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Johnny Depp Libel Case

I am not enabling anyone. I've said they were both as bad as each other on the drug and alcohol front.

If you don't want to look at the taped evidence fine, but don't rely on newspaper 'truth' because it's lies. They've taken AH's word because she is a woman. They've dismissed JD's evidence because he is a man.
I am not enabling anyone. I've said they were both as bad as each other on the drug and alcohol front.

If you don't want to look at the taped evidence fine, but don't rely on newspaper 'truth' because it's lies. They've taken AH's word because she is a woman. They've dismissed JD's evidence because he is a man.

Or maybe because, like, he's a violent lying shitbag?
The newspapers have been partisan. It's the YouTubers who have delved into this story. If it was up to the newspapers we'd all believe AH's story.

It's also the You Tubers who have looked into Judge Nichols connections to AH & The Sun. Not to mention his son works for the radio station that is owned by the Sun. I would do your research first before making inane & uneducated comments!

The judge dismissed police records, the staff who worked at the Columbia Building, JD's own security staff & took the word of a freeloader AH's pal who was living off Depps money.
oh fuck off with that.
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Got to wonder what's gone wrong in a person's life when they find themselves at gone ten on a sunday night at the start of a shiny new year, signing up to an obscure south-london messageboard so they can pretend to be a feminist while pushing conspiracy theories about Johnny Depp's dirty underwear.
I mention the Scum, because that's where this story came from and has been parroted by the mainstream press.

I have no sympathy for misogyny or incel hatred. What I do despise is points of view that parrot the mainstream media story, without looking into the background evidence. All those who support AH can't have looked at the evidence. Not just the court documents, but the tapes which are damning of AH.

She has fucked the #MeToo movement because it is now represented by a domestic abuser. She has also fucked male victims of domestic abuse, who like JD will not be believed if they chose to come forward.
I mention the Scum, because that's where this story came from and has been parroted by the mainstream press.

I have no sympathy for misogyny or incel hatred. What I do despise is points of view that parrot the mainstream media story, without looking into the background evidence. All those who support AH can't have looked at the evidence. Not just the court documents, but the tapes which are damning of AH.

She has fucked the #MeToo movement because it is now represented by a domestic abuser. She has also fucked male victims of domestic abuse, who like JD will not be believed if they chose to come forward.


Suffered from domestic abuse years back and was believed.

But have also seen how charismatic fucks like Depp can be darlings in public and shits behind doors.
All I am really saying at this moment is the slogan #BelieveAllWomen is fucked because a woman lied. If y'all believe her fine - I don't, having read and listened to the evidence.

Get over it, this is not a personal attack, so stop taking it like one. (Well apart from the go swivel comment)!
I am not enabling anyone. I've said they were both as bad as each other on the drug and alcohol front.

If you don't want to look at the taped evidence fine, but don't rely on newspaper 'truth' because it's lies. They've taken AH's word because she is a woman. They've dismissed JD's evidence because he is a man.

Why do you hate women?
Yes you do! No you don't. Stop behaving like a kid, unless you are one of course. I don't care whether you believe me or whether you disagree with me. I am entitled to an opinion just as you are.
He admitted to pushing her away, to headbutting her accidentally & scraping a door over her toes as he tried to shut himself in a bathroom to stop her hitting him. She admitted to hitting him once in self-defence. Apparently, to stop him throwing her sister down some stairs. Her sister said she thought AH was going to kill him one day. She also threw many bottles, cans & pots & pans at him & severed the end of his finger. That same day she put a cigarette out on his face. His injuries are seen on the hospital trolley images.

This is what she said in court, but not what she said on the recorded conversations with Depp. In those conversations she admitted to being the aggressor & was calling him a baby, because he always leaves when she starts becoming violent.
She just dragged herself over glass.
Hit herself in the face.
Kicked herself around.
Ripped off her own nightgown.
Bruised her own breasts while tying to strangle herself.


She's making it all up in your opinion ms antagonie.

Why though? Why would she bother? She didnt take him to court for assault. She and he got divorced. She didnt take his money she gave it away. She refused his 50k a month too.
She wrote abour her experiences of being physically assaulted in relationships. Didnt actually mention him..but he jumped at that and decided...it was about him.

To me it looks like he was hapoy to split and forget how fucked up the relationship was and what he became when he was with her. He became a physically abusive person. She admits slapping him. Judging by his physique I would hazard a guess that a slap from him would be fucking painful...she called him baby. So what? He was clearly volatile and when under the influence of drugs alcohol whatever he clearly lost control.

Which of these does the most harm?
A rolling pebble?
A rolling boulder?

The guy assaulted her ...with force. If he believes ge has a case against her for assault then let him take it? My guess is he wont. Because he did what he did when he was in his self admitted "monster" mode.
Orangutan you certainly live up to your moniker. I doubt you've read the court evidence or the recorded evidence. Come back and have a reasonable conversation when you've read more than the tabloid reports.

Don't you think it a little strange that there are no photos, although she took hundreds of photos, of any of the injuries she claimed to have sustained. The night before she went onto the James Corden show, she was supposedly cut to ribbons, her eye popped out! And she had a broken nose and two black eyes. She reckons she had a good make-up artist who was able to cover all this up!

If you read her evidence it is all circumstantial, no proof. Why did she take photos of a mirror with writing on, but NEVER took ANY photos of her so called injuries. When you delve in, her story doesn't make any sense.
IO Tillet Wright her friend and staunch supporter is as we speak, busily deleting facebook, instagram and text messages because they have been subpoenaed to appear in VA.
And the fact she duffed up Depp, duffed up her ex partner and duffed up her sister

A lot of this was from the very outset - before the trial/divorce case was heard and before any significant evidence emerged or was widely publicised here.

At the time it looked far more like an attempt to paint her into one of their favourite "damaged goods"/"evil woman" stereotypes than any kind of opinion based on what emerged in court.
Listen to the tapes which are irrefutable evidence of her violence towards him & don't believe everything you read in the newspapers, especially not the Scum! And if you can't be arsed doing that you've got nothing to say that I need to listen too, because you are just parroting the tabloids.
Where can one listen to the tapes?
YouTube would be a good place to start. That Umberella Guy has broken down the court documents, spiritually empowered coaching has 5 hours of recorded evidence, you can download the docs from YouTube as well, then there's StevieJRaw an Australian YouTuber and Come Geek some a Welsh YouTuber. TUG That Umberella Guy goes into the most detail.
It is clear they had a volatile "passionate" dangerous physically abusive relationship. I'd say his addictions and hers drove them batshit crazy together. And yes...he turned into someone nobody else knew. He did not control himself and I believe he threw bottles at her and smashed her over a table just as I believe she called him names and bullied him with comments and slapped him.

I believe she was bruised and covered it up well with makeup. I belueve he wasnt the first person to hit her. The whole thing is horrible.

What struck me about him was this. After the divorce settlement. She decided she wanted to give her 7 million to a civil liberties charity she had volunteered with for 10 years. Depp decided he would bypass her completely and just give the money to charity directly. That said a lot about him.

He's not squeaky clean by any means.
YouTube would be a good place to start. That Umberella Guy has broken down the court documents, spiritually empowered coaching has 5 hours of recorded evidence, you can download the docs from YouTube as well, then there's StevieJRaw an Australian YouTuber and Come Geek some a Welsh YouTuber. TUG That Umberella Guy goes into the most detail.
I’ve just had a look at those and they’re all deranged and even more untrustworthy than the tabloids you criticise
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