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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

Can you believe this shit? People are struggling to get by and are facing further austerity and Jeremy Corbyn (a politician and once leader of a political party, a member of the bourgeoisie) expects ordinary people to pay his legal costs. He can fuck right off. No way is he getting a penny from me. I'd much rather give the money to someone who actually needs it and haven't made a shit ton of money already and doesn't have wealthy pals. Fuck Jeremy Corbyn. No doubt certain people on here will now wish to donate their money to this pathetic scam, as many left liberal cretins have already done.

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As others have pointed out, he almost certainly had nothing to do with setting up this page. Anyone can set up a fundraiser like this. You don't need the permission of the person you're raising money for.

out of interest, what actions are you in favour of? We hear a lot about what you think is a waste of time, but little about what you support. Murdering fascist butchers is something you approve of. What else?
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Can you believe this shit? People are struggling to get by and are facing further austerity and Jeremy Corbyn (a politician and once leader of a political party, a member of the bourgeoisie) expects ordinary people to pay his legal costs. He can fuck right off. No way is he getting a penny from me. I'd much rather give the money to someone who actually needs it and haven't made a shit ton of money already and doesn't have wealthy pals. Fuck Jeremy Corbyn. No doubt certain people on here will now wish to donate their money to this pathetic scam, as many left liberal cretins have already done.

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i am surprised you have been spending time searching for information about jeremy corbyn given your well known disdain for politicians
if it's not a scam then it sure looks like one.
"I have no connection to this person and they've not asked me to organise this, but I totally promise to give them the money if you give it to me first."

gofundme shouldn't allow stuff like this, but it's another website totally abrogate their obligation to moderate the content they host.
if it's not a scam then it sure looks like one.
"I have no connection to this person and they've not asked me to organise this, but I totally promise to give them the money if you give it to me first."

gofundme shouldn't allow stuff like this, but it's another website totally abrogate their obligation to moderate the content they host.
if it's not a scam then it sure looks like one.
"I have no connection to this person and they've not asked me to organise this, but I totally promise to give them the money if you give it to me first."

gofundme shouldn't allow stuff like this, but it's another website totally abrogate their obligation to moderate the content they host.
That's not true. I don't know about gofundme specifically, but I can tell you that Just Giving have various legal processes in place to ensure a fundraiser is genuine, and they won't hand over the funds until they're satisfied the funds are going to be used for their stated purpose. If they think it's a scam, they refund all the donors. This stuff is regulated and the website absolutely moderates all the content they host. I'd be very surprised if gofundme doesn't have similar mechanisms.

We have done exactly this on Urban75 several times, btw.
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out of interest, what actions are you in favour of?
Theres a whole list of grass roots, autonomous things that people can get together and do and get involved with, for example -

Not just protesting and asking for change, but things like occupying, sabotaging, working to rule and subversion in the workplaces and communities, social insertion (which has had some success in South America), refusing to pay their prices or their rent, and striking when WE decide if it’s time to strike, not when union bureaucrats and the state give us permission to. Plus ofcourse, creating and participating in our own, horizontally organised groups and organisations, affinity groups, mutual aid groups, food kitchens and unofficial unions.

For example, when workers aren’t paid the wages owed them, rather than asking the government to give us better legal protection, we take action to force employers to pay. Such things have been achieved with only a few dozen people. Renters unions have had many successes such as getting repairs done and refusing to pay rent increases, sometimes with only a handful of people.

Imagine the power we could wield in our workplaces and our communities if thousands of us decided to refuse to be abused, oppressed and exploited any longer, and began to say act autonomously from below.

Infact, if you ask me, all the good things we think of as having been created by the state – free healthcare, free education, health & safety laws to protect us at work, housing regulations, sick pay, unemployment benefits, pensions – came about historically to put an end to organised campaigns of collective direct action that threatened the power of the ruling class and their state.
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I only know about the crowdfunder coz I saw some leftie, Corbynista dullard promoting it on facebook.
I'm still unclear why this bothers you. I thought freedom was part of anarchism. Thes epeople know what they are doing, so why shouldn't community members look out for his own. He does a lot of good work in his constituency, irresespective of being in parliament.
I only know about the crowdfunder coz I saw some leftie, Corbynista dullard promoting it on facebook.

