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Italian Nazis try to sell Air to Air Missile on WhatsApp


For the avoidance of faith
Workplace pilfering on steroids. Like when you found that big box of toner at the back of the stationary cupboard from a photocopier they scrapped years ago. You took it home and put it on ebay, but got no offers and twenty years later it's still in the shed.

Well this:

Air-to-air missile seized from far-right group in Italy, say officials

Police said the discoveries stemmed from a previous investigation into Italians who took part in the Russian-backed insurgency in eastern Ukraine.


police said the neo-Nazis were communicating with possible customers via WhatsApp.

WhatsApp FFS. :facepalm:
I'm given to understand that TickTock is the medium of choice for today's discerning young, informal arms dealer.

Five Unicorns and I'll throw in an RPG!
they had a serious amount of automatic weaponry the missile was either a gift from an arms dealer who wanted to be rid of it as its air to air missile without either a fighter jet or a considerable about of engineering its useless or the nazis are clueless and got sold it cheap as it had obviously been stolen from a Qatari warehouse and passed around as cool but useless.
much like the idiots who stole 20 bar mines off an unguarded 20 very dangerous in the right hands but kind of useless to scallys
Yeah I can't really think of a reason I'd need to get an air to air missile off gumtree or whatever. If I've got the resources to operate and maintain a modern fighter aircraft I probably have connections enough to get missiles on the quote legitimate unquote arms market.
That Gizmodo article is wrong. It's a MICA EM not a Matra R.530.
Are you sure? Supposedly it didn't go into service until 1996, whereas the contract was apparently 1980. Certainly not impossible in the world of defence procurement, but seems like a long time.
Yeah I can't really think of a reason I'd need to get an air to air missile off gumtree or whatever. If I've got the resources to operate and maintain a modern fighter aircraft I probably have connections enough to get missiles on the quote legitimate unquote arms market.
But like anything you get off the lifters, it's gonna be at least half price.
That Gizmodo article is wrong. It's a MICA EM not a Matra R.530.

I don't think I'd pulling it out of the container with gusto like those Italian cops. That is a war shot with a live 15kg warhead and rocket motor.
It wouldn't surprise me if they got the info from Reddit. I read this comment yesterday:


Probably just too this at face value, as it sounds pretty authoritative...until you read he got his info from Flight Sim games :D
I await one turning up on Cash in the Attic!

met a bomb disposal man who dreaded the words " Grandad had a souvenir" all sorts of random dangerous shit. Most outrageous was a german S mine type of ball bearing filled anti-personnel mine that had sat on a kitchen shelf for fifty years live with enough explosive and ball bearings to turn everyone in the kitchen into pink mist!
When the Atlantic Conveyor was sunk the military/ MoD were not sure what equipment was on board apart from the aircraft due to the rush of getting the Falklands task force to sea.
Consequently a senior officer signalled all UK military units requesting a list of all the items that they had sent to this ship, hoping to account for the missing equipment......
This of course inspired all the supply sections across the Military to write off all missing inventory items, no questions asked.

It was later calculated that "on paper" the Atlantic Conveyor would have been about three times overloaded and the value of the kit that was supposed to be on board made it worth lifting.
A few people in the cadet supply chain got jailed after cadet issue camouflage jackets apparently went down on said ship. It managed to satisfy the MoD but several pissed off cadet officers refused to accept they couldn't get cadet sized uniforms as they had been sent to the Falklands and refused to shut up:D
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