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Jeremy Corbyn's time is up

I think that's a fair point, but important to remember that the Beveridge report was published as early in the war as 1942. This undeniably helped Churchill to maintain the coalition throughout the war years and, although his 1943 "After the War" speech came with the usual Tory caveats of 'no magic money tree' he did commit to implementing the pillars of Beveridge.
Yep, absolutely.
Thank God Johnson beat Corbyn in 2019 and we didn't have our PM appear on Hezbollah TV criticising Ukraine for prolonging the war. I think all domestic political considerations come second to the damage Corbyn would have done on the world stage.
of course in the fantasy world where Corbyn wins the 2019 general election and then somehow is still prime minister now, he wouldn't be giving interviews to minor arab satellite stations, so our standing on the world stage would be unsullied by this appearance.
of course in the fantasy world where Corbyn wins the 2019 general election and then somehow is still prime minister now, he wouldn't be giving interviews to minor arab satellite stations, so our standing on the world stage would be unsullied by this appearance.

Yeah he’d be doing a lot worse with Ukraine than talking shit to Assadists about it.
I’d imagine he’d start by refusing to join the US-led imperialist warmongering sanctions campaign against the Russian people, and encourage other states to do likewise. Then he’d refuse to supply weapons to facilitate the terrible warmongering on both sides, and encourage other countries to do likewise, etc etc It doesn’t take much hypothesising tbh.
It's also pretty easy to conclude that the prime minister of a country might take different actions to those of a now-insignificant independent MP.

Thankfully his time is up, so you have the luxury of imagining the peace and goodwill he would have spread abroad as PM without ever having have to face the reality of what he would have been like
Yes, it's a good thing that everything turned out for the best in this, the best of all possible worlds.
I'm not imagining anything of the sort - you're the weirdo coming up with lurid fantasies of what the world would be like under his iron fist.

FWIW I reckon had Corbyn somehow scraped a win in 2019 he'd be gone by now one way or the other - but who knows? It would have been a different world that elected Corbyn, and not the one we're in.

What we can safely say is that what we got instead was disastrous - I've no regrets for campaigning for Corbyn as the alternative to this, deeply flawed though he clearly is.
What we can safely say is that what we got instead was disastrous - I've no regrets for campaigning for Corbyn as the alternative to this, deeply flawed though he clearly is.

Disastrous? That’s a rather parochial view and I’m not sure many Ukrainians would agree. Most of the world doesn’t care about UK domestic stuff.
Yes, it's a good thing that everything turned out for the best in this, the best of all possible worlds.

Funny how many on the left are obsessed about what could have been under Corbyn, but only so far as the good stuff goes. The bad stuff is just lurid imaginings.
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