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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

People I know with very little money are trying to save up for the extra amount atm, it's really fucking depressing.

There were a couple of crowdfuning thingies to help people but you have to pay out first then hope to be reimbursed. Also there was another matching donors to those wanting to sign up. I didn't take a note of the links though.
I'm not going to pay it. Never been a party member, and although I'd accept the 'supporter' label (sometimes) this is a step too far. On balance I'd rather see Corbyn succeed, but more because of the way the movement has shifted the ground on which political discussion takes place in this country. I still suspect the Labour Party will and should fall apart, even if it takes a generation for anything to grow up in its place - if it ever does.
is there any anti corbs labour MP who has not yet gone public on the news with some fuckin bleat or other ?

if this is the the kind of whinging turncoat shitrag backstabber that defines the major cohort of labour MP's, then the party needs rebooted and the viruses removed
Right. The most powerful thing I saw McDonnell say, in a speech to a Momentum crowd I was gatecrashing the other day, was "it's not about us, it's not about Jeremy. it's about you [pointing at the audience]. YOU are the problem."

He's right: the PLP is in a state of fury and indignation at the discovery that its wishes can be disregarded by ordinary members like this. It makes no difference to them that those wishes are largely unrepresentative of the millions of people who have elected them over the years - very often through gritted teeth and for want of anything better on offer, as is pretty clear as soon as there's something even slightly better on offer.

How FUCKING dare ordinary people act like they have the right to steer the direction of the Labour Party, when they haven't even studied PPE? When they haven't been following a 15-year plan, steadily groping their way up the slippery slope of having to deal with shite like constituency business in godawful places like South Shields or Barnsley, with the aim of one day achieving significant office and forging valuable relationships with company directors? When all they've done is sit around, having families and doing semi-skilled work for crap wages? Who do they think they are?
This is precisely why i've gone to a wee bit of trouble to get a vote in this time around, despite never having voted labour in....actually never, i was 15 in 1997. I wasn't into it first time around but it's not about jeremy anymore..... Cunts!
Handy authentic looking picture to go with this- feel free to re use for the scottish threat indy ref 2
is there any anti corbs labour MP who has not yet gone public on the news with some fuckin bleat or other ?

if this is the the kind of whinging turncoat shitrag backstabber that defines the major cohort of labour MP's, then the party needs rebooted and the viruses removed
Oh I don't know, all this constructive criticism might come in useful for one of those 360 management performance appraisals.
Just registering to support the labour party - and on my fucking computer :mad: - is enough to start proceedings. The lager equivalence is pushing me towards fast track.
I was more thinking about the waste of money that could've been spent on lager/drink of your choice tbf...
Times are running a front page story about " Corbyn's popularity among LP members soars" backed up by a series of polls showing him stuff the pair of them.

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