Can I say that as a paid up member of the 'limited trade union consciousness only' working class (CWU branch), I am very grateful to have someone of your obvious intellectual rigour and insight to lead me and my brothers and sisters to the sun lit uplands of the revolutionary future.

Keep up the good work AA - Louis MacNeice
Can I say that as a paid up member of the 'limited trade union consciousness only' working class (CWU branch), I am very grateful to have someone of your obvious intellectual rigour and insight to lead me and my brothers and sisters to the sun lit uplands of the revolutionary future.

Keep up the good work AA - Louis MacNeice

Don't do yourself down Louis, as one of the original four original members of Communist Open Polemic For Revolutionary Unity you have one of the strongest claims of anyone here to be a member of the vanguard.
Don't do yourself down Louis, as one of the original four original members of Communist Open Polemic For Revolutionary Unity you have one of the strongest claims of anyone here to be a member of the vanguard.

My vanguard days are well behind me, but my vanguardist radar is very much in working order and AA shows up very clearly; if only Mick Lynch would listen to them then all would be well.

Comradely greetings - Louis MacNeice
This place is really weird sometimes
Yeah, you keep posting.

Okay let me try and explain why I think you piss people off so much, others have said it but, you completely lack any nuance.

Not just in what you think but in how you express it, everything is diabled up to 11!!

You don't seem to have any sense of scale. Even if the basics of what you are saying is okay or worth talking about at least, it's impossible because everything is blown so far out or proportion. You are like the political equivalent of a footballer falling over because someone breathed on them.

Lets try a little thought experiment
All landlords are cunts - true
Therfore is doesn't matter who my landlord is - I think this is false as some are bigger cunts that others. Do you agree or disagree?
This place is really weird sometimes
Do you believe it's impossible for someone in Parliament to also help out in their community? That they might be respected enough, despite the failure of the labour left, to foster support from others?

I don't see any thing remotely negative about that. Why do you?

Do you think anarchists that vote are wrong?
Louis MacNeice said:
Can I say that as a paid up member of the 'limited trade union consciousness only' working class (CWU branch), I am very grateful to have someone of your obvious intellectual rigour and insight to lead me and my brothers and sisters to the sun lit uplands of the revolutionary future.

Likewise, as a long-standing member of the Workers' Autonomous Non-Korbynist Economic Rights subcommittee, and a curator of the Political Revolutionary Independent Citizens' Knowledgebase, I'd like to extend a cordial invitation to AmateurAgitator to join the Collective Urban75 National Taskforce. It's about time all your great work was recognised by a group who can really use your System Hating, Integrity Testing Expertise.
In my view there is no such thing as a genuine/honest or decent politician. They all serve the state and therefore capitalism of one type or another and they serve themselves at the expense of the working class. Their interests are those of the bourgeosie and therefore against the interests of the working class. Parliamentary politics and all forms of state capitalism (including ones that claim to be 'revolutionary') can only serve the interests of capital at our expense. Every time the Labour Party has gained power, no matter how left wing it has claimed to be in opposition, it has always attacked the living standards of the working class and enforced the class system and state repression. Corbyn and co are no different and did nothing about the gentirification and social cleansing of working class communtiies by Labour councils when he was leader of the Labour Party and he made right wing compromises (including strengthening the police force, border guards and prison warders, embracing NATO, ditching republicanism and supporting shoot to kill policing) against what he previously claimed to firmly stand for - how much more would he have shifted rightwards if he had gained power?

