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Johnny Depp Libel Case

It's only as big news as it is now because there's so little other celeb gossip. The poor paparazzi can only get distance shots of famous people wearing masks while walking their dogs.

My phone gives me headlines about the Depp libel trial every bloody day, which is why I'm responding to this thread (plus boredom). I'm not going to click on them or read the details - it's the private lives of two strangers. The headlines and this thread make it seem like they were both abusive but nobody outside of the two of them will ever really know.

And yeah, I agree with others - coming at a time when domestic violence is heightened, this is really not helpful to anyone who has been subjected to it. Yeah most people won't have their non-violence related faults displayed in the media, but it's a reminder that their friends and family might well end up hearing about them if they try to fight back through the courts.

From the Scottish indy thread...

Either he hates Scots or Blacks...I'm not sure. I'm guessing both.

Do you defend Mike Tyson or not?
Stanhope tried to take the rap for Louis CK as well didn't he? Kind of makes him an unreliable witness on this one.

Louis CK was also a victim of tabloids. He committed no actual crimes and the big 'secret' about him was that he was a guy who was obsessed with masturbation
A little less ad hominem all round might help this thread stay afloat. Not that I'm a fan of Mike Tyson in any way at all.

18 year old Mike Tyson not just winning but completely beating up all of the established pros is one of the best sports things in pro sports.
Posting in here because it's against The Sun and in the UK courts.

Anybody else in here following? As I posted in The Guardian thread. The media really have a done a job going to town doing a job on him. Virtually all the evidence points to Amber Heard being the abuser in this relationship.

I've been following the case very closely this week and it looks quite likely that the Johnny is about to get result he wants and deserves.

Murdoch news shitting themselves and no doubt preparing for a big smear in the Sundays.
Been looking at this. I think he will win.
But should I come round your place for a career improving 'writing session'? Or maybe you'd just like to knock one out while talking to me on the phone? Which is also a crime btw.

It's really pretty boring and not relevant to this thread at all. I don't mind if you are angry at Louis CK, I'm a fan of his but doesn't mean that you have to be.
It's really pretty boring and not relevant to this thread at all. I don't mind if you are angry at Louis CK, I'm a fan of his but doesn't mean that you have to be.
I thought he was very funny, watched every live show, all five series of Louis and even sat through Horace and Pete. I think the whole point is that his work doesn't excuse his behaviour. Which Doug Stanhope knew about.
One reason why Louis CK's abusive behaviour is deplorable is because in his work he so often dealt with male/female relationships where he walks right to the line where it becomes offensive. In his work it appears he never stepped over that line, when in his private life he did. That now makes his comedy unwatchable for me, simply can't laugh at the man anymore.
One reason why Louis CK's abusive behaviour is deplorable is because in his work he so often dealt with male/female relationships where he walks right to the line where it becomes offensive. In his work it appears he never stepped over that line, when in his private life he did. That now makes his comedy unwatchable for me, simply can't laugh at the man anymore.
Couldn't agree more but maybe CK needs (or needed) his own thread. Only brought him up to point out the absurdity of a character reference from Stanhope.
There is a lot of anger about this as it appears Heard abused the #metoo, #believewomen and #ibelieveher movements for her own ends.

She hired a private investigator to get dirt on depp - he interviewed 100 people over 3 years and could not find anyone who would say a bad thing about him. He is generally regarded as a sweet, generous and kind hearted man.
Lots had bad things to say about Heard though...
There is a lot of anger about this as it appears Heard abused the #metoo, #believewomen and #ibelieveher movements for her own ends.

She hired a private investigator to get dirt on depp - he interviewed 100 people over 3 years and could not find anyone who would say a bad thing about him. He is generally regarded as a sweet, generous and kind hearted man.
Lots had bad things to say about Heard though...
That's it isn't it. Putting aside the stupidity of having the case heard now when many people suffering at the hands of an abuser are not getting their case seen, there's not really been a rumour mill about Depp like there was, say, with Savile or OJ Simpson.

Maybe I'm biased because I have beef with Asia Argento and what she did to Bourdain but she also exploited the me too campaign.
Putting aside the stupidity of having the case heard now when many people suffering at the hands of an abuser are not getting their case seen...

