Odd scenario today - was paying for a drink at the cafe in Tate Modern and this kid came up to me asking me to donate money to sponsor his football club, saying he also had a card reader. I was considering it but then he seemed really insistent, and I realised he seemed to have suspiciously confident 'patter' - at that point I reckoned probably a scam, I don't think most kids would have that much front going up to strangers and he seemed too good at this. gsv also said afterwards that with a card reader they could take your card and put in any number they liked as well - he'd thought maybe it was genuine and the kids were just being well motivated to fundraise, but when I mentioned the card reader he reckoned I was probably right. Also in a place with lots of tourists and relatively well off people.
Has anyone else had anything like this?
Could make this a general thread for other potential scams people have spotted in town.