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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Have you in it to back up your much earlier claim that ""Putin got trump elected by hacking the voting software and changing the votes"?
Are you able to provide direct evidence that Thomas Mair's motive for the murder of Jo Cox was her position on the UK policy regarding military intervention on Syria?

Or are you cynically using her death at the hands of a rightwing extremist in order to support your hawkish foreign policy position.

Let's not forget that you claimed on this thread that "Putin got trump elected by hacking the voting software and changing the votes".
Why would i have to in order to demonstrate the freaks you get your info from have attacked her for supporting the white helmets on the basis that they're isis/AQ (despite not knowing what the situation is in Aleppo or wider syria at all).
Tatchell goes into further detail into explaining why he carried out his stunt - Independent

Sky News says that Tatchell's stunt is a "reckoning" for Corbyn

There is no love lost between me and the "Stop the War" Coalition - this dates way back before the mess in Syria to when they were supporting any "resistance" to the occupation in Iraq, even if that meant Islamist militias which were happy to murder people for not being Muslim/not being Muslim enough/being the wrong kind of Muslim, and I stated quite a few times, on these very boards that even though Western forces should not have gone in, they should had at least cleared up the mess they created, much to the derision to certain swppies who were once regulars here - but the end result of this is of course the rise of the IS. Tatchell also, in spite of claiming to support STWC at the time, got a lot of flak for condemning the murder of gays at the hands of the militias which made up Iraq's new order after Saddam (but then Lindsey German thought that gay rights shouldn't be a shibboleth), and by the Syrian civil war the STWC totally lost the plot by excluding ordinary Syrians from the discourse because they challenged the ideological line being trotted out by the leadership - only this time their opposition to Western imperialism, and only Western imperialism and not Russian/Iranian/Assad imperialism alienated many people who were still broadly supportive of them.

However in this incidence Tatchell does open himself up to accusations of at least being a useful idiot for those out to get Corbyn, and to me there are far more pressing things to be criticising Corbyn over, such as why his party are doing so abysmally in the polls in spite of the perceived wisdom of the left that Labour lost it in 2015 for "not being left enough". Tatchell has inadvertently played into the hands of those who say the left is doomed to collapse due to infighting over issues which the electorate have limited interest in. However I doubt that Corbyn will suddenly be able to magically transform Labour into a party which appeals to the masses, burdened as he is with his own ideological baggage.
Tatchell goes into further detail into explaining why he carried out his stunt - Independent

Sky News says that Tatchell's stunt is a "reckoning" for Corbyn

There is no love lost between me and the "Stop the War" Coalition - this dates way back before the mess in Syria to when they were supporting any "resistance" to the occupation in Iraq, even if that meant Islamist militias which were happy to murder people for not being Muslim/not being Muslim enough/being the wrong kind of Muslim, and I stated quite a few times, on these very boards that even though Western forces should not have gone in, they should had at least cleared up the mess they created, much to the derision to certain swppies who were once regulars here - but the end result of this is of course the rise of the IS. Tatchell also, in spite of claiming to support STWC at the time, got a lot of flak for condemning the murder of gays at the hands of the militias which made up Iraq's new order after Saddam (but then Lindsey German thought that gay rights shouldn't be a shibboleth), and by the Syrian civil war the STWC totally lost the plot by excluding ordinary Syrians from the discourse because they challenged the ideological line being trotted out by the leadership - only this time their opposition to Western imperialism, and only Western imperialism and not Russian/Iranian/Assad imperialism alienated many people who were still broadly supportive of them.

However in this incidence Tatchell does open himself up to accusations of at least being a useful idiot for those out to get Corbyn, and to me there are far more pressing things to be criticising Corbyn over, such as why his party are doing so abysmally in the polls in spite of the perceived wisdom of the left that Labour lost it in 2015 for "not being left enough". Tatchell has inadvertently played into the hands of those who say the left is doomed to collapse due to infighting over issues which the electorate have limited interest in. However I doubt that Corbyn will suddenly be able to magically transform Labour into a party which appeals to the masses, burdened as he is with his own ideological baggage.
What if you do not give a fuck about how well Corbyn is doing?
Reading and comprehension not your strong suit then.
Quote it or it did not happen.

yeh that's what i've been thinking too but mikey mikey not wishing death by cancer left right and centre which was such a hallmark of Awesome Wells contributions [my emphasis]
To which you replied:
I don't believe I have ever wished death on another poster here or anywhere else. I lost my dad to cancer over a year ago, so I would be especially rreluctant to do so. Anyway, thanks for the smear Pickman, I can see why you don't allow people to view your own full profile. I have no idea who Awesome Wells is.
Now say it ain't so.
What if you do not give a fuck about how well Corbyn is doing?
Well, do you? I only do insomuch that I want a viable opposition to the current government and its ideology which is to the left of the status quo to exist. IMO this will not happen with Corbyn, but he'll still probably fare better than anyone wanting to continue where Blair/Brown left off. If only his supporters realised that turning into a baying mob whenever someone dares utter something critical of their Dear Leader will only put people further off supporting him.