This is a civil case in the civil division of the High Court, so wouldn't delay hearings concerning abuse, a criminal offence, which would normally be heard in a Magistrates' or Crown Court.
What sickens me about this whole business is the press involvement in the first place.

It is inevitable, in a lot of domestic violence cases, that a lot of the evidence is going to be of the "he said/did, she said/did" variety, which is bad enough as it is.

But when a newspaper chooses to act as judge and jury, and - apparently - has gone to great lengths to find support for the views of one party in the relationship, something has gone badly, and disgustingly, wrong. So now, the behaviour of the parties in the relationship finds itself again brought into the public eye in a way which can do little except reignite past resentments, which it certainly appears to have been very effective in doing, and a rehashing of the whole "he said, she said" saga, this time in a libel court.

Maybe my views on this are coloured by the fact that, having exited a coercive and controlling - though, thank goodness, not physically violent - relationship, I can only shudder to imagine what it would be like for the minutiae of that relationship to be put under the microscope in the public eye, particularly in an adversarial setting like a newspaper report, or courtroom.

Whatever the rights and wrongs of the actual situation, and there's no way we can ever be sure of the truth of that, I just don't think that it should be acceptable for newspapers to dig the dirt in this way, whatever their motivation. Which I doubt is any more about truth than it is to sell more newspapers.
The "wife-beater" allegation has been very damaging to Depp - both personally and professionally, so if he wins I hope its another huge nail in the coffin of The Scum and That Cunt Wootton.
Spiteful, evil, nasty and vindictive. And that's their better attributes.
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The "wife-beater" allegation has been very damaging to Depp - both personally and privately, so if he wins I hope its another huge nail in the coffin of The Scum and That Cunt Wootton.
Spiteful, evil, nasty and vindictive. And that's their better attributes.
When I was a young adult, there was still something of a light-hearted attitude towards domestic violence (along with child sexual abuse, bullying, and racism :hmm:). I'm very glad that we've moved on some way from that, but the flipside (as with child sexual abuse, bullying, and racism) is that the power of such allegations is increased to the point that they can be weaponised against people. And scumrags like the S*n are past masters at this kind of double standard - only too happy to call out wife beaters and nonces, while being utterly unconcerned with the victims of such behaviours, beyond their potential to be used as a stick to beat whoever the S*n has decided they're weighing in against this week.
You'd be asking for it, eh? You're fucking vile, freakydave and that's nothing to do with being a fan of the man or not, it's to do with you being an apologist for an abusive man.

He did ask twice and they said yes. It's still creepy and I can understand why the women regretted it, but of course they should have some responsibility since they hung out with him and then said it was ok for him to do his fetish.

I actually think that people like you who will just call someone 'vile' who they don't even know for having a different opinion on a tabloid news issue are pretty toxic but whatever
He did ask twice and they said yes. It's still creepy and I can understand why the women regretted it, but of course they should have some responsibility since they hung out with him and then said it was ok for him to do his fetish.

I actually think that people like you who will just call someone 'vile' who they don't even know for having a different opinion on a tabloid news issue are pretty toxic but whatever
We're heading off-topic here, but, in a culture which (still) largely normalises the exploitation of women, "he did ask" isn't really much of a get-out clause, when you're talking about what is, by any standard, pretty damn sleazy behaviour on the part of any man. And it'll get you short shrift here on Urban: I might not see eye-to-eye with the more hardline feminist elements here on Urban, but our views diverge more on the degree of their responses than the facts behind them. And making excuses for people who abuse or exploit women, or who make jokes about it, isn't going to win you many friends.
He did ask twice and they said yes. It's still creepy and I can understand why the women regretted it, but of course they should have some responsibility since they hung out with him and then said it was ok for him to do his fetish.

I actually think that people like you who will just call someone 'vile' who they don't even know for having a different opinion on a tabloid news issue are pretty toxic but whatever

This isn't about 'having a different opinion on a tabloid news issue', it's about you making excuses for someone who did something sleazy and exploitative and abusive. In his own words:

'At the time, I said to myself that what I did was okay because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first, which is also true. But what I learned later in life, too late, is that when you have power over another person, asking them to look at your dick isn't a question. It's a predicament for them. The power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly. '

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