I'm very glad I've never been a member of the Labour Party and I certainly will not be voting for any politician or political party and neither will I be supportive in any way for the Cult of Corbyn. In a sense the Labour Party is actually worse than the tories because of its special role in diverting anger and action away from proper class struggle and resistance and fire blanketting discontent and they have always done it when in power while implementing heinous anti-working class policies throughout their history and have never been a socialist party. This is why it is vital to remember that the real problem, the root cause, is not the tories but capitalism itself in all its forms (from social democracy to fascism). The vile crimes of the Labour Party are too many to list here but include forced labour camps for the unemployed, sending troops to deal with striking workers, imposing austerity in the 1970's (similar to the behaviour of SYRIZA and Podemos when in power), enforcing colonialism and colonial repression and providing refuge for Nazi war criminals and collaborators after the war in favour over jewish refugees and black citizens from the commonwealth who contributed to the war effort. Even Michael Foot was an imperialist war hawk (Falklands and Serbia) who gave his support to Blair. That is the politcal tradition that Jeremy Corbyn is a part of. The Labour Party, wether the right or left of that party, along with the entire ruling poliitical class and all politicians and political parties and such institutions, deserve our sheer revolutionary contempt - not any of our support whatsoever. Ofcourse there can be well meaning people who support such things and there were no doubt well meaning people who got caught up in Jezzamania and got diverted, but such people are very much misguided and thier energies went into completely the wrong thing. That is my view.
We need to stop handing our power over to politicians (and therefore the ruling class - the enemy) and relying on electoralism (which is a way of supporting the ruling class) and make a serious effort to build autonomous, genuinely anti-capitalist movements from below to resist capitalism and provide real class solidarity (now more than ever). We need to take back power for our communities and the only way to do that is with a genuinely grass roots, autonomous, truly revolutionary movement.
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We need to stop handing our power over to politicians (and therefore the ruling class) and relying on electoralism and make a serious effort to build autonomous, genuinely anti-capitalist movements from below to resist capitalism and provide real class solidarity (now more than ever). We need to take back power for our communities and the only way to do that is with a genuinely grass roots, autonoumous, revolutionary movement
Yeh yeh change the bloody record and stop telling us what we need and tell us how you propose it's done
In my view there is no such thing as a genuine/honest or decent politician. They all serve the state and therefore capitalism of one type or another and they serve themselves at the expense of the working class. Their interests are those of the bourgeosie and therefore against the interests of the working class. Parliamentary politics and all forms of state capitalism (including ones that claim to be 'revolutionary') can only serve the interests of capital at our expense. Every time the Labour Party has gained power, no matter how left wing it has claimed to be in opposition, it has always attacked the living standards of the working class and enforced the class system and state repression. Corbyn and co are no different and did nothing about the gentirification and social cleansing of working class communtiies by Labour councils when he was leader of the Labour Party and he made right wing compromises (including strengthening the police force, border guards and prison warders, embracing NATO, ditching republicanism and supporting shoot to kill policing) against what he previously claimed to firmly stand for - how much more would he have shifted rightwards if he had gained power?

I'm very glad I've never been a member of the Labour Party and I certainly will not be voting for any politician or political party and neither will I be supportive in any way for the Cult of Corbyn. In a sense the Labour Party is actually worse than the tories because of its special role in diverting anger and action away from proper class struggle and resistance and fire blanketting discontent and they have always done it when in power while implementing heinous anti-working class policies throughout their history and have never been a socialist party. This is why it is vital to remember that the real problem, the root cause, is not the tories but capitalism itself in all its forms (from social democracy to fascism). The vile crimes of the Labour Party are too many to list here but include forced labour camps for the unemployed, sending troops to deal with striking workers, imposing austerity in the 1970's (similar to the behaviour of SYRIZA and Podemos when in power), enforcing colonialism and colonial repression and providing refuge for Nazi war criminals and collaborators after the war in favour over jewish refugees and black citizens from the commonwealth who contributed to the war effort. Even Michael Foot was an imperialist war hawk (Falklands and Serbia) who gave his support to Blair. That is the politcal tradition that Jeremy Corbyn is a part of. The Labour Party, wether the right or left of that party, along with the entire ruling poliitical class and all politicians and political parties and such institutions, deserve our sheer revolutionary contempt - not any of our support whatsoever. Ofcourse there can be well meaning people who support such things and there were no doubt well meaning people who got caught up in Jezzamania and got diverted, but such people are very much misguided and thier energies went into completely the wrong thing. That is my view.
So why do you think Labour voters keep voting Labour?
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