No, it won't explain the clearly satirical intentions of that post, the nonsensical nature of the elevation of a CIA claim from influencing to rigging and the mirror image of US liberals to trump supporters that it contained.
I'll give up then. I've tried reasoning with enough conspiracy nuts to realise that they will never listen, so convinced they are that they are right.
Well, do you? I only do insomuch that I want a viable opposition to the current government and its ideology which is to the left of the status quo to exist. IMO this will not happen with Corbyn, but he'll still probably fare better than anyone wanting to continue where Blair/Brown left off. If only his supporters realised that turning into a baying mob whenever someone dares utter something critical of their Dear Leader will only put people further off supporting him.

I'll give up then. I've tried reasoning with enough conspiracy nuts to realise that they will never listen, so convinced they are that they are right.
No probs with either of these replies - but it doesn't really have much to do with mikeys posts.
My own opinion is that people like Jezzer need to exist in order to be that nagging voice on issues that it is often inconvenient to nag about. Unfortunately his qualities don't translate well into leadership qualities and he's been pretty poor in providing leadership to make Labour into an effective opposition and even poorer in persuading people that he would make a good leader for the country.

Not a huge fan of JC, but he has been doing lots of positive work, visiting food banks, etc, he also handled Tatchell's intervention really really well, (though the scowl/frown was there) it is just not reported, whereas his(frequently dubious) foreign policy announcements are, not foreign policy, but when Blair in Hungary began the assault on disability welfare with his proclamation that many people on Incapacity Benefits were 'layabouts' it got little UK coverage. He is also now besting May in PMQ's, the problem is the narrative is now set(helped along by the PLP, etc) that Corbyn is weak, odd, unpatriotic(increasingly important in these times)etc, he imo now can't win, I would suggest Clive Lewis, though he can be a loose cannon(heck of a temper) and supports(for now) free movement.
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Not a huge fan of JC, but he has been doing lots of positive work, visiting food banks, etc, he also handled Tatchell's intervention really really well, (though the scowl/frown was there) it is just not reported.

Is this the litmus test then? Seriously, is this how his fans assess his performance?
Is this the litmus test then? Seriously, is this how his fans assess his performance?

apparently so - he appears to be almost guarranteeing an unconstrained Tory government with a 100 seat majority for 2020-2025 and turning a political party that for all its many faults did at least win 40% of the GE's held within my lifetime, into the fundraising wing of the StWC and a party no more considered a party of goverment than its a tribe of travelling dancers.

but, you know, he visits food banks, so the fact that the mess he'll leave might well mean that 2025 is something of a pipedream is just fluff.

(caveats: events dear boy, events - polls can go down as well as up, the Tory party may yet implode, May could turn out to be utterly cack-handed, the economy could tank etc..)
To which you replied:
Now say it ain't so.

Well, sinceI don't know who the fuck this Wells is and I am getting compared to him, I wanted to wipe some of the mud some people are slinging (even if merely through false association) and keep my username out of death-wishing.

Hope that clears that up. Since you dived in their with denigrating comments about my reading skills, let me ask you: How are your people-skills?

You know that bit where i had to explain to you what happened that was real - i wasn't joking.

Bit late in the day, but I'll take your word for it. Should I assume that your comments linking Jo Cox death to people objecting to bombing Syria is also for shiggles?
Bias in the media, does not count, doncha know?
It's all Jeremy's fault for, well, reasons.
Bad press only counts when it make HRC look bad.
And/or it's Russian, or fake, or whatever 2@s like PropOrNot decide.

See Graund lamentations for details.
i meant the work is he doing which is positive is not being reported(remember how Osbornes' high viz jacket visits to factories were?) while the deletorious bits are, in abundance.

What is so great about him visiting a foodbank when a Labour council have just announced a 10million cut to homeless and DV services?
Whoever the that Wells was, he certainly made a lsting impression on your apron, Mr. butcher.

Anyway, dunno who he is, so you can relax and maybe have a lie down.

Or was that more satire?
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