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Johnny Depp Libel Case

He gave the money to charity but she didn't. He gave it on her behalf because he knew she wouldn't. She has been riding on what a charitable person she is, but has refused at every turn to show proof of her charitable giving. She has now been subpoenaed to provide that proof for the upcoming court case in VA.
Wow what have you looked at Buffoon? Surely you can't have given anything due consideration if you've read and listened to the hours of podcasts in 5 minutes?
Wow what have you looked at Buffoon? Surely you can't have given anything due consideration if you've read and listened to the hours of podcasts in 5 minutes?
I've googled the people and they're dodgy as fuck and I've seen the captions and graphics from the thumbnails and that's quite enough. I'm not giving them any clicks as I prefer not to fund loons
I think they'd really have to go some if they're more deranged than the tabloids. Go on, give it a try, do some research of your own & take longer than 5 mins!
You are the one who is dodgy as fuck mate. Stop being a ridiculous buffoon!

BTW it's free, so you are not funding loons as you call them, unless you want to of course
None of those people get advertising revenue & don't have adds on their channels because YouTube doesn't approve of their content. So no excuse. But if you'd rather just blather about something you clearly know very little about, go ahead.
None of those people get advertising revenue & don't have adds on their channels because YouTube doesn't approve of their content. So no excuse. But if you'd rather just blather about something you clearly know very little about, go ahead.
I don't need to know the views of a crackpot with an unhealthy and questionable obsession about a celebrity's personal life.
Sugar Kane I've already said what he did & what she did. They were both as bad as each other drinking & drugs wise, but she was the main abuser. Listen to the tapes!
Well buffoon, if everyone is a crackpot according to you, what's the point in posting on this thread. If you are not interested in delving deeper, not because they are celebrities, but because this is an important political issue of our times, then bury your head in the sand.
That is correct two sheds. It is about the balance of probabilities not beyond reasonable doubt. And on the balance of probabilities the judge decided after ignoring JD's evidence & witnesses that AH was telling the truth & so he agreed with the scum that JD is a wife beater.
Well buffoon, if everyone is a crackpot according to you, what's the point in posting on this thread. If you are not interested in delving deeper, not because they are celebrities, but because this is an important political issue of our times, then bury your head in the sand.
I just don't listen to gossip and that's basically what these YouTube channels and threads like this and the Knox one are
How do you know Buffoon? Did you watch any of them? Or are you jumping to more conclusions, as you've done all the way through this thread?
Killer b TUG is married with two daughters. He's not a misogynist he's someone who believes in truth & justice.

Don't just 'dig around' go in and listen.
How do you know Buffoon? Did you watch any of them? Or are you jumping to more conclusions, as you've done all the way through this thread?
I told you I have no interest delving any further into cranks and bigots’ views on the internet. Here is quite enough
Can you not call people buffoon?

I used to really like Johnny Depp. But this whole shitshow has shown me that celebrity actors..are not real....well....who really knows them?
I certainly dont. But reading how he dipped his cut finger into paint and scrawled messages on a mirror...pretty much led me to the opinion that he wasn't who I thought he might have been.

There are no winners in this
..apart from newspapers and media...making money yet again out of misery.

I dont have much sympathy for either of them. JD or AH. They live priveledged lives. They play with people. They do what they want when they want with whomever they want.

Both of them.
Two people chatting...

A: How do you spell buffoon?

B: Do you want the British, or American spelling?

A: British or American!? What are you on about?

B: Well the British spelling is J, O, H, N, S, O, N. And the American spelling is T, R, U, M, P.
Sugar Kane - he calls himself a clownish buffoon. He is demonstrating his clownishness & his buffoonery. What can I say when he acts like a buffoonish troll.
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