows it's the gutter press and can't be relied on
B) Why is he clogging up our courts system that has gone into meltdown during COVID with so many cases delayed?
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Really difficult in cases like this to decide one way or the other - it's one person's word against another.
No it isn't. It's the tape recordings, the therapist notes, other evidence and the testimonies and the cross-examinations.

According to them, so far as far as I can see, all this is on Heard. She's been the abuser imo.
No it isn't. It's the tape recordings, the therapist notes, other evidence and the testimonies and the cross-examinations.

According to them, so far as far as I can see, all this is on Heard. She's been the abuser imo.

Says the man that thinks the convicted rapist, Mike Tyson, is a modern day hero.
B) Why he is clogging up our courts system that has gone into meltdown during COVID with so many cases delayed?
There was a piece in the Guardian with some lawyers complaining that their clients, with actual current domestic violence and access cases, couldn't get court dates whereas this guy can.

Though I've also read more than one legal type saying that actually the backlog from covid is just a blip on top of the existing backlog from the Tories having fucked it. The government has made a big deal out of it of course, as you'd expect.
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A couple of points :

A) Depp is quite an anglophile so it surprises me he's so upset by the Sun story. Anyone in the Uk knows it's the gutter press and can't be relied on
B) Why he is clogging up our courts system that has gone into meltdown during COVID with so many cases delayed?

If he wins he gets a lot of money, and he's basically bankrupt.
No it isn't. It's the tape recordings, the therapist notes, other evidence and the testimonies and the cross-examinations.

According to them, so far as far as I can see, all this is on Heard. She's been the abuser imo.

On the first week, when JD was giving evidence it did sound that way, this week has been a very different story. For every nasty story Johnny Depp comes out with, there's a counter story by Amber. But of course, this is nothing more than HUGE PR war.

Nobody really knows the truth right now, so it's became about which experiences resonate the public the most. I have never met a woman who has lied about domestic abuse, but I have met abusive, addicted men who felt they were victims even though they were inflicting mental and physical pain. They felt they were being attacked, they were controlling and terrifying and life threatening for a fraction of the time and regular nice people most of the time. So, I'm inclined to believe her.

Just found this and, well, yeah... The fight to clear Johnny Depp’s name exposes an altogether nastier agenda | Catherine Bennett
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I've been following this slightly more than I normally would because of the unusual balance of testimony, but really, who the hell knows - all of this is being filtered through lawyers and then journalists.

I will say "fuck the Sun" however. They are no friends of domestic violence victims and actively make things worse (see the recent JK Rowling shit for the latest over many decades).
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There was a piece in the Guardian with some lawyers complaining that their clients, with actual current domestic violence and access cases, couldn't get court dates whereas this guy can.

Though I've also read more than one legal type saying that actually the backlog from covid is just a blip on top of the existing backlog from the Tories having fucked it. The government has made a big deal out of it of course, as you'd expect.
Is that to do with it being libel rather than a prosecution for abuse though? (Don't know, just wondered)
Is that to do with it being libel rather than a prosecution for abuse though? (Don't know, just wondered)
Tbh I don't really know either - my understanding is that there's no inherent priority of cases within specific types of court, but that's it. This is the Guardian piece in question btw:

It has been mostly tweeted live by this chap.

I would never claim to know what goes on behind closed doors but it appears to me Depp is a drunk, sometimes drugged buffoon with a lack of self confidence, despite appearances, and makes do with humour to cover his insecurities. He does not appear to me someone who revels in physical abuse but I can imagine his tongue can be sharp on occasion. That's no reason for someone to be physically abusive to him though. The accounts from Winona and Vanessa Paradis err on his side. Given his Winona/Wino Forever tattoo, I can't see that this is a new development to his personality so he's always been a bit of a mouthy cunt.

Heard on the other hand has a history of histrionics, if accounts by exes are to be believed, and even her own sister and Depp's security have commented on her physical behaviour.

Yes Depp is a pretty chap, alas his personality isn't to me, but I'd relish it putting the Sun under and maybe it will snowball into other cases being brought against papers like the Daily Fail too.
Disney has already cancelled Depp. So obviously he had no choice but to go to court and clear his name from the filthy Sun. And hopefully make a bankrupting amount of money from it and end Dan Wooton's career. Then sue fucking Disney too.
Loved JD for years, esp in Ed Wood, Edward Scissorhands, Benny and Joon etc. His acting and on-screen presence was magnetic.

That said, if he has done what's alleged, then he can fuck off. It's tough when those you admire turn out to be shits. There's almost a feeling of betrayal. But wouldn't want to be blindly defending them, either. Because it's not you who's the victim, the one who has been physically abused.
I get the impression most people think Depp will win the case, and for all I know that's perfectly right and just.

It's disheartening, though, that the impression will be given of a powerful man being given the benefit of the doubt. It will probably be unwarranted (after all, the case is primarily about the Sun's behaviour, rather than his), but it will happen anyway. And it will serve to give female victims of dv a little less confidence in the justice system, as well as giving men's rights types a talking-point.

So we all lose. Not because of anything Depp or Heard may or may not have done, or because the verdict is wrong, but just because exaggerated importance is given to celebrity trials.
The fantastic comedian, and pal of Depps, wrote this when the allegations were first made. She began to sue then abandoned it.

Stanhope tried to take the rap for Louis CK as well didn't he? Kind of makes him an unreliable witness on this one.
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